How Do You Make a Paintball Gun Stand?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Anybody who’s looking to get into paintball or has already been in paintball can tell you that it can be quite expensive support.

So if you can find ways to alleviate some of the cost by making stuff on your own, it will free up the budget for you to be able to put more money into things like your marker.

One of the things you can make on your own is a paintball gun stand. There are plenty of different options out there, some ranging from materials like PVC to even more intricate ones like metalwork.

Before you decide to make your own DIY paintball gun stand, we want to look at some things you need to consider and give you some tips.


Types of Paintball Stands

There are, of course, different types of stands that you can utilize. From the single shooter to the multiple shooters, there are options that have to do with the number of paintballs that can be held in place while shooting.

There are also different styles when regarding things like sitting, lying down, or even standing.

Each of these types of paintball stands will be a good investment, depending, of course, on your style of play. If this is something designed for malpractice, then a standing option might not be a bad idea.

That’s just one example, and now we’re going to get into some of the more intricate details so that you can understand which model is the best option for you and what materials you’ll need.


What is the Cheapest Stand to Make?

When it comes to your budget, you may be thinking about how to do this DIY project as cheaply as possible. The project’s cost has to do with the size of the paintball stand and the materials used within it. Some kinds of materials that people use are:


  • PVC pipe
  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Wood


Of these materials, the cheapest is either going to be PVC or plastic. However, the wood could be quite inexpensive if you choose the wrong type of wood.

In regards to the size, it’s always gonna be cheaper if you do a smaller one, so if you’re making a single stand as opposed to a multiple paintball gun holding stand, you’ll be able to do it as cheaply as possible.


What Tools Do You Need for it?

Of course, the tools you’ll need will depend on what material you decide to use. But some of the most common will be some sort of saw, a ruler, a marker, the materials you decide to use, and something to put those materials together.

For instance, if you’re choosing to utilize PVC, you’re going to need the following materials:


  • PVC cutting tool
  • Marker
  • tape measure
  • fittings
  • pipes


This is everything you’ll need to create a PVC-based paintball gun stand. Making sure that you have all the tools on hand and a well-crafted plan will ensure that you can execute the project to the best of your ability.


How To Do It Right?

Any DIY is going to benefit from you being patient and taking the time to do all the preparation before getting started. For example, the best way to make a paintball gun stand is to have everything laid out and cut to the appropriate lengths before you start assembling.

If you do this, then you can easily follow your plans and assemble everything neatly and quickly for optimal design. Also, ensuring that you have the best materials and tools to execute the project, given the chosen materials, is vital.


How Can You Make Sure it’s Stable?

When you’re building a paintball gun stand, do you want to ensure that everything is going to be stable, period? After all, you’re partially creating this stand so that you can improve your accuracy and experience going out on the field.

So the best way to ensure that this is stable is to utilize high-quality tools and materials. Along with this, you need to ensure that everything is measured and able to handle the weight of your particular marker.

That means testing it out with the marker you intend to use is a good step in ensuring stability.


Final Thoughts on How Do You Make a Paintball Gun Stand?

Sometimes the mirror edition of an accessory to your paintball kit can mean a completely different on-field experience. Also, if you’re looking to practice, having a stand can be quite helpful. But you also don’t want to spend too much money.

Especially if you’re working on a tight budget, so creating your own can be one way of doing this. Besides that, you get to customize the stand to your needs and not any paintballer’s generic needs, which is a good thing.

How Do You Charge Dye M2?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

The Dye M2 is a very popular option amongst paintballers. This is because it has different amazing features. Amongst these are a better air management system, an improved electronic control system, and a rechargeable battery.

All of this helps improve their performance, but the rechargeable battery may be one of the best things. This is because it allows for a highly efficient and more budget-friendly operation.

Charging the battery is quite simple. It only takes a few steps, and then you can be up and running on the field. The complete process is laid out in the manual but we’re going to take a look at some other information that could be helpful as well as how you charge your Dye M2.

What are Modifying Gel Blasters Good for?

There are a lot of things and reasons that could cause you to want to modify your paintball gun. Though the Dye M2 is pretty amazing performance-wise and look-wise straight from the box, you may still want to adjust things.

The one thing that most will probably overlook modifying is the rechargeable battery system. This system is optimal and works perfectly fine.

The only thing that may be modified when looking at the rechargeable battery system is perhaps using a different battery. The trick is to make sure that it is compatible with the system before investing in it.

Many will want to modify the gun to ensure better control and enhanced performance. Changing things out can do anything from increasing the distance and velocity to more overall durability.


What Do You Need Before You Start?

All you need before you get started when it comes to charging your Dye M2 is the USB cord, a power source, and a little time. The best thing is that the USB cord actually comes with the model, which means there’s no extra money expenditure necessary.

After you’ve gotten all that put together all this is left just to understand the LED light color index when it comes to charging. Here’s a quick look at what the breakdown is:


  • Blue blinking = up to 95% charged
  • Green blinking = between 95% and 99% charged
  • Non-blinking green = fully charged


What is the Best Way to Do it?

Like anything with a technological device, the best way to do it is to follow the battery charging instructions.

Because the M2 uses a rechargeable battery, it will be much easier and last time-consuming than purchasing a new battery. Here are the steps to charging your battery:

  1. You need to access the charging port of the M2. This is under the desk cover labeled USB on the left side of the grip. You want to lift and rotate the cover, so it’s not in your way.
  2. Now you will want to insert your micro USB cable and find a power supply. (The micro USB cable comes with the gun.)
  3. Once that is then, all you have to do is plug the cable into a power supply adapter and then wait.


The battery can also be charged wirelessly if you have the Dye wireless charging base. If you have this, you will have to place the battery with the logo on the right side of the grip and then let it begin charging.


How Long Does it Take?

The good news is that no matter how long it takes, you will have battery power for roughly 100,000 shots. This means that you don’t really have to charge it that often. So you may get multiple plays out of one charge easily.

How long it takes the actual battery to charge depends on how much of the battery has been depleted. If it is almost dead, then you’re probably hours of charge time.


Common Issues that May Happen

Though the system is well crafted, some users have had issues with charging their Dye M2. Many find that it will sit on the charger blinking at about 95% full and never really reach fully charged.

This is not a universal issue, but it is a very common one and can be addressed by trying different chargers. If this doesn’t work, then perhaps it will be time to take it into the shop and see if they can figure out what was going wrong.


Final Thoughts on How Do You Charge Dye M2

The last thing anyone wants is to be out on the field and have their gonna be unable to work. So making sure you have it fully charged when you hit the field is a vital part of the process. So now you understand how to charge you, and we hope you enjoy your time on the field.

Can Gel Blasters Be Modified?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Paintball and other combat sports have many different types of weapons available, and one of those is the gel blaster. Just like with any other marker, you might want to modify your gel blaster for more customizable gameplay and better performance.

Modifying gel blasters is quite simple. You can customize everything from the overall build and look to rail attachments and scopes.

However, no matter which modification you go with, it needs to be geared toward your style of play and what you’re looking to get from your gel blaster.

But that’s the simple answer, so we’re gonna go into a more in-depth one below. So if you’re looking to modify your gel blaster, keep reading; it will help you determine what works for you.

How Should You Do it?

Modifying your gel blaster is the process in which you take the internal parts and elevate them with new, improved versions. This is intended to help improve some aspects of your performance and impact your overall experience on the field.

If you are looking to do this, you’ll need to ensure that you know the model you’re working with very well and then determine which pieces need to be modified to give you the accuracy or performance improvement you’re looking for.

Then all that’s left is for you to purchase the pieces and begin the modification process. But, depending on the type of modification, most of them will not take too long, and you should be up and ready to get out there on the field sooner rather than later.


What are Modifying Gel Blasters Good For?

Modifying your blaster is good for a wealth of different things. This, of course, depends on the modification you choose, but ideally, most people that are looking to customize their gel blasters do it for the following reasons:


  • Reliability – The last thing you want is to be out on the field and have your blaster not work properly. So many of the upgrades and modifications available to gel blasters are intended to help improve reliability.
  • Distance – If you are looking to play the long game, the standard 66-foot distance capability of gel blasters may not be enough.
  • Accuracy – When it comes to combat sports that utilize markers or blasters like we’re talking about, one wants to be as accurate as possible. So it’s not surprising that many of the modifications available
  • Durability – No one wants to have to replace their job plastered over and over again. So sometimes, taking the time to replace parts straight from the box can extend the life of the blaster.


The Top Mods for Gel Blasters

Now that you know why, let’s take a look at some of the top mods for gel blasters and what those modifications did for your job last year.


  • Hop up – This device is the thing in the gel blaster that applies backspin to the projectile. Modifying this aspect of your job last will help improve your accuracy.
  • Spring – Investing in a thicker spring which is used to protect the gel ball, can help increase the power of the shot.
  • O-ring – If you want to reduce the noise and have a better seal, then you would want to replace the O-ring. This will help improve air tightness as well
  • Motor – Looking for more efficiencies in the entire blaster? In other words, to improve reliability, replacing the motor might be a good idea. However, this is one of those modifications you must be super careful with.
  • Tappet – For those who want a little extra range when shooting, installing a stronger tappet could be the right modification for you.
  • Piston – Depending on the gel blaster model, you may find that the pistons within are not composed of durable material. Therefore replacing them with the metal piston could help extend the life of your blaster.
  • Gear set – You want to be able to shoot more rounds per minute. Then you need to modify the gear set.
  • Barrel – Accuracy is the game’s name, so if you want that, you need a smoother surface on the interior of your barrel. That’s why modifying your job last year with a metal barrel might be optimal.


Can You Shoot Ball Bearings Out of a Gel Blaster?

There are many people out there who, when they take on this hobby, look to see if they can utilize this gun in a multitude of different ways. But if you’re wondering if you can shoot ball bearings from your gel blaster, the simple answer is no.

Most user manuals suggest you use nothing other than the gel balls that are intended for the gun. After all, if you try to shoot anything other than that, you could inadvertently damage your blaster.


What Gel Blaster Shoots the Hardest?

The speed of the gel plaster has a lot to do with the power behind the impact. There are a lot of options out there that have a wide range of velocity.

Maybe one of the highest in the models that shoot 11 gel balls a second. These tend to shoot at about 200 feet per second period. This is by far One of the fastest ever.


Final Thoughts on Can Gel Blasters Be Modified?

So yes, you can modify your gel blaster. The trick is determining how you want to do and what you’re looking to do for yourself before you choose your customization. We hope our look at a few modifications has helped you determine just that!

What Size Paintballs Do Fields Use?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

There is more than one type of paintball; the various calibers can be used by players specializing in a specific aspect of the game, i.e., sniper calibers are smaller, so they can fly further and quieter.

Otherwise, the standard-size paint used around the game would be between the calibers of .68 – .691. The most sure-fire way to know what caliber ammunition a field you are going to play at uses is to call and ask, do an online search, or ask someone that has played there.

Even just taking the time to visit the place and ask the pro behind the counter what calibers they have available.

What is the Standard Size of Paintballs?

The ‘standard’ size for painting would be .68 caliber rounds and is widely used by HPA combatants and professionals. This is the most popular ammunition for play; .50 caliber rounds are the second most favorite paint.

The standard for differing rifle-style and handgun marker types differ. For example, specialized smaller caliber rifles can act as sniper rifles, and spray shot paintball Markers can use larger calibers for a more devastating spread.

For the last example, a handgun could use a small caliber to allow for snap-quick firing ability and close-quarter combat.

Ammunition for paintball markers runs between .43 to .68 calibers, generally.


What is the Difference Between .50 Caliber and .68 Caliber paintballs?

The apparent difference is the size, being that .68 is a bigger round than .50 equaling a total of three times the size. This makes the .50 caliber a lower-impact option that will take the sting out of the game for beginners and those less fond of pain and more intent on the game.

The larger .68 caliber round will, in fact, often, leave a friendly reminder that you were shot. In addition, they will leave a nice welt or bruise in the shape of a paintball, which for some these battle scars are boast-worthy and are often compared by players young and old.


Does a Bigger Caliber Mean Better Accuracy?

To be to the point, no; the bigger calibers do not automatically mean that the Marker will be more accurate. The reality is that the smaller calibers, such as the .50-sized rounds, fly more efficiently than the larger rounds and are slightly more accurate.

At long distances, the larger caliber paint will be the better choice because of the higher velocity at which they are launched from the barrel. Therefore, the difference in accuracy is not significant enough at short distances.

.50 caliber rounds have a lower velocity and are, therefore, better suited for beginners, parents, and casual enthusiasts.


Do Bigger Calibers Hurt More?

The larger calibers can hurt through simple visual and personal testing and leave a nice round bruise/welt. Simply put, the larger calibers fly out at higher velocity than their smaller counterparts and strike with a solid smack.

Suppose your party’s general consciousness is to enjoy the paintball game but to stay away from the painful bruising and welts. In that case, a downgrade in caliber is a good idea.

The new trend in paintball is the rise in popularity of .50 caliber paint. In removing the fear and pain element of the game, more people will want to take part in the game.


What does Low-Impact Paintball Mean?

Low impact refers to the lower velocity at impact when a painted round strikes a player after being shot. The popular play option is to use the smaller .50 caliber paint rounds.

In contrast to larger calibers, the low-impact velocity from the smaller paint rounds is less painful; it causes less bruising when a player is shot.

The smaller caliber also means the timid beginner or minors and children now have an option to play the sport without fear of a painful shot.

Remember, the smaller caliber translates into a shorter shooting range for the Marker being shot.


Final Thoughts on What Size Paintballs do Fields Use

There are more than just two sizes of paint rounds on the market, but the most popular currently are .50 and .68 caliber. The larger caliber is better for longer distances and faster paint velocity, resulting in the traditional welt yielding smack.

The smaller .50 caliber paint is perfect for the girlfriend, child in your life, or a hesitant beginner that has avoided paintball combat because of a fear of pain.

The smaller round comes out of the Marker barrel at a slower velocity than larger calibers; each hit will result in less damage and prevent unnecessary bruising or welts.

Should You Wear Cleats For Paintball?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

When most people get into paintball, they automatically go straight to the paintball gun itself as the gear they need. But there are so many other things to consider when creating a customized paintball kit for yourself. One of the things that are often overlooked is footwear.

The footwear you use is going to be crucial to your performance on that battlefield. Sure, you can wear sneakers or even combat boots if that’s what you’re comfortable with.

But not all of those are going to give you the traction and grip you need. That is why cleats are a great option for paintball footwear. But should you wear cleats for paintball? In the end, the answer is personal preference, but there are benefits to including them in your kit.

So let’s take a look at paintball cleats and some important information that might help you make a final decision when it comes to whether they’re the right footwear for you or not.

Man in camouflage pointing a paintball gun up - Should You Wear Cleats For Paintball?

What Are Paintball Cleats?

When it comes to paintball cleats, there are two types that you can choose from. Both, though, are athletic shoes that have cleats built into their souls for paintballers, too, were both on indoor and outdoor fields. Here are the two options you have to choose from:


  • You have the traditional paintball cleat, which is similar to a soccer cleat in that it is designed with interchangeable spikes. This is a great option for those who like to play in different fields and weather conditions.
  • The second option is an athletic sneaker that has cleats built into it. These spikes are not interchangeable and oftentimes only crafted with rubber. So this may offer less traction and customizability. This is the option for individuals that play in one type of place, particularly if they do indoor fields.


Why are Paintball Cleats Better Than Normal Shoes?

You can really wear any type of shoe you want when you’re out on that paintball field, but cleats have some distinct advantages. Maybe the biggest of these is that they are outfitted with those spikes. These are perfect for fast-action battles that you are running consistently.

This is because those cleats dig into the ground and offer improved grip and traction. This is good in a couple of different ways. The first is that the attraction allows you to have better footing, thereby reducing the chances of trips and falls.

Along with this, better footing and grip give you more maneuverability and agility on the battlefield.


What Types of Cleats are Good for Paintball?

Naturally, the best option when it comes to cleats for paintball is paintball cleats. That is because they are specifically designed for the sport in general.

In addition, they are attuned to the fact you will be dealing with multiple different environments, and the movement utilized in paintball is not quite the same as in others.

However, if you don’t want to pay for cleats that are specifically for paintball, there are other options.

Soccer or lacrosse cleats are probably the best alternative when it comes to looking at other forms of cleats to invest in for your paintball gear. They are very similar to the paintball cleats, and that makes them interchangeable.


Where Should You Buy It?

If you’re on the hunt for a paintball pleat, there are multiple different places that you can go in. The first and probably the most popular is online through sites like Amazon. There you’ll have access to a wide range of models of depression dependent on where you are.

But if you’re open to heading out and trying your luck in the sporting goods starters, you can go there as well.

On top of that, as we said, you don’t necessarily have to buy paintball cleats, so truly, any sporting goods store should be able to help you find a good pair of cleats to invest in.


How Much Do These Cost?

The price depends on the brand and the materials used in the construction. You can find paintball places ranging anywhere from $50 up to over $100.

The one you settle on really is dependent on your budget, but not that the price doesn’t necessarily indicate quality. Often those at a higher-end price tag last longer due to the higher quality materials used.


Final Thoughts on Should You Wear Cleats For Paintball

Paintball cleats are not a necessity when you’re looking at filling out your paintball kit.

However, if you’re looking for something to help with better grip and traction so you have more maneuverability on the field, thinking about investing in a good set of clearance is ideal. This is especially true if you play speedball or like versions of paintball.

Planet Eclipse Threads

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

To begin, there are over a dozen different brand paintball manufacturers, each seemingly a unique barrel thread. As for our question, Planet Eclipse equips their paintball guns with an auto-cocker threaded barrel.

The auto-cocker paintball marker was developed in the later eighties to improve pump action models. Eclipse has the Quack 11″ barrel, the S63 Pro Barrel 3-piece kit, Shaft FR Barrel Back – kit Flecktarn, which allows for .677, .681, .685, .689, .693, and more inserts.

These markers allow a player to paint with customized equipment, giving the game and players an outlet for their individuality and creativity.

A paintball gun - Planet Eclipse Threads

Is the Barrel Thread for Planet Eclipse a Common Type?

The Auto-Cocker threading pattern is a popular thread type found on over a dozen models of paintball markers, which makes the thought of purchasing a Planet Eclipse product even more inviting.

As mentioned, the adaptors and custom pieces offered have the inserts to accommodate the paint caliber and tank pressure settings on multiple companies’ markers.

Over a dozen Paintball equipment manufacturers use Auto-Cocker threading, the same as Plant Eclipse products. Other brands that use this type of threading include, but are not limited to:


  • Azodin
  • D3fy
  • Empire
  • Extreme Rage
  • Proto


How to Pick the Right One?

Picking the right one will take a moment and time to think about the type of equipment one has. For instance, if you have a smaller caliber, say a .677 grain paint, you will need a smaller barrel to insert to go with the Back-kit offered by Eclipse.

If you have a long-range shot, you will want to consider a longer barrel to accommodate the distance you will be shooting across.

Similarly, the short-range player will want to fit their Marker with a shorter barrel to maximize agility and maneuverability. Once you find out this information, the fun part begins.


Where Should You Buy it?

There are enough different options to purchase Planet Eclipse equipment, Markers, and gear. Large department stores, like Walmart or Dicks Sporting Goods, will have the items in-store or online, giving the customer the flexibility desired when shopping.

Many online stores also offer Planet Eclipse products; eBay and Amazon are the two biggest that directly sell Markers and barrels to paintball enthusiasts.

In addition, professional Paintball websites provide more than just Planet Eclipse gear; if the customer chooses to, they can purchase the desired items directly from Planet Eclipse on their webpage.


How Much Does it Cost?

Let us start by examining how much it would cost to get started; It will usually cost a player around $300 to $600 to get the paintball marker, facemask, hopper, air tanks, and clothing.

From there, you must purchase the ammunition at $30 for 2000 rounds, and then you start looking at the barrel adaptors and inserts.

After playing a while, a player will learn their strengths and want to capitalize on them, such as a quick or fast person who excels at shorter range combat will want a shorter barrel and the ability to shoot rounds faster.

This contrasts with the long-range shooter who will want to utilize a marker barrel longer than standard.


What Does Auto-cocker / Cocker Mean?

Paintball marker barrels are all designed with a particular thread type, to which pieces and equipment are built to accommodate and attach.

Auto-cocker is an upgraded thread type and barrel that helped usher in the age of semi-auto and automatic markers and is used by many paintball equipment manufacturers, including Planet Eclipse.

The Coliseum would never be the same, nor would the combat sport of Paintball.

Now, a player can lay down suppressing fire to cover the movements of their teammates but also can launch paint at hyper speeds at higher accuracy than before when hitting an opponent becomes even more clutch.


Final thought On Planet Eclipse Threads 

Planet Eclipse is a Paintball manufacturer that produces various pieces, custom parts, and paint equipment to make your Marker uniquely your own.

Not to mention the same products that will help a player capitalize on their best physical and real-world attributes when competing in the Coliseum or on the field.

Again, remember that the most important thing is to have fun with it. Paintball is a combat sport but also a game designed for a good time.

So get your friends together and if you have some spending money, keep in mind that Planet Eclipse offers creative and custom options to fit a player’s needs.

Is Spyder a High-End Brand?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

If you’re interested in paintball and looking at gear and brands to invest in, there is a wealth of opportunity. Inevitably though, one of the brands that you’ve come across is Spyder. This may be one of the most well-known brands when it comes to paintball guns.

But before you spend your hard-earned money on any type of equipment, having a good grasp of the quality and company behind the gear is always a good idea.

Knowing about the company you’re giving your money to can give you peace of mind when it comes to the investment.

With that being said, let’s take a look and see if Spyder is a high-end brand. Honestly. Being a high-end brand doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be the best option on the market. Even still, let us take a deep dive into everything you need to know about Spyder.

Person wearing a black paintball helmet with a paintball gun in hand in the woods - Is Spyder a High-End Brand?

Who Makes Spyder?

In 2014 Kingman Spyder was bought out by the parent company of Empire, BT, and JT- Kee Action Sports. This company decided to do this because of the excellent reputation of Kingman Spyder paintball guns.

Created in 1992 by Arthur Chang, it didn’t take long for the Kingman Spyder line to become one of the most popular amongst paintballers. This popularity gained the attention of the action sports company, which continued the line even after acquiring the company.


Is Spyder Expensive?

Spyder is one of the most well-known brands on the market. It has a wide range of different models to choose from, so there’s just about something for everybody. But, unfortunately, some models are a little more expensive when it comes to the price.

For instance, if you’re looking to invest in a Kingman Spyder Fenix, you may pay almost $500 for a kit.

Of course, that includes other pieces of gear. However, it is quite pricey. On the flip side, if you look at a refurbished remodel like the Spyder Victor semi-auto paintball gun, you might only pay $70.

So the answer is Spyder is expensive. It depends on the model and the package that you would purchase. Most experts would just tell you that Spyder has something for every budget, no matter what that is.


Is Spyder a Good Brand?

Spyder has a well-established and reputable reputation and, because of this, has become one of the best-known and most popular brands across the globe when it comes to paintballs.

It offers a wide range of models, including a classic series for more traditional paintballers and an MR series for those that like a more tactical game. The guns themselves are crafted with high-quality materials, and that’s not where Spyder stops.

Spyder delivers high-end paintball gear as well. Everything is built with a detailed focus on both the durability and performance of their products. Because of this, it is a great brand to invest in, no matter if you’re a newbie on the field or a seasoned vet.


What are the Most Popular Spyder Products?

Spyder makes a wealth of different products when it comes to playing ball, but maybe the most popular is the markers themselves. Of course, the model that you go with depends on the budget and your type of play, but some of the most popular Spyder paintball guns are:


  • MR100 pro semi-auto
  • Victor semi-auto
  • MR6
  • Extra semi-auto
  • Fenix electronic


Where Can You Buy Spyder?

If you’re looking to purchase any of the above models or any other offering from Spyder, you can check out many different places. There are several different online stores which you can purchase your marker from.

If you’re more of an in-person shopper and want to feel the weight and test it out, it’s always great to check out sporting goods stores.

There are even paintball fields that have their little shop where you may be able to purchase one of the Spyder paintball guns. (or even better, rent one out and check and see if you like the feel.)


Final Thoughts on Is Spyder a High-End Brand

With so many different brands to choose from, we can understand why it would be challenging to know what is a high-end offering and what is low-end. However, with Spyder, which you get is something that gives you a little bit of everything.

Some models offer more high-end features and quality, just like there are those that are great for an entry-level paintballer looking to invest as little money as possible to get started.

One thing is for sure, though, Spyder is a well-known brand that creates durable and great-performing products.


Do Paintball Jerseys Have Padding?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

When you’re out on the paintball field, you want to enjoy your time and not have to worry about being in pain. However, there will always be bumps and bruises, some pieces of gear you can utilize to minimize the pain and battle wounds.

These pieces of paintball clothing are crafted to help protect you from just that. There are many different materials, but most of them use a thick layer of padding to increase protection.

So if you’re someone that is looking for more comfortable gameplay investing in a padded jersey might be a great option.

Before you decide to use your hard money on another piece of paintball gear, we thought we could look at discussing some other pertinent information regarding padded paintball jerseys.

Person wearing a paintball jersey holding the helmet on head - do these jerseys have padding?

Why Is Padding Used for?

Padding, like any sport that is more extreme or physical, is used to reduce the risk of injury and protect your skin from the paintball impact itself. These shirts are designed with multiple layers of padding to do just that.

The padding may help with protection, but it also adds weight and layers, which may make you hotter.

But if you’re looking to save your skin a little damage and be able to walk away without feeling like you really have gone through a battle, being in a padded paintball jersey is a smart choice.


Are Padded Jerseys Harder to Put on?

When it comes to putting on your padded paintball jersey, it may cross your mind that it could be more challenging than just slipping on that lightweight, moisture-wicking one that you’ve been using.

Though it might take a little adjustment once you put the jersey on, wearing a pad of jersey is no more different than wearing any other type of shirt.

As we said, you will have to maybe adjust the padding if it slips or moves out of place, but other than that, it’s as simple as putting your arms in the holes and your neck through the big hole and pulling it over the top of your base garment.


What is the Difference Between Jerseys With and Without Padding?

The basic difference between a jersey with and without padding is simply that. A jersey with padding will have a thicker layer of protection in specific areas. Particularly in places like the arms and the chest.

Oftentimes it is crafted with moisture-wicking materials and maybe a little bulkier than a standard jersey. The jersey without padding will be just a jersey with a thin layer of moisture-wicking material.

The jersey without padding would be better for those looking for a more flexible and lightweight option. However, it does offer less protection, so the decision on what to choose is up to you.


How Much Do Padded Jerseys Cost?

One of the biggest things about investing in paintball gear is that it can get quite pricey. So understanding where your money is going is vital, and that includes when you’re looking to invest in a padded jersey.

Like anything else, the cost depends on not only the brand but the material used in crafting the jersey. You can find jerseys with a price tag as low as $15 just as easily as you can find jerseys with a price tag of $90.00.

Often the ones that are higher priced offer more protection and better materials, so they last longer. So it might be an investment that you look to spend a little extra on for extended use.


Where Can You Buy Padded Jerseys?

If you’ve decided that it’s time to buy a padded jersey for your paintball excursions, there are several places to purchase them. Of course, you can always head online and check out sites like Amazon and other online stores.

You can also check out brick-and-mortar shops that sell sports gear. There are many different types of jerseys, so you need to make sure that what you’re looking at is a padded paintball jersey and not one for another sport.


Final Thoughts on Do Paintball Jerseys Have Padding

Having the right gear when you head out onto the field is essential. Everything from the marker you use to the clothes you put on can change the experience you have.

If you are looking for more protection in one year in the midst of battle, then a padded jersey could be a good idea. This will protect your skin from any unwanted damage and potentially extend your game because you won’t be bruised and battered halfway through.

Does Delta Force Paintball Hurt?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

The thrill of paintball is in strategy and the camaraderie that comes with enjoying a good game. But even with all that, there may be some questions about pain when it comes to the ball field.

The level of pain depends on the weapon of choice and the caliber of the paintball.

So when looking at the Delta Force paintball gun, you have to take a look at both of those too.

Delta force paintball tends to use a 68 caliber paintball. Which, of course, are standard, but the paintball itself is not the only thing to look at when it comes to the pain.

So let’s take a look at everything we need to know to figure out if the Delta Force paintball hurts. Or, in general, any paintball gun!

People wearing paintball gears behind a big wooden fence - Does Delta Force Paintball Hurt?

What is the Pain of a Paintball Equivalent To?

Much like with everything in life, the pain level is an individual thing. No matter how high your threshold for pain is, though, there will be some level of it.

When asked, those who have been out on the paintball field often say that the paintball itself just feels like someone is flicking them in that spot. Of course, that depends on how much velocity is behind the bullet and how far it has to go to get to the body itself.

When looking at the pain level, you have to know you are going to experience some. However, there won’t be any major injuries. You may go home with a few bumps and bruises, but you’ll also go home with a ton of great memories to share from the battlefield.


How to Avoid Getting Hurt?

There inevitably are going to be some bruises and bumps that come along with enjoying your time out on the field. That being said, there are ways that you can reduce the pain or avoid it altogether.

Here are some of the best ways to avoid getting hurt on the paintball field:


  • Layering – One of the best options is to layer your clothing to avoid or reduce the pain. You have to be strategic in the choice; you want to make sure you are wearing long sleeve shirts and pants and multiple layers of those.


The thicker the layer, the less pain you will feel when the paintball impacts your body.


  • Body armor – If you have the money to invest in high-quality gear, then one of the things we suggest you check out is body armor and gloves.


This is especially true if you are worried about getting hurt, as these are often crafted with materials that can absorb the impact and leave you bruised and bump-free.


  • Camo – One way to avoid getting hurt is to avoid getting shot altogether. So when looking at these clothes and body armor options, you may want to find ones that allow you to camouflage yourself better. By being able to hide, you can reduce the risk of even being impacted by the paintball.


Is it Common to Have Bruises after Delta Force Paintball?

Anytime a foreign object impacts your body at a high velocity, you’re going to wind up with bruises and bumps. So yes, it is very common for you to walk away from that paintball field exhilarated but a little black and blue.

Of course, as we said, there are some tactics you can use to alleviate some of the chances of walking away with too many bruises. But there is nothing that’s going to be 100% perfect, and inevitably you’ll have to deal with a few bruises.


Can You Get Serious Injuries from Delta Force Paintball?

Paintball is an extreme sport. Though there are many tactics you can take to reduce the risk of injuries, and most often, the biggest danger is walking away with a big old bruise, serious injuries could potentially happen.

Most of these will happen when you have not taken the necessary precautions or are not wearing the right protective gear.

The risk of serious injury is very limited, but if a stray paintball hits you in the wrong place and you don’t have the right protection, it could be the end of the game for you.


Does it Get Easier the More You Play?

Doing something over and over again often makes it quite easy to execute. The same can be said for heading out on the paintball field.

Though you may never get used to the sting and feel of the paintball impacting your flesh, it will become something you are accustomed to. So though it’s not technically getting easier, it will become something you’re familiar with, and that could, in turn, elicit less reaction.


Final Thoughts on Does Delta Force Paintball Hurt

The truth is it doesn’t matter what paintball gun or the paintball itself is being used. There is a certain level of pain that comes with this sport. Though it is not severe, it is still present, and you have to be aware of that before you step out on the field.

Filling a Paintball Tank with an Air Compressor

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Home air compressors do not have the same PSI capabilities as the professional equipment designed for paintballing, which are easily found at local paintball fields.

Most standard air compressors for the home will top out at 200 PSI, while a paintball gun tank will need around one thousand PSI from the compressor to get a complete fill.

For height velocity professional paintball guns, the tanks require the highest PSI levels possible at four thousand and five hundred Pounds Per Square inch, or more for some designs.

A car tire pump can effectively fill an HPA, High-Pressure Air, but carbon dioxide tanks also need different equipment.

Person holding an air compressor - Filling a Paintball Tank with one.

What type of Air Compressor do you need?

When refilling a tank for paintballing, a homeowner or workshop owner will have to purchase a High-Pressure Air compressor. The same level or higher as the tire pumps used in professional car garages, carpentry workshops, and the local paintball fields.

Otherwise, to get the highest quality refill, one must purchase four thousand five hundred PSI-capable air compressors. Below is a quick list of five available paintball quality compressors:


  • GX CS2 and CS3 PCP – Best Paintball air compressors on the market
  • Orion Motor Tech – four thousand five hundred PSI compressor
  • Yong Heng – High-Pressure air compressor
  • Spiritech – HPA and paintball gun air compressor
  • Smarketbuy – three thousand PSI air compressor


Where Should You Buy it?

The best place to procure an air compressor would be from a story; go to where the experts are and where the professionals go.

This method of shopping and purchasing a paintball gun air compressor will guarantee the highest quality and most detailed information needed to make intelligent decisions.

Online stores will have paintball equipment for sale if in-person storefront shopping is not an option. In addition, major online department stores such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and will have competitively priced options for air compressors.

A current top-of-the-line option would be the Coltri MCH6 paintball air compressor, built in Italy.


Which Air Compressors won’t work?


Low-pressure air compressors will not work when refilling paintball tanks. However, most at-home air compressors for filling bike tires or sporting equipment will have two hundred PSI capabilities.

That level of pressure will not fill a paintball tank completely. Standard portable nail gun compressors come with a max of one hundred and sixty-five PSI.

Small bike tire air compressors, sporting ball pumps, or even car tire plug-in air compressors do not create enough pressure for higher-end equipment.

Even commercial and industrial grade compressors at one thousand PSI will not be enough for professional grade paintball tanks.


How Long Does it Take to Set up?

Refilling them with the proper equipment takes only seconds, depending on your paintball gun tank size. What takes time is filling the compressor with compressed air.

The setup will take around fifteen to thirty minutes max; the exact time depends on the size of the compressor and the system’s complexity.

Remember, empty the air compressor after you have finished using it as part of regular maintenance, which will prolong your equipment’s life.


How Long Does it Take to Fill a Paintball Tank?

Filling a paintball tank does vary since it depends on the size of your tank. Filling a tank will take a few minutes at least, but it can take up to a half an hour, since the process is different for every paintball tank.


Final Thoughts on Filling a Paintball Tank with an Air Compressor

It comes down to either going to the right place or having the right equipment to fill the tanks of a paintball gun. There is no substitute for plus four thousand PSI compressors to ensure the tank is served completely.

Local fields and most sporting goods stores will have the right tools to fill multiple tanks at a reasonable price; lower-level equipment, car tire stores, and commercial or industrial compressors will fit the bill.

Remember that most hand pumps or plug-in air pumps are not strong enough for most types of paintball gun air tanks.
