How Far Will A Paintball Gun Shoot?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Understanding how far your paintball gun will shoot can be vitally important to your success on the paintball field. This can be for many different reasons.

For instance, maybe you’re actually not playing on a field but close to your house, and you want to make sure that no paint is going to find its way onto the walls of your home.

Or maybe you just want to know how far away you can be when it comes to taking out your enemies on that field.

Most average guns will give you a range of 100 feet. Further than that and your paintball won’t break when it hits, but even with that being said, there are ways that you can adjust the distance capability of your paintball gun.

Even still, it’s good to understand how far a paintball gun will shoot. So we’re going to take a look at that now.

Woman wearing a blue helmet shooting with a paintball gun - How Far Will A Paintball Gun Shoot?

Which Paintball Gun Shoots Farthest?

From the paintball itself to the pressure of air in the model of paintball gun you’re working with, all play a factor in how far they go.

That being said, overall, when looking at finding the paintball gun that shoots the farthest, you really pay attention to the caliber of the gun you are utilizing.

For a paintball gun that shoots the farthest, you should check out any model with a .68 caliber. This caliber paintball tends to give you better distance and velocity than smaller calibers.

So if you want the furthest reach, you should pay attention to the caliber of the paintball.


Does Being Hit with a Gel Blaster Hurt More?

There are many different types of projectiles you can use in paintball. One of those that you may be looking at is gel blasters.

It is a different form of gun that uses a pellet that has been soaked in water. They’re similar to a paintball gun but are more user-friendly and less painful.

Of course, they may sting a little bit upon impact, but most liken the feeling to that of being snapped with a rubber band. Unlike a paintball, the pain that comes with a gel blaster is very light and very quick.


Can You Make it Go Even Further?

Though you don’t want to make the paintball gun range capability too far as too far could mean that the paintball will not break upon impact.

You still may want to get a little more range out of your weapon. There are a couple of ways that you can take the stock distance capability and enhance it:

  • One way to do this is to use a backspin barrel. This can be done through customization or simply by buying a paintball gun that already has one in stock.


Basically, this pushes air downwards and lifts the ball upwards, creating a backspin that improves distance.


  • The second way to give your paintball a little boost when it comes to the distance capability is to increase velocity. Most paintball guns are outfitted with a velocity adjuster somewhere on the model.


This is a system that adjusts the hammer spring tension that controls the airflow. With more air, you will get a boost in your velocity, and this will allow the paintball to go further.


Do Smaller Gels Go Faster?

When looking at utilizing your paintball gun, there are two main options when it comes to the projectile shot from them- paintballs or gels. Paintballs are typically the most common choice, but some choose gels and may wonder about their speed and capabilities.

Smaller gels may be propelled faster and further because of their size. The less weight behind them, the further and faster the air is going to push the gels out. So yes, smaller gels will go faster.


What is the Most Powerful Paintball Gun?

There are a lot of great models out there that have a nice powerful shot when it comes to paintball. However, to determine the power level of those paintball guns, you have to look at a few things. Here are the things that are going to affect the power of your pain:


  • Loading mechanism- Most paintball guns will either be fed by a hopper or a magazine. The hopper is going to give you access to more paintballs and may well have more power behind the feeding process into the gun.
  • Materials – One way to get a little more power out of your weather is like higher quality materials. These may increase the weight and feel of the gun, but in the And, it will help.
  • Mounting Accessories – Lastly, you want to look at the mounting rail. Also, considering adding in things like scopes can improve many assets your paintball gun has.


All of this is to be said that though a gun may have a good power level upon immediate purchase, you can always customize it to make that power more.


Final Thoughts on How Far Will a Paintball Gun Shoot

When considering how far a paintball gun will shoot, you have to pay attention to two considerations: the distance capability of the gun itself and the velocity. Typically most standard paintball guns can range in the distance from 100 feet up to 300 feet.

But as the distance goes further, you’ll need more velocity for the paintball to explode upon impact.

Being able to shoot long distances allows for different types of paintball gameplay to be available to you. In addition, knowing the distance capability will allow you to find the paintball gun that matches your playing style.

How Fast Does A Tippmann 98 Custom Shoot?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

The Tippmann 98 Custom may well be one of the most iconic paintball guns out there. It is very popular amongst paintballers because it is reliable and durable. Along with that, though, comes its semi-automatic design that allows for its firing rate of 8 BPS.

Knowing how fast the Tippmann 98 Custom shoots is just one aspect of understanding why this gun is so very popular. So let’s dive deep into everything you want to know about the Tippmann 98 Custom, as well as a few things about the speed of your paintball gun.

Blonde person wearing camouflage shooting with a paintball - How Fast Does A Tippmann 98 Custom Shoot?

What Type of Gun is This?

This paintball gun is an upgraded version with extra accessories from the standard Tippmann 98 marker. The upgrades and accessories that have been added to the already amazing design give it extra reliability and durability.

Not only is this gun perfect for beginners, but it is something seasoned veterans of the paintball field love to invest in as well.

When it comes to the overall design of the gun itself, it is a semi-automatic paintball gun that uses a compressed air cartridge to optimize the speed of the bullet.


Can You Speed Up Your Gun?

Like with any paintball gun, an adjuster built into the Tippmann can allow you to change the bullet’s velocity. This model is just below and closes to the last ‘N’ in the Tippmann branding.

To change the velocity, you’ll need a chronograph and a hex wrench.

Be careful when doing this. You’re going to want to screw the adjuster counterclockwise and out a bit. Because you move this piece, more gas will be expelled when the trigger is pulled, and that will increase the velocity.


How Can You Reduce Velocity?

Maybe you’re someone who is not looking for a high-firing paintball gun. Instead, you are a paintballer who likes the more slow and methodical style of play. That may mean you want to reduce the velocity.

Maybe you’re also just starting, and you’re not able to handle the high speed yet. In order to reduce the velocity on this paintball gun and any other, it is the complete opposite of what you would do to speed it up.

In other words, you’re going to find the velocity adjuster, and then you’re going to turn it clockwise. This will reduce the amount of gas that is released when the trigger is pulled, and that will slow down the paintball.


Is This Gun Worth the Money?

The key to deciding whether a paintball gun is worth the money or not is to not only look at the performance but the ability for it to be customized.

The great thing about this model is that it offers a ton of customization options and is designed with high-quality materials for better durability.

It’s also easy to use, and in regards to the speed, it has great velocity capability. So when asked, most paintballer experts are going to tell you that this gun is more than worth the money.

No matter how much you put it through, it lasts a long time, and as long as you keep the maintenance up, the performance will also stay at its peak.


How Fast Does a Paintball Go in MPH?

When looking at the velocity, it’s important to understand how fast the paintball is actually going. This is not only so that you understand the distance it can go but also the impact it will have. Most average paintball guns go about 280 FPS.

When looking at the average FPS, that equates to 190 mph. But that doesn’t mean it’s the fastest a paintball gun can go. Some models go all the way up to over 200 mph.

Some of the guns will have a range of velocity and be able to be adjusted with the velocity adjuster we talked about above. This will give them a wider range of impact capability on the field.


Final Thoughts on How Fast Does A Tippmann 98 Custom Shoot

With a semi-automatic design, the Tippmann 98 Custom has a firing rate of 8 BPS, giving it a shooting distance of 150 feet.

But, of course, that firing rate can be adjusted, making this model a great option for just about anybody. That, coupled with the customization and durability, means that this is a good investment.

How Many Bullets Are In A Paintball Game?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

For those that are new to paintball, one of the questions that might be asked is exactly how many paintball bullets can a paintball gun hold. When it comes to this, you have to look at the hopper size.


On top of dealing with the hopper size, you also have to consider the type of paintball gun you’re utilizing. So for those that are using paintball pistols, you may find that you have only a capacity of 10 paintballs. For larger guns, it can go all the way up to 200 rounds.


Now that we’ve answered that question! Let’s take a look at some other questions that you may have about paintball bullets.

Man peaking with a paintball gun in hand - How Many Bullets Are In A Paintball Game?


How Many Bullets Can You Shoot at Once?

Just like with a real gun, paintball guns can only shoot one bullet at a time. The difference is that they shoot them at such a rapid pace that it seems like they are shooting more than one bullet at a time.


So when it comes to this question, we need to look at the bullets per second ratio. This metric really depends on the gun you’re using. It can range anywhere from five shots all the way up to 30 or more shots per second.


The bullet per second is not the only factor that plays into how many bullets you can shoot at once. The paintballer’s finger capabilities also are important.


Oftentimes, if a gun can shoot 30-plus bullets per second, the paintballer can only handle 10-12 bullets per second because of their finger strength.


Do Better Paintball Guns Fit More Bullets?

Paintballing can be quite expensive, so when looking for more firepower, you might think it is best to go for the most expensive option. But, unfortunately, this would be a mistake!


Just because a gun is more expensive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to hold more bullets. Once again, the number of bullets a gun can hold really depends on the hopper or pod that is attached to the weapon.


All you will get with a more expensive paintball gun is more features and perhaps better durability due to the higher quality material used. The price tag will not affect the number of bullets you will have at your disposal.


Which Paintball Gun Shoots the Most Bullets per Minute?

There are a lot of great paintball guns out there that have high FPS. To understand this, you must first know the different paintball guns available. Here are the three main types of paintball guns:


  • Pump
  • Mechanically operated
  • Electropneumatic


The pump is activated by a pump action done by the paintballer, mechanical ones are operated through mechanical means, and electro-pneumatic utilizes electric and a pneumatic system for firing.


When it comes to these three options, the electro-pneumatic has a quicker firing rate. However, it is also the more expensive option. But if you’re looking to play speedball, this is the best choice for you. Just be prepared to have a lot of maintenance.


Do all Paintball Guns Use the Same Ammo?

No! Like with real guns, paintball guns have a range of different types of ammo that are used, depending on the size and type of gun you have opted to purchase.


When it comes to the most common calibers, you’re looking at between .43 and .71. However, a wide range of calibers available may be the most common is the .68 caliber variation.


How Can You Know What Kind of Paintball Gun You Have?

As we said above, there are three types of paintball guns available. You have the pump action, the mechanical, or the electro-pneumatic.


Understanding which one you have is vital to know what type of paintballer you can be and your experience. Here’s how you can tell which model you have:


  • For the pump action style, it will, of course, have a pump feature somewhere in the gun design.
  • If you’re wondering whether you have a mechanical option, the best way to determine that is to pull the trigger (when not loaded). It is most likely a mechanical paintball gun if it has a strong pull.
  • If your gun is very light and you hear a little click when you pull the trigger, then you are working with an electric option.


Final Thoughts on How Many Bullets Are In A Paintball Game

So the answer to how many paintball bullets a paintball gun can hold is not about the gun itself. Rather when looking at this question, you have to look at the size of the hopper or pod attached to it.


What is affected by the paintball gun itself is how fast those paintball rounds can be fired.

Understanding this and the fact that the price tag attached to it has nothing to do with the quality of the firing capability of the gun is important.


We hope that we have answered all your questions so that you can get out on that field and enjoy a little fun.


How Many Paintballs Should I Buy?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

The truth about paintball competitions, combat games, and other forms of play is you can never have too many buckets of ball refills.

Therefore, if the game becomes intense or there is a need for overtime or a tiebreaker, there will be enough balls present at the game to fill the hopes of all combatants.To answer the question, take account of the participants and purchase ammunition accordingly.

If this becomes a burden, another avenue a person could take would be to go to a local paintball field and have experts set you and your party up for the event.

When it comes to kids, buy as many paintballs as you are willing to supervise.

Some paintballs in a palm - How Many Paintballs Should I Buy?

How Much Do Adults Need per hour?

Let us take a moment to consider what sort of face-off, combat situation, or shootout the group is getting into and the required amounts needed for strategies such as suppressing fire.

Adults are usually more conservative with their ammo than trigger-happy amateurs or younger players. When designing the field, consider using an ammo cache for teams to battle over.

This will create movement in the area and create a less stagnate shoutout or combat experience. According to multiple sources, a paintball-playing adult will go through two hundred rounds per hour, give or take a hundred, depending on the game style.


How Much Do Juniors/Teenagers Need per hour?

Younger children and teenagers are a whole different story; they have energy levels rivaling the energizer bunny. Of course, some intense younger people have happy trigger fingers, but there are also more strategic-minded youngsters.

According to other parents who have held paintball-themed birthday parties, four hundred rounds kept the game exciting but also had a time limit. But, of course, as with any party, there must be limits, plus there needs to be time for cake and presents.

Keep in mind the more players there are, and the more paintballs are needed to keep the game going. So take estimates with a grain of salt.


What is the Minimum you Need?

Single-shot games can be played with less than one hundred paintballs for each, so players will not need much ammunition. However, you will need to have a giant bucket of balls to have a height shot count match or higher numbers of players.

Most hoppers can be halfway between two hundred to three hundred paintballs at one time; some professionals recall having two “clips” or reloading two hundred rounds.

Another source states that at least two hundred bands are required for a two-hour match, plus one hundred for combat games requiring suppressing fire.


Is Five Hundred Enough to Begin with?

To begin, five hundred paintballs should be enough for one person to have a full day of play; if you have a large group of beginners, you may need to consider the number of players when purchasing the day’s bucket.

Think two hundred and fifty per player; for instance, a five v five match will require a minimum of one thousand to around two thousand rounds for two hours of continuous play.

Therefore, with more significant numbers of people, no five hundred is not enough to begin with. Simple math or a BYOB, bring your own balls; the policy will make sure there are enough paintballs.


How Many Cases are Needed for Five Hundred Balls?

Cases in various sizes, also called packs, buckets, and bags of balls, come in generic numbers of five hundred, one thousand, and two thousand rounds.

Simple as purchasing a bucket of five hundred for each individual player should cover them in most combat matches; as a note for the reader, most standard cases come with four bags or five hundred rounds.

From one paintball combat expert, there are three primary forms of matches when players face off. Here is a simple list of the three levels of competition:


  • Milsim
  • Competitive
  • Casual


Final Thoughts on How many Paintballs Should You Buy

On average, paintball combat games need up to two hundred rounds per player per hour of competition. Most standard packages of two thousand rounds have a breakdown of four bags of five hundred rounds, which covers four to five players.

Preparing for younger players at a local field is as simple as getting them there and working with the local pros to provide the equipment needed for play.

When holding an event at home or a separate location, keep in mind the amount of time planned for and keep track of the amount of ammo available for play.

How Much Does It Cost to Refill A Paintball CO2 Tank?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

A paintball is expelled through the barrel thanks to Co2 gas or air release. That means that one of your paintball kit’s key aspects must be a good supply of Co2 or compressed air tanks.

But you don’t want to buy a new one every time you use it, which is great because these tanks can be refilled quite easily.

Just like with everything else, you want to ensure that you understand the cost behind that. Most of the time, you’re going to look at about $3 to $6 for every thousand PSI when it comes to Co2. But that’s not a hard and fast rule, so let’s dive deeper into this question.

Person with a paintball gun wearing a helmet with stormtrooper print on it - How Much Does It Cost to Refill A Paintball CO2 Tank?

Does the Price Vary?

In the end, the price to fill a tank up completely depends on the size of the tank as well as the location you’re filling it up at. So the prices will vary from place to place. So you may want to shop around for the best deal.

There are a ton of places where you can do this. So taking the time to do your research and find the price that fits your budget is key.

After all, if you’re going to be serious about getting out on the field, you’re going to want to make sure that you save as much as possible in the places you can. Unfortunately, some paintball gear can be quite pricey!


What is the Average Price?

The average price, of course, will depend on where you’re getting your tanks filled. But on average, you’re looking at around $5 to refill your Co2 tank in the US.

Maybe one of the best places to look to fill your tank is the paintball field or a designated store selling paintball gear. Of course, there are plenty of other places you can find fill-up stations, but these may be the ones that have the most friendly prices.


Which Paintball Guns Cost the Most to Refill?

Any paintball gun that utilizes a Co2 tank will be more costly to fill than something that uses an HPA fill. This is because HPA uses compressed air instead of compressed gas. So it makes sense that the compressed air would be cheaper.

Also, look at paintball guns, and then you have to look at the size of the tank itself. It’s naturally not surprising that a gun with a larger tank will take more money to fill.


Which Store is the Cheapest to Refill a Gun?

Most sports stores or places that have sporting goods sections will have some way to fill up your tank. But just because the service is available doesn’t mean it’s the right place to get it done.

Most seasoned paintballers will suggest you fill up at a designated paintball store or the paintball field itself. There, you’re going to get the lowest prices, particularly at the paintball field itself.

So if you have the capability of waiting until you get to the paintball field, we highly suggest that. If not, shop around to the many different sporting goods stores and even check out your local home improvement stores because you may find you can get them filled there as well.


Paintball Guns That Are the Cheapest to Refill

If you’re trying to move the money around in your paintball budget and want to ensure you have more money for things like accessories and customizations of the gun itself, you will want to find the cheapest place to refill.

But you can also look at the gun itself to ensure you’re choosing one that has the lowest refill cost. Oftentimes these are the ones with the smaller Co2 tanks and those with features that optimize the airflow.

Most likely, you’re going to want to look at mechanical or electronic options as this addresses airflow features better than the pump action models.


Final Thoughts on How Much Does It Cost to Refill a Paintball Co2 Tank

You’re always going to have more fun on the field if you are relaxed and worry-free. So understanding the costs that go into your new hobby can help you out and improve your game.

That means understanding everything from the gear cost to the upkeep and maintenance that goes along with the sport.

One of the aspects of this is refilling your air source. So we hope that by looking at the cost of refilling your paintball gun’s Co2 tank, we’ve helped with that.

Is the Dye M2 Good?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran on the paintball field or someone just getting into the sport, the very first thing you have to consider is your weapon. There are a lot of great options out there, and among the many contenders may just be the Dye M2.

Before you spend your hard-earned money, though, you may want to take a look at all the features and some information about the paintball gun. So let’s take a quick look and see if the Dye M2 is good.

Person peaking with paintball gun in hand - Is the Dye M2 Good?

What Are Its Best Features?

To make sure that your money is going to something, you’re going to get the biggest bang for that buck. You need to dive deeply into this paintball gun’s best features. There are several and here are just a few:


  • Better accuracy – Better accuracy comes from the close spool fuse bolt design. This allows the gun to operate at a low PSI, which optimizes airflow. This, in turn, improves accuracy and reduces recoil.
  • Electronic control system – The electronic control system includes improved service systems, better operational controls, internal pressure sensors, and a MOS, which is outstanding.
  • Rechargeable battery – Having a system that utilizes rechargeable batteries makes this a highly efficient and more budget-friendly option.
  • Five-control joystick – It is outfitted with a control joystick that makes it easy to operate no matter your experience level and gives you optimal control.
  • Gas through grip frame – This gas through grip frame design allows for better control and flexibility when it comes to difficult situations on the field.


Does It Have a Good Shot Quality?

Several built-in features allow for better shot quality. The gun itself has improved accuracy thanks to the close spool fuse bolt design. The ability to operate at lower PSI gives you more accuracy and, therefore, better-shot quality.

On top of that, the overall design is ergonomic and utilizes high-quality materials, which makes it much more comfortable to handle, and that inevitably improves your shot quality as well.

The final piece of the puzzle is the gas through the grip frame and the internal pressure sensors. These are intended to help the gun be easy to use.


How Do You Charge Dye M2?

One of the best things about this gun is that it uses rechargeable batteries, but that means you have to understand how to charge your Dye M2. However, unlike other options, it is quite simple.

The paintball marker utilizes a micro USB cable and port to charge. The cable itself comes with the paintball gun. So once you need to charge, you must hook up your USB cable to the charging port on the gun and plug the other end into a power supply.


How Do You Update Dye M2?

Because it utilizes software to calibrate and run its internal systems, there is going to be a time when there needs to be system updates. So periodically, the company itself uploads these updates to its website to fix bugs and add new features.

Of course, don’t go to the main website of Dye itself, you need to go to the Dye M2 website, and there you will be able to find any new updates.

Once you navigate the website, you’ll have to ensure that your paintball is hooked up to the computer, and you can do that by utilizing a USB cord. Then hit upload, and this should update your paintball systems.


Is Dye M2 a Popular Choice?

Over the past decade or so, the Dye M2 has been developed and re-engineered to ensure that it has a lightweight design and excellent performance.

This paintball gun is more than just a pretty face, though; it is packed with tons of excellent electronic features that optimize your gameplay. With all this comes the significant ability to customize and adjust the gun to meet your needs.

This is why many people opt to utilize it. That, coupled with the rechargeable battery and the high accuracy, means that this gun can be used for just about any paintball battle you’re getting into.


Final Thoughts on the Dye M2

The Dye M2 is a very good paintball gun. With all the extra features, it is a little more difficult to navigate if you’re a novice, but still a highly intelligent selection if you’re looking for optimal gameplay.

This could be an awesome choice for veteran paintballers out there looking for a new gun. Its accuracy and ease of use give it a wide range of options when it comes to situations and gameplay.

What Does a Freak Barrel Do?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

When you’re getting into paintball, you want to ensure that you understand everything about your paintball gun and potential customization. One of the systems that you may be unfamiliar with is the freak barrel.

A freak barrel is a system that helps the paintballer increase the number of shots per fill-up and the paintballer’s accuracy.

But, again, this is something that can be utilized on any type of paintball gun. So a clear understanding of it might help you decide if it’s the right customization.

Person wearing helmet and a paintball gun in hand holding hands up - What Does a Freak Barrel Do?

What is a Freak Barrel?

Basically, a freak barrel system allows you to have more shot capability and accuracy. This is done by matching your paintballs to the gun itself. Doing this wastes less air when firing the paintballs from your gun.

It is a customization that allows you to adjust your regulator pressure or your velocity screw, changing the friction between your marker and the paint.

These inserts you will put into your barrel help adjust the bore to ensure it’s not too loose or too tight. A barrel with only a slight gap reduces friction and optimizes air usage.


How Do You Use It?

A freak barrel works by adjusting the size of the barrel to match the paintballs used by the player.

Most freak barrel systems will come with multiple different inserts so that the paintballer can maximize their efficiency depending on the paintball they’re using at the current moment.

To decide which barrel insert you should use, you must fit one of your paintballs into the barrel. If you do this and it falls through, then it is too big.

When choosing this type of system, you’re looking for the ball to fit into the barrel and almost get a little stuck when doing so.


What Are the Advantages of It?

Many benefits come from utilizing a freak barrel system. From the more efficient use of air which should allow for better control of the shot, to the reduced friction, which permits for a longer shot, a freak barrel is a great addition to any paintball gun.

You just have to pay attention to a few things:


  • barrel type
  • length and width
  • the weight
  • material
  • price


Once you have considered all those you’ll be able to find the perfect freak barrel for your paintball gun and take advantage of all the benefits that that choice brings with it.


Where Can You Buy It?

Because they were a very common customization accessory for paintballers, you can find them anywhere they sell paintball gear.

This means that whether you choose to go to a brick-and-mortar store or surf the net and do a little online shopping, you should be able to find a high-quality option.

Since they’re so readily available, we wanted to also give you a quick insight into things you should look at when choosing your freak barrel:


  • You’ll want to pay attention to the materials used in the system. You want the highest quality but also something that’s not going to add much weight to your gun.
  • You also need to consider the length of your barrel, as that will play a part in the model of the freak barrel you choose.
  • Lastly, you need to pay attention to the bore’s diameter. The idea of a freak barrel is to match the bore of your gun with your paintball, and not knowing the bore diameter of the gun will inevitably cause you to make the wrong choice.


Is It Worth Getting?

When it comes to the question of whether investing your hard-earned money in a freak barrel is worth it, the answer depends on what you’re looking for. Investing in it may be a great idea if you’re looking to increase your accuracy.

Being able to match the bore to your paintball will approve accuracy. However, if you’re on the field looking for a more precise targeting capability, that is well worth its money.


Final Thoughts on What Does a Freak Barrel Do

A freak barrel system is an accessory and customization to your paintball gun that will allow you to match the bore of your barrel with the size of your paintball.

The reduced space between the barrel and the ball decreases friction and helps you utilize your air more efficiently. This, in turn, will help with your accuracy, and if that is something you’re looking for, then a freak barrel may be just the thing for you.

Who Owns Jt Paintball?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Kee Action Sports now own JT Paintball. It was initially sold to Brass Eagle Inc. around 2000. JT Paintball, technically JT Racing, was the inventor of the original paintball mask.

It was purchased around 2000 by Brass Eagle Inc., which was, in turn, bought out in 2010.

Today, JT Paintball is still manufacturing paintball equipment for all types of paintball players as a division of Kee Action Sports.

Below, we will look at how they got their start, what impact JT had on the paintball industry, and whether or not the products have stood the test of time.

Man wearing gloves and helmet pointing a gun at a target - Who Owns Jt Paintball?

When Was JT Paintball Founded?

JT Paintball was founded under the name JT Racing in 1969. JT Racing was originally a motocross equipment company, and they eventually branched out into making affordable, durable paintball gear.

The equipment created by JT Racing included masks, goggles, pants, jerseys, and eventually markers.

Brass Eagle Inc. bought out JT USA in the early 2000s. In 2010-2011, Kee Actions Sport dominated the paintball industry by buying out many existing paintball brands, including JT USA and Brass Eagle Inc.


For How Long Were They Operating Before Being Sold?

JT Racing was in operation for over 30 years before Brass Eagle Inc. bought JT Paintball/JT USA in the early 2000s.

Brass Eagle Inc. was a leading paintball equipment and gear manufacturer. They offer a wide variety of equipment and gear that is high-quality and affordable. The goal of joining these two companies was to produce paintball equipment under both names.

After just ten years of operation, Kee Action Sports bought up JT Paintball, Brass Eagles Inc., WGP, and ViewLoader from Jarden. This purchase rocketed them into the spot as the leader in the paintball industry.


Are They Still Selling Products Under the Same Name?

JT Paintball is currently operating under a division of Kee Action Sports and continues to produce equipment under the JT brand name. True to its history, the brand retains the high-quality, low-cost model for producing its equipment.

JT Paintball is still a strong brand name in most paintball equipment suppliers. Today, all services and repairs for JT equipment go through the warranty and repair division of Kee Action Sports.


Has the Quality of Their Products Improved?

JT Paintball has always focused on being an innovative brand, which led to the development of the paintball mask. In recent years, the company has been focusing on expanding its scope of products to provide a more well-rounded arsenal of paintball gear.

Now, you can find JT equipment that is top-of-the-line, high-end gear with a price tag to match. But, by the same token, JT also specializes in producing easy-to-use, affordable paintball markers for beginners.


Should You Still Buy it?

The short answer is yes. JT Paintball has been through a number of buyouts, but it seems to have improved the products rather than reduced the quality. JT USA is an excellent option if you are looking for a paintball marker, mask, or other gear.

Especially now that there is a division of Kee Action Sport devoted to warranties and repairs, the brand is much more reliable, and the equipment can last longer than it did under a smaller name.

Whether you are a veteran paintball player or you are just getting into the game, JT Paintball has everything you need to play!


Final Thoughts Who Owns Jt Paintball

Although JT Paintball started out as an innovative addition to the paintball equipment industry, it was not a lucrative move for JT Racing on its own.

However, under the umbrella of Brass Eagle Inc. and later Kee Action Sports, JT USA continued to grow into what it is today. Now, you can still find JT paintball equipment with all the leading paintball gear at any price range that works for you!

Does Angel Still Make Paintball Guns?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

Angel was one of the first paintball gun manufacturers to use electro-pneumatic paintball markers. Angel paintball guns were some of the industry leaders until filing for bankruptcy in 2011. So, does Angel still make paintball guns? The short answer is no.


Angel started life at WDP, a paintball company that focused on creating paintball fields and hosting tournaments. Their focus on the paintball game increased interest in it and helped it thrive.


After the development of the Angel paintball marker, the company changed directions and focused more on tech development than tournaments and the industry as a whole. Today, the company has been bought out by Tippmann after going bankrupt almost ten years prior.

Person in green jacket standing near a wall with a paintball gun in hand - Does Angel Still Make Paintball Guns?

Did They Make a First Paintball Gun?

Angel was one of the first paintball marker companies to use electro-pneumatic technology in their guns. This advancement changed the paintball industry by making it possible to shoot up to fifteen balls per minute.


The original Angel paintball marker was developed in 1994. However, it was not released until three years later. The new Angel paintball gun was the start of a whole new game of paintball due to the incredible firing speed of the new technology.


Angel Paintball Sports is arguably the reason that “arena” paintball or “Hyperball” became so popular. Today, many paintball tournaments take place in Hyperball arenas because it is easier to spectate, and the speed of the game makes it more fun to watch.


When was the Company Founded?

Angel Paintball Sports, which started as WDP, was founded in 1987. The company opened the National Paintball Fields site and began hosting tournaments, which led to an increased demand for paintball equipment.


For years, Angel was synonymous with high-quality paintball equipment.


After the success of the Angel paintball marker, the company adopted the name Angel Paintball Sports (APS) in 2007 and restructured the business model to focus more on tech and development.


The entire company shifted to paintball equipment instead of hosting tournaments and continuing to increase the demand for paintball equipment through innovative game types as they did with the introduction of “Hyperball” or “arena” paintball.


Why Did the Company Run Out of Business?

Ultimately, the fall of Angel Paintball Sports is due to their unwillingness to adapt to a changing market and a changing demand for markers. Additionally, the entire restructuring of their company was not a lucrative move for the brand as a whole.


Angel’s unwillingness to retire the three-chambered design on their markers is the primary reason that the company went under just years after restructuring. The three-chamber design was more expensive to make and made their guns too expensive for the market.


Unfortunately, a company that started out as a huge innovative influence in paintball could not keep up with the changing game. Angel Paintball Sports clung to the three-chamber design, resulting in less demand for their guns and the company’s eventual bankruptcy.


Should You Still Buy Their Products?

Angel paintball guns are still on the market today, and their cost has dropped over the years. The Angel A1 Fly is still considered a good paintball gun. There is still demand for mint condition Angel products in the paintball communities.


However, the company did go out of business for clinging to a design that was outdated. So ultimately, it comes down to preference. You will need to test some guns and design which feels the best for your gameplay in order to decide if an Angel gun is worth it for you.


Can You Still Get Paintball Parts?

Angel Paintball Sports was purchased in 2021 by Tippmann after almost a decade. Although it is unclear if Angel brand paintball guns will be rereleased under the Tippmann name, there does appear to be some chance that Angel paintball parts will be returning to the market.


Plenty of paintball supply stores also have Angel parts and equipment still available. Additionally, you can join online buy-sell-trade groups to find guns, parts, and merchandise from other paintballers.


Final Thoughts on Does Angel Still Make Paintball Guns

For a company that started out as innovative and made a name for itself by changing the game of paintball, Angel Paintball Sports made the fatal mistake of being unwilling to continue to change as paintball evolved.


Although Angel paintball guns are still considered a high-quality, reliable paintball marker, they are still fairly expensive and over ten years outdated for the industry. However, if you know Angel markers and like the feel, they are still available for purchase.


For any Angel fans, there is hope that new products featuring Angel designs may be released in the future since Tippmann bought out the company. However, where this buyout will take the paintball industry remains to be seen.

Can you drink alcohol at paintball?

  • Updated July 31st, 2023

You cannot drink alcohol at a paintball facility. This is standard for all paintballing facilities. Therefore, before and during paintballing, there is no consumption of alcohol.


Why Should You Avoid Drinking at Paintball?

It’s all about safety. Therefore, drinking needs to be avoided. An individual’s reflexes will be slower, and their judgment may be altered.

When participating in a game where you are handling a paintball gun, you need to be focused and aware of the safety of yourself and the safety of others.


Can You Buy Alcohol at Paintball Centers?

It depends on the facility, and there are some facilities that do serve alcohol once the game has been completed, and the individual will not be playing any more paintball games.

So research the paintball venue you’re attending and see if they do serve alcohol because this will vary from location to location.

Person standing near a wall with a paintball gun in one hand - Can You Drink Alcohol At Paintball?

Will You Be Removed from a Paintball Centre if You Bring Alcohol?

Yes. The facility will ask you to leave. Under no circumstances can an individual bring alcohol to a paintball facility. An individual will be removed. Please don’t bring any alcohol and end the good time before it even begins.


Does Drinking before Paintball Slow Your Reflexes?

Drinking prior to paintball will slow your reflexes. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to drink prior to paintballing.


Should You Drink Alcohol After a Paintball Match?

Afterward, absolutely have fun. Paintball is such a fun time, especially when played with a huge group. Make sure you have a safe way of getting home. It is completely up to you if you would like to drink.


Final Thoughts on Drinking Alcohol at Paintball

Drinking and physical activity are never a good combination, so you should avoid drinking before or during paintball matches.

Even drinking alcohol right after the match isn’t recommended either since your body will need some rest, especially considering dehydration.
