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Paintball is a sport that requires high-pressure tanks, which, if not properly maintained, could explode and end up causing a significant injury, even causing mortal damage. Does this often happen?
No, thank goodness these combat sports athletes have common sense. To pass on a little of their wisdom, a hydro test will be required after three to five years to ensure that the tank maintains its integrity and does not show signs of leaks.
Simple tests to prevent unnecessary accidents and to check on the viability of older tanks before using them.

Where are the Available Testing Centers?
The most used place to have these tanks tested would be at the local paintball field or facility; there will also be the shop in which paintball equipment is sold. These two will be your best bet to have the service needed provided.
Each state will be different; major brand HQ’s in your state will be worth a google search, but there are going to be various options.
There are not many options outside the world of paintball, but in this new era, people will have the opportunity to ship their old tanks to a company like LoneWolf Paintball in Michigan.
How Much Does it Cost on Average?
This process does not take that long; it will only be a few seconds to a minute, and that will cost anywhere between twenty dollars and one hundred and fifty dollars.
The high costs will be for the larger seventy-seven-to-ninety-ounce bottle tanks that are used for larger mobile attack vehicles and other combat vehicles.
There will be additional shipping costs for players who decide to ship their empty tanks to a company to get them checked professionally. But, again, shipping will depend on location and the distance a package will need to travel to reach its destination.
How Often Do You Need to Hydrotest a Paintball Tank?
There is a consensus that the majority of the highly compressed air and CO2 tanks will need to be checked at least once every three to five years.
However, this does not mean that you should wait until year six to get a second test, more like one at three and one at five years.
Otherwise, stop immediately if you hear any hissing or have any pressure loss when firing your marker. You are risking an explosive tank that could end up doing severe damage to you and those around you.
Alternative places where you can Hydrotest Paintball Tanks?
The basic test uses water displacement; Once a tank is empty, the test will then submerge the tank with the regulator open.
From there, a player will have to read the exact spacial capacity, printed on the bottle, if the number of cubic inches is displaced by the tank and water inside.
If that number does not match or comes in under that number, you will need to purchase a new paintball tank. These tests can be taken at home, but it is recommended that you go see a professional to be absolutely sure the tanks will not explode.
Which Options are the Cheapest?
The cheapest test for the tanks would be to submerge them underwater; then, if you see any air bubbles or signs of leakage, they will show as bubbles. However, there are better ideas than this for safety reasons.
The best plan is to get the experts to check over your paintball equipment; it always helps to get an eye and mind that has the know-how to go over your products. This will save you time and money, even if you will have to ship the bottles to get them tested.
Final Thoughts on Where can I Hydrotest my Paintball Tank
There is going to be stress put on the importance of having your paintball tanks tested; this will be important because of the danger a player puts themselves and others in by having a faulty air tank.
However, the process is simple and easy: submerge your tank after every bout to ensure there are no leaks.
Otherwise, some professionals will handle the testing at the local paintball facilities and locations where players can go. Another route to take would be to ship your old paintball tanks to a company to have them tested and sent back if viable to continue use.