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If you are an avid airsoft player, you know there is nothing better than having the ability to shoot the enemy from a long distance accurately. However, you also know that this isn’t possible with just any gun. No, you have to have a gun specifically designed to shoot that little 6mm bb as far as you want it to go and trust it will hit its mark.
The features of an airsoft sniper rifle are more than how they look; the gun has to be able to shoot accurately at a very long distance. The rifle not only needs the ability to shoot at a high velocity but must also have the capacity to aim to make this happen. After all, what good is a gun that can shoot far if you can’t aim it properly?

That’s why a good airsoft sniper rifle must have an excellent optic attachment. Whether this is a red dot scope or a scope meant for a regular gun is up to the shooter. We’ve taken the liberty of finding some of the best sniper airsoft guns on the market.
Sniper rifles tend to be considerably longer than average airsoft rifles and a little harder to carry. However, these guns are not only fun to shoot but have what it takes to make the long-distance shot. With one of these guns in your arsenal, you are sure to hit your mark every time.
- Weight: 6.5 lbs.
- Length: 43.5 in.
- Shot Range: 75 ft.
If you are looking for a weapon that is easy to break down and carry but it also powerful and accurate, the UTG Gen 5 is the gun. By removing two screws, you can completely disassemble it for cleaning, maintenance, and transport. Then, once at the field, the Gen 5 comes back together in minutes.
Available in both OD green and black, the Gen 5 included a bipod for added support and stability in aiming. This bipod is needed, especially since the gun weighs in at 6.5 pounds. However, it is extremely accurate up to 75 feet. With the adjustable hop up, you can fine tune your accuracy depending on your range and ammo weight. In testing, under perfect wind conditions, there were some shots accurate at even 225 feet. The amazing thing about the hop-up on the Gen 5 is that no tools are required to adjust it.
Pеrhарѕ оnе of thе bеѕt thіngѕ аbоut thе UTG Gеn 5 is thаt thе majority of thе gun іѕ metal, with оnlу thе trіggеr guаrd аnd stock аѕ аn еxсерtіоn. This build gives the shooter the mental assuredness that their gun is going to hold up, even through brutal conditions. Testing revealed that the Gen 5 was able to still fire accurately and consistently after massive drops, banging against obstacles, and fire in the rain.
Two magazines are included with the Gen 5, allowing you to endure long engagements. Though it does not include a scope, the top of the Gen 5 includes a single Picatinny rail that can be used to mount whichever optics you desire.
All in all, the Gen 5 is the perfect sniper rifle for anyone looking to get into the area of a sniper. Without a lot of bells and whistles, it is still an excellent gun and can last for many years. Also, your enemies won’t like you very much after you start picking them off at such long distances.
UTG Accushot Shadow Ops
- Weight: 7.3 lbs.
- Length: 45 in.
- Shot Range: 100+ ft.
The UTH Accushot Shadow Ops sniper rifle is everything you could hope to have in an airsoft sniper rifle and more. Fashioned after the famous British sniper rifle, the L96A1, which has also become popular among law enforcement and special ops agencies in America. For its detail to accuracy and precision, the Shadow Ops MK96 is one of the best guns on our list.
While it is one of the most accurate guns, we listed, it’s also one of the heaviest. Weighing in at 7.3 pounds, you will be thankful a sling is included to help you carry it to you sniper hideout. Additionally, the construction of the MK96 is impeccable. It’s the perfect mix of a one-piece precision metal barrel and ABS polymer frame.
Also, the high-quality spring gives the MK96 the power to shoot upwards of 430+ feet per second. This feature allows the gun to be accurate at more than 100 feet, especially with the adjustable hop-up system. Though the weapon doesn’t include a scope, it has the Picatinny rail that allows for any scope of your choosing to be attached. It also has a bipod that comes standard, helping you support the bulky gun.
What we found interesting, and liked about this rifle, is that in testing it was discovered that the heavier the bbs got, the better the gun shot. While heavier bbs tend to mean less distance, the MK96 was hitting upwards of 150 feet with a .40g bb. A feature like this makes it a great gun in that you can pick off the enemy and they never have to see you.
Because the eMK96 is heavy, it’s not intended to be used by beginners in the sport, especially younger players, as they will have trouble carrying it for extended periods of time. Additional, because the spring is such high-quality it takes much force to compress the bolt completely. While this adds power to the rifle, it also lowers the shooter’s ability to pull it back in certain circumstances.

- Weight: 6 lbs.
- Length: 44 in.
- Shot Range: 200 ft
If accuracy is the deciding factor for you in which gun you chose, the BBTac BT-96 should be at the top of your list. With it being 44 inches long and coming with a 3×9 scope, you can expect accuracy at more than 200 ft with .25g bbs. That kind of distance is almost unheard of from a spring-powered rifle.
Using the MB01 model BBTac frame, the BT-96 is exceptionally durable and sturdy. Testing showed it was able to withstand any abuse the shooter could put it through while not falling apart and still retaining its ability to shoot straight. Additionally, except the rubber stock pad, the entire gun, including the barrel and bolt, are made of metal. The bolt fits perfectly in your hand and is consistently comfortable and sturdy when pulled back. Unlike cheaper bolt action rifles, you won’t have to worry about this bolt falling off in your hands.
Why we wanted it to be on our list, though, wasn’t the accuracy; that’s what we expect in a sniper rifle. We liked the fact that a shooter could lay down fire down-range quickly, even for a bolt-action rifle. Between the smooth pull on the bolt and the excellent quality of the magazines, the gun can fire a shot a second, if you can move that fast. For a heated battle where your teammates are pinned down, this feature becomes a life saver.
Overall, we feel the BT96 is an excellent gun for any shooter level. Though it doesn’t have many additional features, the accuracy more than makes up for it.

ASG Tac-6
- Weight: 3.5 lbs.
- Length: 36 in.
- Shot Range: 150 ft.
If having to pull a bolt back after every shot doesn’t sound like fun to you, the ASG Tac-6 is your gun. Thе TAC-6 rifle іѕ a light weight, CO2 powered Aіrѕоft rifle with аn ergonomic ріѕtоl grip thаt hоldѕ thе BB’s in a ѕtісk tуре magazine allowing a fаѕt reload. This feature not only allows for more power but increased firing rate as well.
The Tac-6 is built to work as both a tactical and sniper rifle. With a lower and upper Picatinny rail, you can customize it with whatever optics and accessories you want. However, it does come with a removable laser sight and a bipod for increased stability and aim.
As previously stated, it is powered by CO2, meaning it can fire as quickly as you can pull the trigger. A feature like this makes being a sniper more exciting as you can lay down more shots down range in a quicker amount of time. There isn’t a hop-up on the Tac-6 but, with the CO2 you can expect exceptional accuracy at upwards of 150 ft.
One of the complaints against most co2-powered sniper rifles is their heavy use of CO2. However, the Tac-6 is considerably easy on the gas. In fact, during testing, the tac-6 was able to fire 15 magazines worth of ammo in one 12g cartridge. Not to mention that even the last shot on a nearly empty cartridge was just as accurate as the first.
The tac-6 is the perfect gun for someone who doesn’t want an AEG or a spring-powered gun. It allows for an exciting time without worrying about breakdowns or having to pull a bolt back after each shot. Perfect for beginners and advanced players alike, the tac-6 is the perfect primary or secondary weapon in any skirmish.

BBTAC Bt-96 with Scope and Bipod
- Weight: 6 lbs.
- Length: 44 in.
- Shot Range: 200+ft
If уоu are оnе оf those реорlе whо аrе lооkіng for a grеаt аіrѕоft gun, thе BBTac BT96 Aіrѕоft Snіреr Rіflе іѕ аn іdеаl сhоісе thаt уоu ѕhоuld tаkе іntо соnѕіdеrаtіоn. The BT96 is bаѕеd оn the рорulаr AWP sniper rifle thаt іѕ uѕuаllу ѕееn in vіdео games like Counter Strіkе. Thе рrоduсt соmеѕ wіth a mаgаzіnе thаt hаѕ the ability to hоld 25 rounds as well as a sling for added support. Thе body іѕ соnѕtruсtеd frоm durаblе ABS рlаѕtіс while the barrel and bolt are metal.
The rіflе itself саn fіrе аn іmрrеѕѕіvе 400+FPS wіth thе uѕе оf 0.20g BBѕ. The BT-96 is bolt action, meaning you do have to reload each tіmе tо ѕhооt manually. Aѕіdе from this, уоu don’t nееd gas оr batteries tо ореrаtе thіѕ рrоduсt. Furthеrmоrе, thе gun іnсludеѕ bipod аnd ѕсоре thаt уоu wіll surely lоvе.
In fact, it’s the added scope and bipod that made us want to put this package on our list, as well. Thought the gun is the same as the one listed above, this package includes an excellent 3-9x scope, making it even more accurate than it’s counterpart. With the right settings and a .25g bb or heavier, you can expect accuracy at more than 200 feet away. For any airsoft field, that’s an exceptional distance.
Since the rifle is heavy, holding it upright would tend to weaken your aim. That’s why the bipod is such a great feature. It allows you the ability to lay prone on the ground or prop the gun on an obstacle and increase your stability ten fold. The bipod is adjustable, as well, allowing the shooter to adapt it to their desired position and size.
Considered аѕ one оf thе еlіtе аіrѕоft gunѕ that аrе wіdеlу available in today’s market, thе bolt оf the Bt-96 іѕ smooth tо рull bасk while at thе ѕаmе tіmе the magazine hаѕ thе аbіlіtу to hоld 25 BBѕ.That means more rounds consistently down range and increased effectiveness.

BBTac BT-L96
- Weight: 10 lbs.
- Length: 45 in.
- Shot Range: 150 ft.
The heaviest, and perhaps longest, gun on our list, the BBTac BT-L96 is a monster of a rifle. The weight, however, is perfectly balanced to give the feel of a real gun. With the added sling that it includes, the gun becomes easy to carry.
It does include an adjustable bi-pod, allowing the shooter increased accuracy and stability in their aim. Add in the 3-9x scope, and you can consistently hit a target at 150 ft with just a .20g bb. However, these stats aren’t what made us want the BT-L96 on our list.
The rugged construction of the L-96 causes it to surpass any expectations set before testing. It’s full steel barrel, and heavy-duty ABS polymer gives it excellent durability in even the harshest conditions. As is the case with most snipers, they like to get down on the ground and conceal themselves with natural vegetation and landscape.
This stealthy approach actually can lead to the demise of a sniper rifle since dirt and debris getting into the internal parts of the gun can cause it to malfunction. However, the L-96’s construction is so well built and sealed that very little, if any, dirt made its way inside the gun.
What we liked so much about this fact is that it requires less maintenance and cleaning. Additionally, this leads to fewer times where the rifle brakes down in the field. After all, the sniper is perhaps one of the most important members of the team; when the sniper’s gun malfunctions, it could mean catastrophe for the squad.
Because of its weight, this gun is not for younger players. Only someone who can handle running and jumping with the added weight should bring it into the field.

BBTac BT-59
- Weight: 6.9 lbs.
- Length: 48 in.
- Shot Range: 150 ft.
Perhaps the best all-around gun on our list, the BBTac BT-59 is impressively accurate and dependable. It’s considered a workhorse in the airsoft sniper market, not coming with any accessories but entirely accurate without them.
The BT-59 can shoot more than 400 feet per second with a .20g bb. When you add that with the adjustable hop-up system on this gun it can shoot near 150 feet with complete accuracy, you can see why this makes our list. The iron sights are amazing, as well, allowing you to adjust the rear sight to compensate for distance and size of the round.
IF you like to have the additional accessories, the BT-59 doesn’t disappoint there either. It has a small Picatinny rail on the top designed to attach additional optics, as well a small rail on the bottom designed to attach a bipod or foregrip.
The magazine on the BT-59 holds roughly 25 rounds, dependent on the size of your rounds. What was impressive, though, for the BT-59 was that during testing, there wasn’t a single miss-fire. Each and every round loaded correctly and never had more than one round come out of the barrel at a time. This kind of dependability is usually only found on very expensive guns. The fact that this gun is so affordable and dependable makes it one of the best on our list.
You would expect a gun in this price range to be entirely plastic, yet sturdy. However, the BT-59 made it onto the list of best guns because its entire internal workings are made of metal while the outside is a high-grade ABS polymer. Having a metal barrel, bolt, and trigger make this gun extremely durable and less likely to break down while in the field. Furthermore, fewer breakdowns make it an excellent gun for a beginner looking for durability and accuracy.

BBTac BT-M1602
- Weight: 1.6 lbs.
- Length: 40 in.
- Shot Range: 75 ft.
For a light weight gun with a heavy-weight shot, the BBTac BT-M1602 is the perfect gun. Weighing in at only 1.6 lbs., the M1602 can fire a .12g bb at 400 feet per second. This light weight makes the gun, along with the added accessories, accurate up to 75 feet away. In fact, the M1602 was so consistent during testing that it hit eight consecutive shots at 75 feet away in a 3-inch grouping.
It’s the included accessories that made us want to add the M1602 to our list. Right out of the box, any level of shooter can be sniping the enemy with the excellent features. The M1602 comes with an accurate, and adjustable, red dot scope. This scope is powerful enough to zoom in on the enemy, making them appear to be three times as close as they are.
The M1602 also has a Picatinny rail system that allows for the addition of extra accessories. Got a more powerful scope you want to attach? That’s no problem with this versatile rail system. On top fo that, the package includes an amazingly bright flashlight and iron sights attached to the gun.
The shooter can also adjust the accuracy of their shot depending on the distance of the enemy. The adjustable hop-up system allows the shooter to change how much curve is given to the round as it leaves the barrel; more curve allows the shot to go further.
The M1602 is a spring powered, bolt action rifle. Though each shot requires you to pull the bolt back and reload a round, the magazine can hold 37 rounds. This capacity allows for more shooting time and less time spent reloading.
The construction of the gun is another excellent feature. Though the rifle is not metal, the ABS polymer gives the same sturdiness and stability you would expect from a high-quality gun. The difference it that the M1602 is one of the cheapest guns on the list. That just proves you can have one of the best guns without paying a small fortune.
Well MB06 SR-2
- Weight: 4.4 lbs.
- Length: 43.4 ins
- Shot Range: 100 ft.
The SR-2 is one of the best sniper rifles available in an extremely compact frame. It offers everything a shooter would hope for in a sniper rifle without the heavy load. Furthermore, the included accessories that come with the SR-2 make this gun a must have.
The SR-2, unlike most high-end airsoft rifles, is powered by a high-grade spring. These spring, however, is capable of firing a bb up to 500 feet per second. When you couple that with the long barrel (the gun itself is over 43 inches long) and the incredible scope, the SR-2 can hit a target at 100 feet with every shot.
Since the Sr-2 is so long, the manufacturers included a bipod that allows for increased stability for the shots. It is a bolt action rifle, meaning that a sniper must load a new round after each shot, but this is a standard feature for sniper rifles. After all, you won’t need a full-automatic rifle at 100 feet.
Additionally, the scope that comes with the SR-2 ensures you won’t have a problem getting on target. Similar to scopes used on actual firearms, this 3-9×32 scope allows the images to appear 3-times closer than what they are. This zoom ability increases the shooters capability of seeing the target, even though the enemy may be camouflaged or at a long distance.
One of the reasons we wanted to put the Sr-2 on our list of best sniper rifles was the fact that, even though it is one of the lowest priced on the list, its construction is just as solid as that of higher priced guns. In fact, during testing, the SR-2 was able to out-perform other guns regarding durability and dependability. When running through the woods, your rifle’s going to take some hits. The SR-2 will still fire perfectly every time, regardless of the abuse it takes.
So, as you can tell, no two airsoft sniper rifles are the same. And, even though it has a high price tag doesn’t always mean it’s one of the best. By choosing one of the guns on our list, you are ensuring yourself that every time you pull the trigger, the bb will go where you want it to without a doubt.
Don’t just buy a gun that looks good or all of your friends are talking about with each other. Just as no two guns are the same, no two shooters are the same. What works for your friends may not be the best fit for you. Take your time and research what gun you want before buying it. This due diligence will not only save you money but heartache in the long run.