Does Paintball Hurt? You Should Read This Before You Play

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

Does Paintball Hurt? You Should Read This Before You Play

So you’re thinking about playing, and you’re wondering how much does paintball hurt?

Imagine that you are:

  • Running around
  • Jumping over obstacles
  • Paintballs splatting all over the place

Also, there is an enemy who wishes for nothing more than your total annihilation.

Sounds fun, right?

Sure it does.

Getting dressed in tactical clothing and stepping onto the battlefield causes an extra dose of adrenaline.

You feel it in your body, making you feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.

Paintball is such a fun sport.

Thousands of people gather every weekend to participate, rain or shine.

The-Painful Truth About Paintball
The-Painful Truth About Paintball

The question, however, that most people have when they are considering playing the great sport of paintball is:

Does paintball hurt?

The short answer to that question is:

Yes and No

However, to tell you an exact amount of how much it hurts would be impossible.

You have to consider that each person has a different level of pain tolerance.

How much does paintball hurt depends on many factors.

What factors determine if paintball:

  • The shooters gun
  • The velocity of the shot
  • The distance of the shot

This Video Answers the Question Well

Depending on your situation, one of these resources will help you make the most of paintball:

Lessen the pain – what to wear for paintball
Impress your friends – how to use a paintball gun
Don’t look like a newbiehow to play paintball
Become a paintball ninjaultimate paintball guide

What makes paintball hurt?

Before we discuss just how much paintball really hurts, let’s look at some of the factors that cause it to be painful.

Quality of the Paintball

You wouldn’t think so, but the quality of the paintball used to shoot you can be a big factor in how much the shot hurts.

However, the impact of the quality is different than you may assume.

Lower quality paintballs contain a less-dense material but a harder shell.

This material makes it tougher to break on impact.

Manufactures design high-quality paintballs not to break in the gun and to break on impact easily.

Therefore, lower quality paintballs will often hurt worse when you get hit when compared to higher quality ones.

Velocity of the opponent’s gun

Simply put, the harder the paintball is shot at you, the more it is going to hurt.

Most fields have a limit to how much velocity can be used on a paintball to keep everyone safe.

Distance of the Shot

As the paintball travels through the air, it loses power.

Therefore, the further away the opponent is from you when they shoot you, the less it will hurt.

In fact, most paintball fields limit the closest you can be to shoot to 10 feet.

Any closer than that and the shot could cause a considerable amount of pain.

Point of impact

The place on your body where you get shot will significantly affect how much it hurts.

Where does paintball hurt to get hit?

For example, a shot to the back where there are less muscle and fat is going to hurt worse than a shot to the stomach.

Also, any paintball you take to your bare skin is going to hurt worse than if the shot is to a covered portion of your body.

That’s why, when you see an experienced paintballer, there is little to no exposed skin.

How many times you get hit

While it may not hurt to get hit the first time, if you continue to get hit in that spot, you may start to feel more pain.

If you keep getting hit in the same spot, then change up your strategy and play style.

You have to make it harder to get hit there.

How much does paintball hurt?

The entire principal behind playing paintball is to avoid getting shot.

However, it’s inevitable that at some point, no matter how good of a player you are, you are going to get shot.

How painful is a paintball?

The degree to which the paintball hurts can vary.

It also depends on many factors such as how far the shooter is from you and where it hits you.

What does getting hit by a paintball feel like?

Many players compare it to the feeling of getting hit by a rubber band or stung by a bee.

However, the pain usually only lasts for a second or two before fading away.

You may have a bruise, but the pain will be a distant memory.

Does paintball hurt more than a tattoo?

Again, this depends upon several factors.

However, in general, unless you get hit point blank on your bare skin, then the answer is simply no.

Want to Play Paintball & Not Worry About Getting Hit? Check out this combo package for paintball protection

Now, everything you’ve just read is entirely dependent on you, and the other players, following all of the safety rules while on the field.

The reason for that is because getting hit in the face, or worse the eye, is not only extremely painful but can be dangerous as well.

A shot to the eye can cause your eye to swell, burst your eye socket, or worse, cause you to go blind in that eye.

That’s why it’s always important to follow the rules and have a mask that will protect you.

How to prevent the pain

The first and foremost way to ensure paintball doesn’t hurt is not to get shot.

If you find that you get shot an excessive amount of times, it may be wise to change up your playing style and strategy.

Again, as stated before, it is inevitable that at some point you will get shot.

So, then the question arises:

How do you stop paintballs from hurting?

There are several things a player can do to prevent the paintball from hurting severely.

The first, and perhaps best, way to avoid the pain is the type of clothing you wear.

Playing paintball in shorts and a t-shirt is not only stupid but will cause the other players to target those areas just to inflict more pain.

The ideal clothing for playing paintball is thick and loose; usually a long-sleeve shirt and pants.

Teams will usually have a distinct style of clothing they wear.

Some even have jerseys that have special padding built into the fabric, softening the hit.

We have a complete guide about what to wear for paintball

Does paintball hurt with armor or extra padding?

While everyone may not need this extra padding, it is an excellent way to decrease the level of pain you feel.

If you’re hit directly on your armor, you may barely notice that a paintball hit you.

You have to be careful, though, when dressing in layers to ensure you don’t get too hot.

Considering that most paintball matches occur in the summer, layers may be a problem.

Too many layers on will cause you to sweat more and run a higher risk of getting dehydrated.

However, clothes specifically designed for paintball play are breathable while protecting you as well.

A word about distance

Another great way to decrease the pain of a paintball hit is to stay as far away from the enemy as you can.

As stated above, the further the paintball has to travel to hit you, the less velocity it will have.

Sometimes, the style of play that you are involved in requires you to be close to your enemy.

Other times, you may be able to play at a greater distance.

If you are close to the enemy, expect the shot to hurt a little more.

Always wear your safety gear, especially your mask.

You may also want to ensure you wear something to protect the back of your head and neck.

While shots to the neck are rare, they can be painful.

Need Armor for your hands, back & neck? Check out this combo package for paintball protection

Also, if you are the type of player that likes to dive and crawl under and behind obstacles, we recommend wearing knee and shin pads.

While this isn’t necessarily to prevent a shot from hurting you, a bruised knee can be more painful.

What about children?

Does paintball hurt 10, 11, 12, 13-year-olds

As for children, the pain is always going to be increased but still depend on the child.

When children are playing, always be sure to match them up together.

Never let a child play with adults.

Also, it may be wise to limit the power on the guns to accommodate the children.

As always, ensure the child is of the legal age to play, both in the jurisdiction you’re in and the range.

Some fields will require the child to be 14 or 16 before they are allowed to play.

Regardless, always ensure the child understands, and follows, the rules of the game.

All in all, the anticipation of getting shot is perhaps what causes it to be so painful the first time.

After you get shot for the first time, you then have something to compare ensuing shots to and how they feel.

You then realize there isn’t any pain.

You’re then able to enjoy the game and inflict the pain rather than receive it.

Though it’s not that painful, it’s always fun when you get to inflict the pain on another player.

How dangerous is paintball?

As we’ve mentioned, if all players follow the safety rules & you wear the proper gear, then you should be fine.

Will you experience pain at times?


Paintball is a contact sport so you may experience pain from:

  • Getting hit by paintballs
  • Falling on the ground
  • Running into something

However, we encourage you to go out there & enjoy yourself!

Cheap Electric Airsoft Guns With Accuracy That Won’t Break The Bank

  • Updated February 24th, 2023

That’s where AEGS come into the picture. With most able to fire as fast as you can pull the trigger without the shooter having to pull the bolt back each time, AEGs make excellent airsoft guns. However, there is usually one major downfall of airsoft AEGs; and that is the price.

To have an electric airsoft gun use to mean forking over hundreds of dollars. That’s not the case anymore. With the advancements in technology and demand for AEGs at an all-time high, it is now possible to get a good quality electric gun and on a budget.

Cheap Electric Airsoft Guns
Cheap Electric Airsoft Guns

What we’ve done is taken the time to put together a list of cheap electric airsoft guns that, while they may be cheap in price, still retain an excellent quality. The guns on our list are great substitutions for those high-dollar guns that make you break the bank.


  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length:
  • Skill Level: Beginner

As far as beginner AEGs go, the BBTac M83 is definitely a leader of the pack. Designed to be a full replica of the M16 assault rifle, the M83 has excellent accuracy in a sturdy, durable build. There’s no wonder why the M83 is so popular among novice and expert players alike.

Weighing in at six lbs., the M83 is easy to carry and won’t cause you to grow tired, ever after hauling it all day. The sturdy, fully adjustable stock and fore grip allow the M83 to be adjusted to fit the shooter. This feature allows for more comfort for an extended amount of time. Additionally, the M83 guns with fully metal sling hooks for those times where you need to carry it on your back through challenging terrain.

A rechargeable battery powers the high-grade electric that gives it a shooting velocity of around 250 feet per second, getting it a max range of around 75 feet. However, the adjustable hop-up feature can allow you to dial in the range, making it possible to accurately hit 100+ feet away, depending on the weight of your ammo.

Perhaps an impressive feature on the M83 and the reason why most people want an AEG in the first place is its ability to shoot in semi-automatic, as well as full-automatic. With the high rate of fire possible on full-auto, you’ll shoot the 40 bbs the magazine holds in as little as 5 seconds.

The M83 is fully customizable, as well. With upper and lower Picatinny rails, you can add any accessories you wish. Furthermore, the M83 comes with a red dot scope, flashlight, and a laser sight; all included in the box. These add-ons make the deal on the M83 even sweeter. This gun is the perfect starter kit for anyone looking to get into airsoft.

Kalashnikov AK47

  • Weight: 4.6 lbs.
  • Length: 36.5 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner-Advanced

Designed to be rugged and durable, the Kalashnikov AK47 is the perfect replica of its real steel counterpart. Just as the original AK47 aims to take the roughest abuse possible and keep firing, the airsoft version is one of the most dependable rifles on our list. Additionally, it is one of the most exciting and comfortable guns to shoot.

The magazine on the AK47 holds up to 300 rounds, allowing the shooter the ability to send more shots down range. However, with the setting on full-auto, you will go through those rounds in less in than 5 seconds. The gun can also be fired in semi-auto, giving you more control over the fire rate.

The battery that comes with the AK47 is amazing. With only 3 hours of charge on it during testing, the gun lasted all day and never showed any signs of losing power. The gun can shoot upwards of 80 feet and 250 feet per second, giving it excellent accuracy at such a low cost.

One of the fears in purchasing a cheap electric airsoft gun is that the plastic will be inexpensive and break easily. With this AK47, that fear is quickly laid to rest. When you first pick up the gun, you can tell it is well made and capable of withstanding any abuse put on it. The high-grade ABS polymer body and metal inner workings allow his gun to shoot consistently, regardless of the scenario being played out.

What we found to be excellent about this AK is that, during testing, there were very few misfires. Anybody wanting a durable, consistent gun to get started in airsoft with would be extremely pleased with the rifle. You will be hard pressed to find another gun of this quality at such a low price.

Well M1 D69

  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Length: 36 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Fashioned after the WWII Carbine, the M1, the Well M1 D69 features the same marvelous look and feel of its real steel counterpart. When you first pick up the Well D69, you’ll feel the same sturdiness and construction that WWII soldiers came to trust. Though not made of metal, the D69’s High-Grade ABS Polymer will give any shooter the degree of confidence you expect in a gun, even at such a low price.

Able to hold 100 rounds, the D69’s stick magazine looks exactly like the real thing. The battery powering the gun is capable of firing rounds at an amazing 300 feet per second. Additionally, the gun does have the select fire options that most shooters desire on AEGs. The D69 is capable of shooting in both semi-auto and full-auto modes. You’ll be emptying your magazine on as little as 3 seconds in full auto.

What we like about the D69, and the reason we wanted it on our list, was because of how simple it is to operate. Well, the designer of the D69, built the WWII replica with simplicity in mind. The magazine is easy to snap into place as well as the battery goes securely into the butt of the gun. Any aged player looking for an entry level gun that is easy to learn the basics with will not be disappointed in the D69.

Though it has no ability to hold accessories directly on the gun, the iron sights that are attached to the rifle allow the shooter to be extremely accurate. They do adjust, allowing you to compensate for the wind, length, and the size of the round. Overall, this gun is perfect for any skirmish you wish to engage. It will continue to shoot consistently round after round.

Soft Air FN Scar-L

  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Length: 34 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

For an excellent entry-level gun for an amazing price, the Soft Air FN Scar-L is the perfect gun. Fashioned after the same gun the Marines use, the Scar-L is sure to please any level of shooter.

Though made of high-grade plastic, the Scar-L feels just as solid as the metal, higher priced, versions. An excellent rechargeable battery powers the Scar-L. Even after 45 minutes on the charger during testing, it can pop round off at over 300 feet per second. Not to mention, the battery last longer than any gun on the list, giving you more time in the field and allowing you more rounds down range.

Designed to be a replica of the real steel Scar, the iron sights on this airsoft version sit high on the gun. Though they can be folded down to allow for increased optics, the iron sights, alone, allow you to be accurate to over 100 ft. With a magazine that can hold 200 bbs in its reserve chamber, that equals the Scar-L being an important part of your arsenal.

A feature that comes on the Scar-L that isn’t common among cheap airsoft guns is the fact that the stock is capable of being collapsed and adjusted. This feature allows the shooter to change the position of the weapon quickly to accommodate for different shooting styles. Whether you want the gun set up for long range takedowns or close-quarter combat, the Scar-L can be adjusted to meet your needs.

Though no accessories, other than the foregrip, come with the gun, the Scar-L has a Picatinny rail system that allows for the addition of whichever accessories and optics you might have or desire. The gun is perfect for any level of shooter looking to add a cheap gun to their arsenal. Its consistency during tests will make it an excellent and trustworthy gun.


  • Weight: 3.6 lbs.
  • Length: 36.5 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Designed after the infamous AK-47, the BBTac BT-022 is the perfect replica in the looks and feel of the gun. Designed to withstand the struggles of any scenario, the BT-022 can hold its own during any skirmish.

BBTAC intends for this to be a low-budget alternative to the higher-priced competitors. Thus the BT-022 is made up entirely of high-grade plastic construction. Don’t let that fool you, though. The gun is solid and feels just as expensive as those higher in price.

The BT-022 is entirely electric, so the semi-auto and full-auto firing modes are capable on this gun. However, the reason we wanted the BT-022 on our list was the adjustable hop-up addition. Not seen on many cheap AEGs, this adjustable hop-up allows the BT-022 to have enhanced accuracy at longer distances. By adjusting for the curve of the bb, the BT-022 can easily reach distances of 100 feet or more without breaking a sweat.

Built for sheer dependability and not customizability, the BT-022 doesn’t have any rails for added optics or accessories. However, during testing, the adjustable iron sights on the BT-022 proved to be extremely useful. The rear sight can be raised and lowered, as well as adjusted to compensate for the shooting conditions and weight of the round. These sights more than made up for the inability to add additional optics.

This gun is ready to shoot directly out of the package. No assembly is required; just place in the battery and load the high-capacity mag and you are golden. The banana clip style of the magazine is built to mimic the real thing and can hold 300 bbs in its reservoir chamber. All in all, this gun is recommended to those looking for an authentic replica at an incredibly low price; you will be glad you bought this gun.

Navy Commando M-16

  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length: 37 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

For a great started gun that’s easy on the wallet but impressive on the features, the Navy Commando M-16 is the right gun for you. Designed as a replica, as far as size is concerned, for the military-issued M-16, the Navy Commando version gives you an excellent tactical style AEG at a remarkably low price.

Amazingly, during testing, this M-16 held its own against some very high priced guns in both accuracy and consistency, something rare in cheaper guns. Additionally, weighing in at 6 pounds, the gun feels exceptionally sturdy in the hands of even a novice shooter.

The features that come with this gun are excellent, and the reason we wanted to ensure this M-16 was on our list. The gun comes with a laser sight, red dot scope, foregrip, flashlight, along with two Picatinny rails that are big enough to hold any other accessories you may want. These features and accessories make the M-16 the perfect tactical gun, especially since it also has select fire between semi-auto and full-auto.

The stock magazine holds around 50 bbs. It doesn’t have a reservoir chamber but does have a speed loader, making reloading simply and fast. The rate of fire provided by the rechargeable battery is amazing as well. In semi-auto, you’ll be able to shoot as quickly as you can pull the trigger, which itself has a smooth, light pull. Also, in full-auto, the mag will empty in roughly 5 seconds; impressive for a cheap AEG.

Another fantastic feature of this gun is its ease of use. No matter what age the player is, this gun will be simple to use and allows for even the most novice of players to be an effective tool in the airsoft war. The magazine is easy to seat into position and incredibly easy to load, meaning even the youngest of players can use it safely, making it great for parents as well.

Double Eagle M85p

  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length: 32 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Perhaps the best gun on our list is the Double Eagle M85p by BBTac. Considered an LPEG (Low-powered electric gun) do to its entirely plastic assembly, the M85p can still keep up with the big guns. For the usability and customizability of the M85, it is perfect for entry-level players looking to see what airsoft is all about.

The firing rate of the M85p is unlike any other gun on our list. Like any other AEGs, it can select between semi-auto and full-auto modes, as well as a working safety. In full auto, the 7.2-volt rechargeable battery-powered gearbox and crank out the rounds impressively at 500 rounds per minutes at approximately 260 feet per second.

Looking for a gun that will break down for tight fits? The M85p is it. The mock silencer easily unscrews, and the stock can collapse onto itself, making the gun’s length be nearly cut in half. This adaptability allows you to maneuver through tight quarters and efficiently clear buildings and obstacles.

The battery life on the M85p is also unlike any other gun on our list. During testing, the 7.2-volt battery was able to give 8 hours of shooting per charge before any difference in shooting quality was noticed. Additionally, the M95’s construction allows for easy access to the battery for recharging or replacing while in combat.

The included attachments on the gun are potentially what makes it such a great deal. It comes with a red-dot scope, bright flashlight, foregrip, laser, and carrying strap. Additionally, there a three weaver rails for any addition accessories. The Gun looks as mean as it shoots with the mock bullets on the magazine and all-black finish. It is truly a great gun and will not leave you empty-handed on the battlefield.

Double Eagle CQB 614

  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length: 34 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner-Advanced

Designed with accuracy and precision as its top priorities, the Double Eagle CQB 614 is an extreme gun for its price range. In fact, it may very well be the most accurate gun on our list, especially at long ranges. Overall, this gun is a must have for any level of player.

The rate of fire, though not as high as some, is still pretty impressive considering we are talking about a cheap gun. Additionally, the gun is extremely sturdy and can withstand multiple major hits before coming apart. This durability makes it perfect for those players who like to get down and dirty when they play.

It is the accuracy, however, that made us put the CQB 614 on our list. With the 7.4-volt battery, the plastic inner parts can send a round through the barrel at a whopping 310 feet per second. With the adjustable hop-up, the gun is capable of shooting upwards of 200 feet consistently with no problem. In fact, during testing under perfect wind conditions, the 615 was hitting targets at 500 feet! For a cheap airsoft gun, that kind of range is almost unheard of in this industry.

It comes with all of the accessories you would need to get started in any skirmish. The included flashlight works extremely well, as does the laser sight, which is visible during the day. Likewise, the red-dot scope can be adjusted and used in the day time. If you prefer going it the old-fashioned way, the iron sights mounted on the top of the gun are adjustable and very accurate. Additionally, the Picatinny rail system allows for increased options and customizability.

The magazine holds an almost unheard of 250 rounds in its reservoir chamber, allowing for easy loading during the heat of battle. For it’s easy to use build and accuracy, this gun is perfect for beginners and advanced players alike.

Heckler and Koch 416

  • Weight: 5.3 lbs.
  • Length: 32.1 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner-Advanced

Licensed with the infamous Heckler and Koch name, the H&K 416 is designed to dominate on any airsoft battlefield, especially close-quarter combat. This airsoft version is a replica in size and feel of the H&K416, which was created using the standard AR-15 platform for extreme accuracy and durability. The airsoft version leaves nothing to question its legitimacy as an extreme AEG, even at a low price.

It’s impressive shot velocity is what landed the 416 on our list. Using .12g bbs during testing, the 416 was reaching speeds upwards of 340 feet per second consistently on a medium-charged battery. Fully charged, the 416 can shoot even .20g bbs at more than 320 fps.

Though the central portion of the 416 is construction with durable ABS polymer, the critical parts are metal. These include the inner barrel, trigger, fire selector switch, and the front and rear sights. Additionally, unlike the other guns on our list, the magazine for the 416 is metal as well, adding to its durability.

The battery that comes with the 416 is an 8.4-volt nunchuck style battery. This powerful battery is what allows for such high velocities from the metal gear box. Furthermore, the battery can last an exceptionally long time before a charge is needed.

Adding to the cool factor of the HK 416 is the fact that the design of its internal parts come from its real steel counterpart work. The charging handle pulls backward and forwards assisting being fully operational. This feature makes the 416 perfect for the replica enthusiasts out there.

The HK 416 can be extended or shortened, depending on the style of play you are in at that moment. The added features, including the Picatinny rails and monolithic top rail, make it the perfect gun for customization. It would definitely be a great gun, no matter what level you play at or how experienced you are.


Double Eagle R36c

  • Weight: 5.5 lbs
  • Length: 32 in.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Designed after a weapon the has been made famous by many SWAT teams, the Double Eagle R36c is the perfect gun for airsoft wars where military simulation is at its finest. Designed to be adjustable to the style of shooting, the R36c can be broken down or extended, for short or long-range play.

It’s highly durable plastic construction makes the R36c feel as robust as its metal competitors, though just a fraction of the weight. Additionally, the gun is accurate and consistent in its firing, making it the perfect cheap AEG.

This AEG is excellent for the younger player looking for a reliable, safe gun. It has the selected fire ability between semi and full auto, as well as a working safety that can be turned on with the simple flip of the thumb. It is ergonomic, so remaining comfortable for hours of shooting is not a problem. Not to mention that the ease of use, with regards to loading the magazine and battery into the gun, is exceptional for a gun in this price range.

The flashlight and red-dot scope that is included with the gun work perfectly. Additionally, the upper rail allows for any additional optics, should you decide you need to upgrade. Also, the foregrip makes the gun easy to hold and maneuver through tight spots without making it uncomfortable.

All in all, the R36c is the perfect gun for beginners who want to be effective in military-style combat. The accuracy of this gun will have you shooting enemies from as far away as 100 feet with ease while the full-auto firing rate will have you unloading the mag in less than 5 seconds. It definitely doesn’t disappoint in how fun it is to shoot, either. This gun is perfect for hours of non-stop fun.



To be a powerful asset to the team, it’s nearly a requirement that you have an AEG. And, though you want to be effective, you don’t want to break the bank when you purchase one either. That’s why our list is so important. We found some of the best AEGs available that are also the cheapest on the market.

Though none of these have a full metal construction or enhanced optics that is more than a red-dot scope included with the purchase, they have the same sturdy design and some surprising firing rates. These guns will have you showing your team, and the enemy, you mean business at a fraction of the cost of the higher priced guns.

Take the time to do you research and find the perfect gun for you. Find one that matches your style and needs but doesn’t cause you to have to take out a second mortgage on your home. These guns are perfect for anybody who needs a cheap AEG; you won’t be disappointed.

Top 5 Best Mag-Fed Paintball Guns For The Money In 2020

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For Tight Budgets

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For Close Combat

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For MilSim

If you’re looking for the best mag-fed paintball guns, then you’ve come to the right place.

Most paintball guns work by a hopper system that places the paintballs on the top of the marker.

Then gravity assists the next ball with falling into place to fire through the barrel.

This design tends to make the guns look less like the real thing and more like futuristic toys.

For this reason, manufacturers and paintballers are making a few changes.

One of those changes is the move towards a mag-fed paintball gun system.

This new design is uncharacteristic of the “paintball look.” It offers shooters more of the military experience.

Since many players are shifting towards this style of play, we thought we could help.

We’ve taken the liberty of putting together a list of some of the best mag-fed paintball guns.

With these weapons in your arsenal, you can take your play to the next level.

Best Mag Fed Paintball Guns
Best Mag Fed Paintball Guns

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Guns in 2023

First, we want to discuss the best of the best.

These are the paintball markers that stand apart from the rest.

These are for those serious about mag-fed and mil-sim paintball.

Tiberius Arms First Strike T15

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For MilSim
  • Weight: 12 lbs.
  • Length: 31.5 in.
  • Player Level: Advanced

The build of the Tiberius Arms T15 simulates the AR15.

It has every feature you would expect in its real-steel counterpart.

Not only is it made of aluminum, but it also has the same customizability and dependability of the AR15.

The problem with most mag-fed paintball guns is misfires and jams.

One of these problems is double loading balls.

This problem causes extreme maintenance in the middle of the field.

With the T15, these issues are few and very far between.

In fact, during testing, the T15 has a firing rate of more than 95% of the time, high even for a hopper fed paintball gun.

With maintenance in mind, the design of the T15 allows you to break it down and put back together fast.

To precipitate this, Tiberius developed a 2-pin system.

This system enables the paintball gun to be completely broken down by only pulling out these two pins.

No tools are even needed, freeing up space in your pack for more paint and air.

Like an actual AR15, the T15 has the Picatinny rails to add any optics and accessories you want.

These rails wrap around the barrel.

The design of the T15 allows you to attach accessories to four different rails.

The magazine the feeds the paintballs can fit up to 19 First Strike Rounds (FSR).

That translates into 20 standard sized paintballs.

Spring loaded, the magazine feeds the balls as fast as you can pull the trigger.

A 13ci tank powers it and fit into the stock of the paintball gun.

The tank is capable of sending rounds at upwards of 400 feet per second.

This power fires accurate shots at an incredible 300 feet with ease.

There’s no doubt that the T15 is a fantastic mag-fed paintball marker.

The overall feel and shooting of the marker are precisely like that of an AR.

Though easy to use, this marker isn’t for the faint of heart or the beginner paintballer.

Dye DAM Assault Matrix

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun On The Market
  • Weight: 4.76 lbs.
  • Length: 31 in.
  • Player Level: Advanced

The Dye DAM Assault Matrix is everything you could ever hope for in a mag-fed paintball gun.

Dye built this for the extreme tactical paintballer.

It consists entirely of metal.

Thus the Matrix is sturdy enough to handle even the toughest of beatings and keep firing.

The Matrix will outperform any other marker put in its path.

The quality of this marker shows up both with looks and performance wise.

The Matrix can switch from magazine-fed to hopped-fed with the flip of a switch.

The Matrix can fire shots at more than 450 feet per second.

This amazing velocity is due to its 9-volt battery powered electric and HPA system.

It can shoot in single-fire, semi-auto, and full-auto with the simple click of a button.

It also can fire 20 rounds per second.

The next features are perhaps the most exceptional features of the Matrix.

It is why it is one of the best mag-fed paintball guns on the market.

Those features are its low-maintenance, self-cleaning features.

It has a patent-pending Eye Pipe design.

Within this design, the internal shielding protects the self-cleaning system from debris.

The system wipes the feed pipe and barrels clean.

A bolt-tipped O-ring wipes them after each shot to remove any broken paint.

This feature helps to eliminate any miss feeds and double feeding.

The barrel, itself, on the Matrix, is 14 inches long, making it one of the longest stock barrels on the market.

A barrel this long helps to improve the accuracy over its competitors.

It can reach upwards of 300 feet and still have room to go while retaining pin-point accuracy.

Overall, the Matrix has all the workings of the best marker on the market.

This gun is perfect for the tactical woodsball player — especially those looking to take their game to the highest level.

The Matrix has easy maintenance, excellent consistency, and durability.

If you’re looking for the best mag-fed paintball gun, then it’s time to consider the Dye DAM.

Tippmann TCR

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For Close Combat
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Length: 26 in.
  • Player Level: Beginner-intermediate

The Tippmann TCR is the perfect fit for extreme mobility during play.

It gives you the ability to remain stealthy while retaining power.

These qualities make it the best mag-fed paintball gun for close combat.

It also provides the capacity to use the mag-fed option.

It holds 20 rounds in its elongated magazine.

Additionally, a hopper can connect to feed more rounds down range.

The TCR is compact but sturdy and dependable.

The balls go down range at approximately 400 feet per second.

Though not intended for long-range shots, the TCR is still accurate at 100 feet.

The reason we wanted to put it on our list was the dual air source option.

The shooter can use a 12-gram CO2 cartridge that inserts into the body.

In contrast, they can also connect a remote system to the drop-down port.

This feature gives the shooter options when it comes to gameplay and strategy.

More gas equals more time between reloads.

Additionally, using the smaller cartridge allows you even more maneuverability.

The TCR does have an upper Picatinny rail that allows you to add enhanced optics.

But, the flip-up front and rear sights allow for easy target acquisition in any conditions.

Also, the sliding buttstock and adjustable cheek rest are fully adjustable.

The ability to make adjustments enable the shooter to transform the gun to fit their style.

The TCR is the perfect Military simulation gun.

Clearing buildings with its small size are effortless.

Even so, you can trust it to fire in close-quarter combat with its consistent shooting.

It’s perfect for any player looking to get into the mag-fed world of paintball guns at a reasonable price.

Additionally, its ease of use makes it ideal for the beginner as well.

Cheap Mag-Fed Paintball Guns

Now we want to discuss options for those who are on a budget.

Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you have to get something that is low quality.

We will cover the cheapest mag-fed options for a paintball gun below.

Tippmann TMC

Best Mag-Fed Paintball Gun For Tight Budgets
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Length: 32 in.
  • Player Level: Beginner

The Tippmann TMC is perhaps the lowest priced gun on our list.

But, don’t let the low price fool you.

This cheap mag-fed paintball gun is perfect for any player.

It is ideal for those looking for the military-style weapon in a paintball setting.

The set-up is ideal for woodsball play.

And you can trust the marker to withstand any conditions you put it through.

The Tippmann TMC’s design replicates the AR15 and comes with a 20-round magazine.

It also feeds paintballs by either the spring-powered magazine or a hopper system.

Switching between the two modes is quick and straightforward.

Additionally, the gun is a pneumatic gun, meaning there are no electric components.

The TMC is reliable.

It uses the same inner workings of the 98.

See the full comprehensive review: Tippmann TMC Review

Tippmann decided to stay with what they know works.

And they bring that functionality into the TMC, making it the best mag-fed paintball gun for those on a tight budget.

It’s both affordable and good quality.

Plus, being a Tippmann marker means it has the same quality and warranty you would expect from them.

The construction of the marker ensures its durability while keeping it lightweight.

All of the main parts of the gun, meaning the frame, trigger assembly, internal gears, and bolt are all metal.

The stock and rail system comprises of high-grade ABS polymer.

It does contain some plastic.

However, it’s not on the part of the marker that would cause it to become a performance issue.

The TMC brings the mag-fed options to buyers of any budget.

All in all, this gun shoots and acts like the expensive markers.

In fact, during testing, the TMC had fewer misfires and double feeds than the high-dollar guns.

This performance is due to, in part, the detail in construction put into the marker.

It is the perfect mag-fed paintball marker for a beginner.

It’s also great for someone looking to switch to mag-fed.


Tippmann TiPX Pistol

  • Weight: 11 in.
  • Length: 1.8 lbs.
  • Player Level: Beginner

When it comes to paintball pistols, the TiPX is the ultimate find.

It combines the incredible usability of a pistol with the sought-after mag-fed option.

This combination makes it a great addition to any arsenal.

The TiPX’s construction makes it easy and comfortable to shoot.

Tippmann designed this marker houses the 12-gram CO2 cartridge beneath the barrel.

This design differs from being in the magazine like most paintball pistols.

A feature like this allows the grip to feel like you were shooting an actual firearm.

Putting the CO2 under the barrel makes the magazine small and lightweight, as well as affordable.

It comes with two 7-round mags.

And in case you need them, finding other mags to buy is not a problem like most other pistols.

The CO2 cartridge is very easy to change out, as well.

Being beneath the barrel, getting access to it is a breeze.

Also, to load a new cartridge requires only a ¼ of a turn.

Simplicity like this makes it easy for the shooter to reload the gas, even with gloves.

The Picatinny rails on the TiPX allow for extreme customization.

By using these rails, you can fit any accessory you deem necessary.

Also, the magazines for this paintball marker have a covered ammo window.

The window allows the shooter to see how many rounds remain at a glance.

With this feature, you’ll always know when to reload.

Other things make the TiPX pistol such a great mag-fed option.

In particular, is the fact that the barrel threads are compatible with any Tippman A-5 or 98 barrel.

This compatibility allows you to unscrew one barrel and add another.

Removing the barrel is great if you want to increase the accuracy of the gun.

Some people also want to make it more of a typical paintball gun instead of a pistol.

Overall, this pistol will make any level of shooter happy to join the mag-fed family of markers.


In the end, many factors go into selecting the best mag-fed paintball gun.

This guide should give you a good idea of where to start and how to evaluate them all.

Paintball Welts & Bruises: How to Treat, Prevent & Deal With Them

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

Paintball is an extreme, physical sport. Players are continually jumping over or under obstacles, diving into the ground, or running into objects. However, though the physicality of the game can cause some pain, most of the welts and bruises received during paintball games are from actually being shot with the paintball.

While the actual shot may not hurt very much or very long, the effect of the shot is always evident. It’s not a rare occasion for players to take off their protective clothing to find welts and bruises all over their body. So, then, the question arises, can you prevent these? Furthermore, how do you treat these welts and bruises when they do show up?

Thankfully, there are several ways you can protect yourself from these abrasions. By taking some precautions, you can limit the number of welts and bruises that appear on your body.

Bruises And Welts From Paintball
Bruises And Welts From Paintball

DISCLAIMER:  This article does not provide medical advice.  You should consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice on how to treat your injuries.

How to prevent Bruises and Welts

Before we look at how to treat bruises and welts caused by the impact of paintball on your body, let us look at different ways you can prevent them.

Wear thick clothing

There are two main factors attribute to bruising and welts during paintball play. One that cannot be controlled by the person getting shot is the distance from which the opponent shoots you. However, what you can control is how much of your skin is exposed.

Experience suggests that exposed skin is more likely to bruise and welt after an impact from a paintball. Therefore, we recommend that you cover as much of your skin as possible. There best is, however, a fine line between too much clothing and not enough.

The first point to remember in your clothing choices is that the thicker the clothes equal less pain and impact from the shot. Most players accomplish this by wearing layers. Wearing layers allow you to use moisture wicking material on the bottom layer to help keep you cool and a thicker outer layer to reduce the effect of the shot.

While wearing thicker clothes does not replace the required protective gear, it can help diminish your chances of getting unsightly bruises and welts. Remember, most people play paintball during the summer. This fact equals higher temperatures and more chance of getting excessively hot. Keep this in mind when choosing your paintballing attire. Though darker clothing will keep you hidden better, wearing lighter clothing will keep you cooler.

Protective Clothing

The wearing of protective gear is not only recommended, but most paintball arenas require that players wear specific equipment at all times. There is a vast array of protective gear available. This list includes:

  • Facemask/helmet
  • Gloves
  • Vest
  • Padded shirts and pants
  • Boots

The purpose of this protective clothing is simply to lower your chances of getting injured when shot. The most common places on the body to get hit are the chest, arms, face, and hands. It just so happens that these are the portions of the body where a hit hurts the most and will leave bruises and welts.

If you can’t afford to buy enough protective gear for your entire body, at the very least, you want to make sure you have a helmet/facemask that is rated to take a direct hit without shattering. Additionally, a decent pair of gloves will protect your hands which are exposed nearly 100% of the time. Hopefully, you thoroughly cover the rest of your body with clothes you already own.

Treatment of welts and bruises

Regardless of how much thought and work you put into preventing welts and bruises from occurring, it is inevitable that you will get hit by a paintball at some point in your paintballing career. In fact, after a strenuous day out on the field, chances are you will have been hit multiple times, regardless of how good you play. That’s why it’s important to know what to expect and how to treat the side effects of getting hit with a paintball.

What are bruises and welts?

Before you can know how to treat bruises and welts, it’s important to know what they are. Each is completely different than the other. Thus their treatments options are different.


Bruises occur when tiny blood vessels in the soft tissues of your body burst. The bruising you see is the blood from these small, almost microscopic, vessels. They can range in colors, from red, blue, purple, or black, depending on the severity of the bruising. Furthermore, bruises can become raised off the skin. The blood pooling naturally causes this coloring under the skin.

Bruises tend to go through several phases before being completely healed. Often, depending on the severity and treatment levels, the bruise may take several weeks to go away completely. Most bruises resulting from paintball shots tend to go away sooner due to them not being overly severe.


Simply put, welts are reddened bumps that appear on the skin after being hit by a hard object. Different from bruising, a welt is just the skin swelling in the area of the hit. Often, these types of injuries go away after a couple of days. They can, however, cause severe itching during the healing process.

How to treat

Because bruises and welts are so different in their nature, the way in which you treat them is different as well. Remember, the sooner you begin treatment, the quicker and better the injury will heal.

How to treat bruises

There are several different courses of action that you can take to treat bruises. Which route you take, however, is entirely dependent on when the bruise happens and treatment begins. Remember always to make sure the area around the bruise is clean with soap and water before commencing treatment.

Cold Compress

As soon as you notice a bruise on your body, the best course of therapy is to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the bruised area. Doing this will help to decrease the amount of bleeding from those tiny vessels, in turn lowering the severity of the bruise. When placing an ice pack on your skin, you want to be sure to have a small buffer between your skin and the ice pack. This buffer is usually achieved by using a small towel and placing it on the affected area of your body before putting the ice pack on the area.

Failure to use a buffer can result in damaging the skin and can, in severe cases, cause frostbite. When applying the cold compress with an ice pack, leave it on the area for 15 minutes and then wait an hour before using it again. Waiting the allotted time ensures you aren’t leaving the ice pack on too long which will have the same results of not using a buffer.

Warm Compress/Heat

Using a warm compress or heat on a bruise is done in two circumstances; either the bruise went all day without being noticed, or you’ve been applying cold packs during the day and now transition to warm compresses or heat. Using heat can be as simple as placing a washcloth in warm water and then applying it to the affected area. Also, you can use a heating pad turned to the lowest, or middle, heat setting.

While cold helps to alleviate as much bleeding as possible, heat does the exact opposite. Heat will improve the color of the bruise and the skin around it by improving the circulation. Applying heat has the same precautions as cold; don’t leave it on the area too long.

If using a heating pad, it may be wise to use a towel again to act as a buffer between the heat and the skin. (This isn’t necessary if using warm water.) Leaving heat on the area too long can cause additional damage, especially to the skin around the bruise. Only leave the heat on for 15 minutes and then leave off for an hour.

Vitamin K Lotion

Vitamin K is an excellent natural resource that promotes blood clotting. If you have a bruise that seems to be getting progressively worse and applying cold packs to the area doesn’t appear to help, rubbing some vitamin k lotion may do the trick. It helps the blood to clot and will stop the bruise from spreading.

Additionally, if you notice you bruise easily after being hit by a paintball, taking a supplement that is rich in vitamin k may help reduce your chances of bruising. Some players even keep a tube of lotion in their packs and rub onto hit areas whether they see bruising or not to ensure bruising doesn’t occur.

Epsom Salt Bath

After an intense day of paintballing, you may have lost count of how many times your opponent connected. Furthermore, you were most likely hit in the same spot repeatedly. Not only does this almost ensure you will having bruising, but it also means that those bruises will be sore from repeated hits.

Epsom salt, which you can buy from any drug store of big-box retailers, helps to relax muscles and heals your skin by replacing minerals lost in sweating and bruising. The effects of Epsom salt on the bruises may not be immediate, but the soothing of your pain will be. We also recommend if you are an intense player and tend to be sure after rounds of play.

Treating Welts

Though welts are a different type of injury than bruising, treatment for them are much the same. Just remember, welts are swollen portions of skin tissue so they may be a tad more painful than bruises. In fact, many of the treatments are specifically for the pain as the swelling tends to go away on its own. As the first step, always ensure the area you are treating is clean from any dirt or blood.

Swapping hot and cold compresses

Just like with bruising, cold compresses work by limiting blood circulation in the application area. The reason this helps with welts is because decreased blood flow not only helps the swelling to go down but decreases the pain as well.

However, different from bruising, treating welts allows you to alternate cold and hot being applied to the affected area. The heat, though increasing blood flow, also helps to reduce swelling and relaxes the muscles around the hit.

When applying hot or cold packs, never keep one on for more than 15 minutes. Also, alternating them a couple of times and then allow the area to rest for an hour before starting the treatment again. If the pain doesn’t diminish after a couple of rounds of this treatment, there may be a hidden injury and you may want to see a healthcare professional.

Witch Hazel

Most people have never heard of witch hazel before. It is a natural substance that is great for swollen and painful portions of your body. In fact, it is a common ingredient in most topical pain creams.

The best way to use witch hazel is by mixing it with an aloe Vera gel and applying it to the affected area. The aloe gel helps with the smell, as well as helps he skin from being irritated by the witch hazel. It is an excellent choice for quick pain relief while on the go or for something you just want to apply and not have to worry about repeating a process, such as with hot and cold compresses.


If the welt is on your arms or legs, its best to raise them up to reduce the swelling. This works by limiting the blood flow to the affected area. If the welt is extreme in nature, this may be the best way to ensure it is healed completely.

If you have a welt that continues to remain painful after the above treatments, or if the pain persists for several days, it may be a good idea to see a doctor. Additionally, if the swelling isn’t gone after two weeks, see a doctor to ensure nothing else is going on that you are unable to see.

Avoid getting hit

Though it sounds like a silly notion, the best way to avoid painful bruises and welts is to avoid getting hit, especially if the spot you tend to get hit is hit multiple times. If you do notice a particular area of your body taking the majority of the hits, it may be a good idea to study your strategy and shooting stance.

Always use the obstacles on the course to your advantage. Though getting shot is a part of the game, it’s better if you can control where you get hit by controlling which areas of your body is exposed to the enemy.

Paintball is perhaps one of the most exciting shooting sports around. You combine a live of shooting with military-style combat that is safe and fun. However, getting shot is part of the price we pay for having fun in paintball. If you follow these steps, though you will still get shot, you can limit the impact it has on you and your game. Remember the old saying, it is better to give than receive? The same is especially true in paintball; it’s always better to shoot someone than to get shot. As long as everyone follows the rules, you’re experience will be filled with more fun and excitement than pain and injury.

What To Wear To Paintball To Ensure You Are Well-Covered

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

If you are new to the sport of paintballing or are wanting to get started, you may be wondering what do you wear when you play paintball. Though the options are limitless, it’s always good to start with a base point and then work your way from there. With that in mind, what we have attempted to do is to give you an idea of what your will need to be completely geared up for your first big match.


The most important part of your body to cover is your head; mainly your eyes. Besides purchasing your gun and supplies, spending sufficient money on excellent head protection is recommended. Here are some gear types to keep in mind:


When purchasing a set of goggles or a mask, there are many different options you can opt for. The main thing you want to ensure is that the lens will protect your eyes from the paintball should your head gear take a direct shot. The difference between a mask and goggles is simple; goggles are mainly to protect your eyes while a mask will cover your entire face, and often parts of your chin and neck.

What To Wear To Play Paintball
What To Wear To Play Paintball

If you’re looking for the cheaper option, you can opt for a good set of goggles, but be prepared to take shots to the mouth and face. These shots can often be the most painful, and dangerous, hits to take. That’s why it is recommended to go with a full-face mask. Just ensure that the lens in your mask won’t fog up.

Before purchasing your mask, try it on. During this initial fitting, ensure there is proper ventilation. Also, move around in it as if you were out in the field. This way you know if there will be any restriction to your movement. In addition to feel, make sure that the foam on the inside of the mask will not irritate your face. The last thing you want is to get into a full-day game and realize your mask irritates you.


While a hat or beanie is strictly optional, it is recommended, especially when moving through wooded areas. A hat or beanie will protect the top of your head from getting scratched, as well as offer a softening effect to getting shot in the head. However, if you are playing in the middle of winter, you may decide to forgo this piece of gear.

Neck pad

Taking a paintball to the neck is quite possibly the worst pain a paintballer can feel. If you are going to playing paintball at all, neck padding is a must have. While a mask can cover any hits that may come from the front, you are leaving the side and back of your neck open. Rather inexpensive, a neck pad can protect from any welting and damage to the otherwise exposed skin.

Upper Body

When playing paintball, your upper torso will take the most hits. Therefore, this will be the portion of your body that you may want to have the most padding. Keep in mind, the thick the clothes you wear, the less it will hurt. Also remember that the paintball will tend to bounce off a soft surface. This will increase your chance of the ball not splattering on you, therefore allowing you to continue playing.


If you will be playing woodsball (simply paintball played outdoors in a natural environment) a vest will be your best friend. Not only will it protect you from severe welts, a padded vest will help protect you while crawling and running around wooded areas. Vests will have built-in padding that is designed to absorb the impact of the paint balls.

In addition, most vests will have pockets that offer storage for any added equipment you may need to carry while in the field, such as water, radios, maps, watch, and any other personal items you may need.

Chest Protector

Different from a vest, a chest protector is similar to the thermal underwear mentioned below in that the padding is built-in to a single wearable garment. The protector has padding that protects the chest bones area, as well as the wearers rips and abdomen. Remember, is you decide on a chest protector, the outer garment you choose will need to be sized correctly so that it fits over the padding.


Much like sports such as football and baseball, there are jerseys that have been specifically designed for the sport of paintball. Though they are definitely not a required piece of gear, your team may decide to invest in jerseys for many reasons. Your team may want a jersey for identification while in the field, as well as offer extra protection the absorbs the hit of the balls.

Jerseys can also be customized for the type of paintball you will be playing. For example, Speedball (played in an open field with makeshift obstacles that offer concealment) Jerseys are usually made of lightweight, ventilated material that will help cause the enemy’s paintballs to bounce off the player. Speedball jerseys are usually made with vibrant colors and covered with team and sponsor identifiers.

On the other hand, woodsball jerseys are made using more natural colors, or camouflage, that increase the stealth abilities. Also, woodsball jerseys feature a cuff the fts tightly around the wearer’s wrist that help keep dirt and bugs from getting to the player’s skin.

Elbow/Arm Pads

Because most players lead with their gun while walking through the field of play, the elbow and forearms become exposed and are the victims of most hits from paintballs. For this reason, special gear has been developed that engulfs the entire elbow and forearm area, protecting from welts and paintball impacts.

Also, in addition to protecting from hits, elbow and forearm pads are an essential part of woodsball gear. They allow the wearer to crawl through dirt and debris without getting scratched and cut.


Gear worn on the legs is usually designed to promote movability and comfort of the player on top of increasing the padding against hits. However, just as with the other portions of the body, there are several different options available for leg gear.

BDU (Battle Dress Uniform)

Simply put, BDU pants are the military pants that feature several external pockets for extra storage Usually worn in a green or gray camo design, the material used to produce BDU pants is durable and comfortable while allowing the wearer to blend in seamlessly with his or her surroundings. In addition, BDU pants usually feature pad-reinforced knees that allow the wearer to kneel down without causing pain to his/her knee or wear out their pants.

Leg/Shin Pads

If you have the extra money to spend, or want to ensure every inch of your body is protected, you have the option to purchase pads that have be specifically made to be worn on your legs and shins. Though this armor will protect from any paintballs that may find their way to your legs, they are specially made to reduce the strain your knees endure while kneeling and crawling through the field of play.

Additionally, leg and shin pads can be worn on the outer layer of your body or on the inside layer, which ever you feel more comfortable with. Keep in mind, if you decide to wear the pads on the inside layer of your clothing, ensure your outer layer is the proper size to fit over the extra padding.

Padded Thermal Underwear

When thermal underwear is mentioned, we usually think of working out in the cold weather. However, the term is also used to describe the padded under layer that can be purchased specifically for playing paintball. Similar to pants worn by football players, thermal underwear includes built-in padded areas that cover the entire lower portion of the wearer’s body. These pads include protection for the tailbone, side hip, legs, front hips, and knees. What makes this type of gear different is that every pad is built into one piece of gear.

Sliding shorts/pants

If you are the type of player that likes to jump and slide behind barriers and cover, you will want to have a pair of sliding pants or shorts. Made to be form fitted and worn against your skin, sliding pants/shorts will give you excellent protection from scratches you receive while sliding. In addition, most include built-in cup holders for the males.

Jock Strap/Cup

This is a must have for any male who wishes to play paintball. While damage to the eye is one of the leading injuries in paintball, damage to the midsection of a male is a close second. Though they can be rather uncomfortable, you will be very thankful when it protects you from getting hit. For increased comfort, simply purchase sliding shorts that have a built-in cup holder.


Protection for your feet is all about comfort. Rarely will a player take a hit to their feet and, when they do, any amount of protection will diminish the result. For this reason, when choosing your footwear, always keep comfort in mind.


There is not any footwear that has been specifically made for playing paintball. Instead, most players tend to lean towards military/tactical boots. Any sporting goods store will have an ample selection of footwear. When choosing what best works for you, keep these thoughts in mind:


The last thing you want is to have to replace your boots every month. Spend the extra money upfront to get a pair of shoes that will last your for quite some time.


It is imperative that your footwear has support for your arch and ankle. Remember, it is likely you will be wearing the same pair of boots for an entire day’s worth of action. Especially if you are going to be running through rough terrain, this means you will run the risk of stepping in holes and on different obstacles. Having this support will ensure no injuries occur that would put you on the side lines.

Water proof

Regardless of where you play, you will almost always come into contact with water. Having waterproof footwear will not only help your shoes last longer but will ensure your feet don’t get wet, causing athletes foot or other ailments.

Socks: Almost as important as the shows you wear are the socks you put on. The main feature you will want in your sock is moisture control. Regardless of how expensive your boots are, being in them all day will cause your feet to sweat. If the sweat can stay on your feet, you will ultimately develop athletes foot. Thin or thick socks is a personal preference; moisture wicking features should be available in both.


One decision you will want to make is where you want to carry your accessories, such as extra cO2 canisters and paintball hoppers. The decision, however, will most likely be made by which type of play you are participating in.

Tactical Vest

Different from the vest mentioned above, a tactical vest rarely includes any additional padding. Worn during combat simulations, such as urban settings and woodsball battles, a tactical vest allows the wearer ample storage for anything you could ever need during play. Additionally, most tactical vests are customizable, allowing the wearer to move pockets and storage compartments around to where it is best suited for their individual needs. Not to mention, it does add to the whole military simulation look most players go for.

Gear Belt

A belt is the least common way players carry their accessories simply because it becomes cumbersome when trying to be stealthy. For this reason, a gear belt is more common in Speedball play where the players simply advance in a field of play that includes makeshift obstacles. A Gear belt also allows the wearer to customize the location of pouches, giving them full control of where their extras are.


Regardless if you use a vest or a belt, if you plan to have a backup weapon on you at all times, you will need to ensure you have a proper holster to carry it on your person. The holster will need to be fitted to your backup pistol and designed so that it prevents any misfires while you are running, climbing, and crawling. You will also want to ensure your gun fits securely in the holster so that you don’t drop it while running or allow another player access while in combat.


Regardless if you are a newbie or an avid paintballer, the gear you have on you is just as important as the gun you carry in to battle. Take your time in choosing which options you want to go with and never settle for something solely based on the price. You always get what you pay for.

If the price of a particular item is keeping you from purchasing it, remember that most paintball clubs/ranges will have gear available to rent. This is also important to keep in mind when you are wanting to try an item out before purchasing. As always, safety is always the top priority so having the proper gear will ensure you not only have a good time but you are safe while doing so.

Best Airsoft Sniper Rifle: Hit The Enemy In One Shot!

  • Updated February 24th, 2023

If you are an avid airsoft player, you know there is nothing better than having the ability to shoot the enemy from a long distance accurately. However, you also know that this isn’t possible with just any gun. No, you have to have a gun specifically designed to shoot that little 6mm bb as far as you want it to go and trust it will hit its mark.

The features of an airsoft sniper rifle are more than how they look; the gun has to be able to shoot accurately at a very long distance. The rifle not only needs the ability to shoot at a high velocity but must also have the capacity to aim to make this happen. After all, what good is a gun that can shoot far if you can’t aim it properly?

Best Airsoft Sniper Rifles
Best Airsoft Sniper Rifles

That’s why a good airsoft sniper rifle must have an excellent optic attachment. Whether this is a red dot scope or a scope meant for a regular gun is up to the shooter. We’ve taken the liberty of finding some of the best sniper airsoft guns on the market.

Sniper rifles tend to be considerably longer than average airsoft rifles and a little harder to carry. However, these guns are not only fun to shoot but have what it takes to make the long-distance shot. With one of these guns in your arsenal, you are sure to hit your mark every time.


  • Weight: 6.5 lbs.
  • Length: 43.5 in.
  • Shot Range: 75 ft.

If you are looking for a weapon that is easy to break down and carry but it also powerful and accurate, the UTG Gen 5 is the gun. By removing two screws, you can completely disassemble it for cleaning, maintenance, and transport. Then, once at the field, the Gen 5 comes back together in minutes.

Available in both OD green and black, the Gen 5 included a bipod for added support and stability in aiming. This bipod is needed, especially since the gun weighs in at 6.5 pounds. However, it is extremely accurate up to 75 feet. With the adjustable hop up, you can fine tune your accuracy depending on your range and ammo weight. In testing, under perfect wind conditions, there were some shots accurate at even 225 feet. The amazing thing about the hop-up on the Gen 5 is that no tools are required to adjust it.

Pеrhарѕ оnе of thе bеѕt thіngѕ аbоut thе UTG Gеn 5 is thаt thе majority of thе gun іѕ metal, with оnlу thе trіggеr guаrd аnd stock аѕ аn еxсерtіоn. This build gives the shooter the mental assuredness that their gun is going to hold up, even through brutal conditions. Testing revealed that the Gen 5 was able to still fire accurately and consistently after massive drops, banging against obstacles, and fire in the rain.

Two magazines are included with the Gen 5, allowing you to endure long engagements. Though it does not include a scope, the top of the Gen 5 includes a single Picatinny rail that can be used to mount whichever optics you desire.

All in all, the Gen 5 is the perfect sniper rifle for anyone looking to get into the area of a sniper. Without a lot of bells and whistles, it is still an excellent gun and can last for many years. Also, your enemies won’t like you very much after you start picking them off at such long distances.

UTG Accushot Shadow Ops

  • Weight: 7.3 lbs.
  • Length: 45 in.
  • Shot Range: 100+ ft.

The UTH Accushot Shadow Ops sniper rifle is everything you could hope to have in an airsoft sniper rifle and more. Fashioned after the famous British sniper rifle, the L96A1, which has also become popular among law enforcement and special ops agencies in America. For its detail to accuracy and precision, the Shadow Ops MK96 is one of the best guns on our list.

While it is one of the most accurate guns, we listed, it’s also one of the heaviest. Weighing in at 7.3 pounds, you will be thankful a sling is included to help you carry it to you sniper hideout. Additionally, the construction of the MK96 is impeccable. It’s the perfect mix of a one-piece precision metal barrel and ABS polymer frame.

Also, the high-quality spring gives the MK96 the power to shoot upwards of 430+ feet per second. This feature allows the gun to be accurate at more than 100 feet, especially with the adjustable hop-up system. Though the weapon doesn’t include a scope, it has the Picatinny rail that allows for any scope of your choosing to be attached. It also has a bipod that comes standard, helping you support the bulky gun.

What we found interesting, and liked about this rifle, is that in testing it was discovered that the heavier the bbs got, the better the gun shot. While heavier bbs tend to mean less distance, the MK96 was hitting upwards of 150 feet with a .40g bb. A feature like this makes it a great gun in that you can pick off the enemy and they never have to see you.

Because the eMK96 is heavy, it’s not intended to be used by beginners in the sport, especially younger players, as they will have trouble carrying it for extended periods of time. Additional, because the spring is such high-quality it takes much force to compress the bolt completely. While this adds power to the rifle, it also lowers the shooter’s ability to pull it back in certain circumstances.


  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length: 44 in.
  • Shot Range: 200 ft

If accuracy is the deciding factor for you in which gun you chose, the BBTac BT-96 should be at the top of your list. With it being 44 inches long and coming with a 3×9 scope, you can expect accuracy at more than 200 ft with .25g bbs. That kind of distance is almost unheard of from a spring-powered rifle.

Using the MB01 model BBTac frame, the BT-96 is exceptionally durable and sturdy. Testing showed it was able to withstand any abuse the shooter could put it through while not falling apart and still retaining its ability to shoot straight. Additionally, except the rubber stock pad, the entire gun, including the barrel and bolt, are made of metal. The bolt fits perfectly in your hand and is consistently comfortable and sturdy when pulled back. Unlike cheaper bolt action rifles, you won’t have to worry about this bolt falling off in your hands.

Why we wanted it to be on our list, though, wasn’t the accuracy; that’s what we expect in a sniper rifle. We liked the fact that a shooter could lay down fire down-range quickly, even for a bolt-action rifle. Between the smooth pull on the bolt and the excellent quality of the magazines, the gun can fire a shot a second, if you can move that fast. For a heated battle where your teammates are pinned down, this feature becomes a life saver.

Overall, we feel the BT96 is an excellent gun for any shooter level. Though it doesn’t have many additional features, the accuracy more than makes up for it.

ASG Tac-6

  • Weight: 3.5 lbs.
  • Length: 36 in.
  • Shot Range: 150 ft.

If having to pull a bolt back after every shot doesn’t sound like fun to you, the ASG Tac-6 is your gun. Thе TAC-6 rifle іѕ a light weight, CO2 powered Aіrѕоft rifle with аn ergonomic ріѕtоl grip thаt hоldѕ thе BB’s in a ѕtісk tуре magazine allowing a fаѕt reload. This feature not only allows for more power but increased firing rate as well.

The Tac-6 is built to work as both a tactical and sniper rifle. With a lower and upper Picatinny rail, you can customize it with whatever optics and accessories you want. However, it does come with a removable laser sight and a bipod for increased stability and aim.

As previously stated, it is powered by CO2, meaning it can fire as quickly as you can pull the trigger. A feature like this makes being a sniper more exciting as you can lay down more shots down range in a quicker amount of time. There isn’t a hop-up on the Tac-6 but, with the CO2 you can expect exceptional accuracy at upwards of 150 ft.

One of the complaints against most co2-powered sniper rifles is their heavy use of CO2. However, the Tac-6 is considerably easy on the gas. In fact, during testing, the tac-6 was able to fire 15 magazines worth of ammo in one 12g cartridge. Not to mention that even the last shot on a nearly empty cartridge was just as accurate as the first.

The tac-6 is the perfect gun for someone who doesn’t want an AEG or a spring-powered gun. It allows for an exciting time without worrying about breakdowns or having to pull a bolt back after each shot. Perfect for beginners and advanced players alike, the tac-6 is the perfect primary or secondary weapon in any skirmish.

BBTAC Bt-96 with Scope and Bipod

  • Weight: 6 lbs.
  • Length: 44 in.
  • Shot Range: 200+ft

If уоu are оnе оf those реорlе whо аrе lооkіng for a grеаt аіrѕоft gun, thе BBTac BT96 Aіrѕоft Snіреr Rіflе іѕ аn іdеаl сhоісе thаt уоu ѕhоuld tаkе іntо соnѕіdеrаtіоn. The BT96 is bаѕеd оn the рорulаr AWP sniper rifle thаt іѕ uѕuаllу ѕееn in vіdео games like Counter Strіkе. Thе рrоduсt соmеѕ wіth a mаgаzіnе thаt hаѕ the ability to hоld 25 rounds as well as a sling for added support. Thе body іѕ соnѕtruсtеd frоm durаblе ABS рlаѕtіс while the barrel and bolt are metal.

The rіflе itself саn fіrе аn іmрrеѕѕіvе 400+FPS wіth thе uѕе оf 0.20g BBѕ. The BT-96 is bolt action, meaning you do have to reload each tіmе tо ѕhооt manually. Aѕіdе from this, уоu don’t nееd gas оr batteries tо ореrаtе thіѕ рrоduсt. Furthеrmоrе, thе gun іnсludеѕ bipod аnd ѕсоре thаt уоu wіll surely lоvе.

In fact, it’s the added scope and bipod that made us want to put this package on our list, as well. Thought the gun is the same as the one listed above, this package includes an excellent 3-9x scope, making it even more accurate than it’s counterpart. With the right settings and a .25g bb or heavier, you can expect accuracy at more than 200 feet away. For any airsoft field, that’s an exceptional distance.

Since the rifle is heavy, holding it upright would tend to weaken your aim. That’s why the bipod is such a great feature. It allows you the ability to lay prone on the ground or prop the gun on an obstacle and increase your stability ten fold. The bipod is adjustable, as well, allowing the shooter to adapt it to their desired position and size.

Considered аѕ one оf thе еlіtе аіrѕоft gunѕ that аrе wіdеlу available in today’s market, thе bolt оf the Bt-96 іѕ smooth tо рull bасk while at thе ѕаmе tіmе the magazine hаѕ thе аbіlіtу to hоld 25 BBѕ.That means more rounds consistently down range and increased effectiveness.

BBTac BT-L96

  • Weight: 10 lbs.
  • Length: 45 in.
  • Shot Range: 150 ft.

The heaviest, and perhaps longest, gun on our list, the BBTac BT-L96 is a monster of a rifle. The weight, however, is perfectly balanced to give the feel of a real gun. With the added sling that it includes, the gun becomes easy to carry.

It does include an adjustable bi-pod, allowing the shooter increased accuracy and stability in their aim. Add in the 3-9x scope, and you can consistently hit a target at 150 ft with just a .20g bb. However, these stats aren’t what made us want the BT-L96 on our list.

The rugged construction of the L-96 causes it to surpass any expectations set before testing. It’s full steel barrel, and heavy-duty ABS polymer gives it excellent durability in even the harshest conditions. As is the case with most snipers, they like to get down on the ground and conceal themselves with natural vegetation and landscape.

This stealthy approach actually can lead to the demise of a sniper rifle since dirt and debris getting into the internal parts of the gun can cause it to malfunction. However, the L-96’s construction is so well built and sealed that very little, if any, dirt made its way inside the gun.

What we liked so much about this fact is that it requires less maintenance and cleaning. Additionally, this leads to fewer times where the rifle brakes down in the field. After all, the sniper is perhaps one of the most important members of the team; when the sniper’s gun malfunctions, it could mean catastrophe for the squad.

Because of its weight, this gun is not for younger players. Only someone who can handle running and jumping with the added weight should bring it into the field.

BBTac BT-59

  • Weight: 6.9 lbs.
  • Length: 48 in.
  • Shot Range: 150 ft.

Perhaps the best all-around gun on our list, the BBTac BT-59 is impressively accurate and dependable. It’s considered a workhorse in the airsoft sniper market, not coming with any accessories but entirely accurate without them.

The BT-59 can shoot more than 400 feet per second with a .20g bb. When you add that with the adjustable hop-up system on this gun it can shoot near 150 feet with complete accuracy, you can see why this makes our list. The iron sights are amazing, as well, allowing you to adjust the rear sight to compensate for distance and size of the round.

IF you like to have the additional accessories, the BT-59 doesn’t disappoint there either. It has a small Picatinny rail on the top designed to attach additional optics, as well a small rail on the bottom designed to attach a bipod or foregrip.

The magazine on the BT-59 holds roughly 25 rounds, dependent on the size of your rounds. What was impressive, though, for the BT-59 was that during testing, there wasn’t a single miss-fire. Each and every round loaded correctly and never had more than one round come out of the barrel at a time. This kind of dependability is usually only found on very expensive guns. The fact that this gun is so affordable and dependable makes it one of the best on our list.

You would expect a gun in this price range to be entirely plastic, yet sturdy. However, the BT-59 made it onto the list of best guns because its entire internal workings are made of metal while the outside is a high-grade ABS polymer. Having a metal barrel, bolt, and trigger make this gun extremely durable and less likely to break down while in the field. Furthermore, fewer breakdowns make it an excellent gun for a beginner looking for durability and accuracy.

BBTac BT-M1602

  • Weight: 1.6 lbs.
  • Length: 40 in.
  • Shot Range: 75 ft.

For a light weight gun with a heavy-weight shot, the BBTac BT-M1602 is the perfect gun. Weighing in at only 1.6 lbs., the M1602 can fire a .12g bb at 400 feet per second. This light weight makes the gun, along with the added accessories, accurate up to 75 feet away. In fact, the M1602 was so consistent during testing that it hit eight consecutive shots at 75 feet away in a 3-inch grouping.

It’s the included accessories that made us want to add the M1602 to our list. Right out of the box, any level of shooter can be sniping the enemy with the excellent features. The M1602 comes with an accurate, and adjustable, red dot scope. This scope is powerful enough to zoom in on the enemy, making them appear to be three times as close as they are.

The M1602 also has a Picatinny rail system that allows for the addition of extra accessories. Got a more powerful scope you want to attach? That’s no problem with this versatile rail system. On top fo that, the package includes an amazingly bright flashlight and iron sights attached to the gun.

The shooter can also adjust the accuracy of their shot depending on the distance of the enemy. The adjustable hop-up system allows the shooter to change how much curve is given to the round as it leaves the barrel; more curve allows the shot to go further.

The M1602 is a spring powered, bolt action rifle. Though each shot requires you to pull the bolt back and reload a round, the magazine can hold 37 rounds. This capacity allows for more shooting time and less time spent reloading.

The construction of the gun is another excellent feature. Though the rifle is not metal, the ABS polymer gives the same sturdiness and stability you would expect from a high-quality gun. The difference it that the M1602 is one of the cheapest guns on the list. That just proves you can have one of the best guns without paying a small fortune.

Well MB06 SR-2

  • Weight: 4.4 lbs.
  • Length: 43.4 ins
  • Shot Range: 100 ft.

The SR-2 is one of the best sniper rifles available in an extremely compact frame. It offers everything a shooter would hope for in a sniper rifle without the heavy load. Furthermore, the included accessories that come with the SR-2 make this gun a must have.

The SR-2, unlike most high-end airsoft rifles, is powered by a high-grade spring. These spring, however, is capable of firing a bb up to 500 feet per second. When you couple that with the long barrel (the gun itself is over 43 inches long) and the incredible scope, the SR-2 can hit a target at 100 feet with every shot.

Since the Sr-2 is so long, the manufacturers included a bipod that allows for increased stability for the shots. It is a bolt action rifle, meaning that a sniper must load a new round after each shot, but this is a standard feature for sniper rifles. After all, you won’t need a full-automatic rifle at 100 feet.

Additionally, the scope that comes with the SR-2 ensures you won’t have a problem getting on target. Similar to scopes used on actual firearms, this 3-9×32 scope allows the images to appear 3-times closer than what they are. This zoom ability increases the shooters capability of seeing the target, even though the enemy may be camouflaged or at a long distance.

One of the reasons we wanted to put the Sr-2 on our list of best sniper rifles was the fact that, even though it is one of the lowest priced on the list, its construction is just as solid as that of higher priced guns. In fact, during testing, the SR-2 was able to out-perform other guns regarding durability and dependability. When running through the woods, your rifle’s going to take some hits. The SR-2 will still fire perfectly every time, regardless of the abuse it takes.



So, as you can tell, no two airsoft sniper rifles are the same. And, even though it has a high price tag doesn’t always mean it’s one of the best. By choosing one of the guns on our list, you are ensuring yourself that every time you pull the trigger, the bb will go where you want it to without a doubt.

Don’t just buy a gun that looks good or all of your friends are talking about with each other. Just as no two guns are the same, no two shooters are the same. What works for your friends may not be the best fit for you. Take your time and research what gun you want before buying it. This due diligence will not only save you money but heartache in the long run.

Where To Sell Paintball Guns To Get A Good Price

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

When wanting to upgrade their equipment, most people want to be able to sell their used paintball guns. However, often finding a place to sell them is too difficult of a task to bother with it. That’s why, if you are looking into selling your used paintball gun, take the time to find the best place that works for you.


In today’s social-networking age, many people are turning to online websites to sell their used gear. These sites include:

Where To Sell Paintball Guns
Where To Sell Paintball Guns


Just recently, Facebook has launched what they have dubbed their “marketplace.” They have done so in response to many communities starting “yardsale” groups for people to buy and sell merchandise. Groups like this provide an excellent opportunity for you to sell because not only is it free to sell but it’s also free to buy.


The online auction site has been around for several years, allowing people from all over the world to buy and sell new and used items. However, when selling your item, you are required to pay a fee, usually a set percentage of the ending bid on your auction. Also, while eBay does offer a vast spectrum of potential buyers, many have been scammed from buyers on eBay, as well.


Almost every major town in the world has a Craigslist site dedicated to them. It is free to list items for sale on the website, and they charge no fees for buyers. Also, you can decide whether you want to offer shipping options. Also, you can add several pictures and have an unlimited amount of room to describe your gun.

When using these online avenues, always keep safety a top priority, especially when meeting someone local. Always meet in a public place; often police stations will allow you to use their facilities. And never go alone, if at all possible.

Local Shops

If you are wanting to refrain from using an online service, you may find that a local paintball or hobby shop will offer their patrons access to sell their used gear. Sometimes, this may be as low-tech as hanging an advertisement flyer on a bulletin board. Also, some shops may offer areas of their store designated for consignment sale.

A Consignment sale is when the store will allow you to sell an item, and they will be in charge of collecting the payment. However, they often charge a percentage of the final sale for allowing you to use their store space. This type of arrangement would be a good way to get your item in front of several potential local buyers.

Pawn Shops

Most everyone is familiar with pawn shops and will have one near buy. Pawn Shops offer their customers two ways to get money; selling their equipment or pawning it. Pawning an item just means the store gives you a loan for a portion of the item’s value and then, to get the item back, you pay the loan amount plus the added fees. A pawn shop is a good idea if you simply need to get some fast cash. However, don’t expect to get the full value of your item.

Pawn shops are in the business of making money by reselling the items they buy. Therefore, they cannot pay the full value for an item and expect to make money. For example, if your gun is worth $100, the pawn shop may pay you $50 in hopes of making the difference in profit. However, they rarely ever sale items for full value either.

Selling your used paintball gun doesn’t have to be a long, stressful ordeal. Find which method works for you, decide what you want to get out of it, and sell it. That way you can always have the newest and greatest equipment available.

Best Paintball Masks: Cool Looking & Feature Rich

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

Before stepping onto any playing field, you’re going to be required to have at least a basic face protection. However, simply going down to a big box retailer and buying the first masks you come to isn’t the best idea. For one, you have to consider that you will be spending hours wearing this mask. And, considering that most paintball games are played during the summer when the temperature is at its hottest, you want to be sure it’s comfortable and fits you perfectly.

When looking for a mask, there are certain qualities it needs to have before you purchase it. These features include anti-fog technology, adjustable straps, and ample room for you to breath. You also it needs to withstand the impact from a paintball.

Best Paintball Masks
Best Paintball Masks

We’ve taken the liberty of putting together a list of the top ten paintball masks available on the market today. If you choose one of these ten paintball masks, you can rest assured you will be safe and comfortable while playing this fantastic sport.

Virtue VIO Extend

  • Field of View: Large
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: Yes

When it comes to paintball masks, looks aren’t everything. With that said, the Virtue VIO Extend mask looks mean. You step out onto the field wearing this and people will know you mean business. Looks, though, aren’t the only thing that made the Virtue Extend show up on our list.

The Extend has everything you could ever need in a paintball mask. Not only are the lens shatter proof with anti-fog coatings but they block out harmful rays from the sun as well. Add in one of the largest fields of view possible in a mask and the arena will look like it never had before. Did we mention that the lens is removal? Not only does this make cleaning them a breeze but it allows you to have an assortment of colors available.

Cleaning the Extend is effortless. The form inserts around the eyes, ears, and mouth are removable, allowing you to clean them like new or replace should they wear out. A simple clip removes the strap, allowing you to wash away the dirt and sweat from the day.

Keep in mind, you’ll be wearing your mask nearly all day so being able to breathe through it is an important feature. With the Extend, you won’t even be able to tell you’ve got a mask on, as far as your breathing is concerned. The facemask portion sits further off the wearer’s face, allowing for more airflow through the vents.

Additionally, theExtend isn’t a normal one size fits all type of mask. Instead, every aspect of the Extend face cover is customizable to the wearer. With ease, you can adjust straps, lens, goggles, and even padding to make it a more comfortable fit. Though you may pay a little more than normal, you’ll be getting a mask that will last a lifetime.

Dye i5

  • Field of View: 290°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: Yes

The DYE i5 is perhaps one of the best masks available today. Yes, there is a hefty price tag, but considering everything you get, and the fact that you won’t ever have to buy a mask again, it’s well worth the price.

The comfort level of wearing the i5 is impeccable. It features a new soft-touch multi-layer foam system that makes your face feel like it’s riding a cloud. When you add that feature with the GSR Pro’s strap, you have the most comfortable and secure fits possible.

The GSR Pro strap is a revolutionary innovation. By simply tightening the precision ratchet system on the strap, you can secure it to your head, ensuring it won’t fall out mid-play. In fact, when tightened correctly, you can play for hours upon hours and never have to worry about the mask slipping even the tiniest bit.

Unlike other goggles that allow you to see only that which is in front of you, the i5 provides both horizontal and vertical peripheral vision. In fact, it also has one of the largest fields of views available, coming in at 290 degrees. When you factor that amount of vision in with the clarity and fog-proof lens, you’ve got an unmatched view of the field.

Furthermore, the i5 is an excellent upgrade from previous models in that the foam naturally snaps into place. Before, if you needed to switch the foam, you had to cut and scrape old glue and pieces out before putting in the new one. Now, cleaning and replacing the foam is a breeze by unsnapping and snapping it back in.

In the end, what matters is how the mask feels on you. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced player, the i5 is one you can trust to keep you safe and be comfortable to wear for years to come.

Virtue VIO Contour

  • Field of View: Full
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: Yes

For a mask that protects you while not obstructing your field of view, the Virtue VIO Contour is a perfect choice. While it is on the higher end of the pricing spectrum, the contour is an excellent mask for any style of play, as well as any level of shooter.

When we tested the Contour, we noticed that its anti-fog technology was superior to any others we had tested. We ran through different simulations, ensuring out rate of breathing was increased and still had no issues with the goggles fogging. In fact, the lens on the Contour is perhaps the clearest available. Even on the colored glass, you can see as if you had nothing covering your eyes.

The ease of switching out the lenses surpasses that of other goggles, as well. With just a click of a button on each side, the lens pops out. This feature makes cleaning and replacing a breeze. This easy maintenance is a bonus, as well, considering the Contour as so many different colored lenses available. You can have a different lens for each battle if you so choose.

Another downside to most masks is the fact that you aren’t able to hear other players very well and they can’t understand you. With the VIO Contour, this was never an issue for us. Because of the incredible ventilation, there were no problems hearing or being heard by others, even during the middle of an intense round

There’s no doubt why Virtue is becoming a leader amongst mask manufacturers. The Contour is perfect for any player, regardless of their head size and will protect you for many years to come. The ease to which you can clean this masks means you won’t be replacing it anytime soon; this makes up for the higher price tag.

Dye Precision i4

  • Field of View: 290°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: Yes

Perhaps one of the lightest and most comfortable mask we have tested is the Dye Precision i4. The technology used to create this fantastic paintball mask not only keeps your eyes and face safe, even from direct hits but is comfortable enough for you to wear all day with no problems.

The comfort level of the i4 is why we wanted to ensure it was on our list. While most masks just place a piece of foam against your face, the i4 takes it several steps forward. Dye’s proprietary dual stage foam technology forms to fit the face of the wearer. Instead of just resting against your face, the i4 hugs your face, becoming form-fitted.

Additionally, the foam has a moisture-wicking ability to help remove the sweat from you face. A feature like this allows you to wear it all day and not get the friction that would normally occur from the mask. Also, the vent system allows for airflow under the mask, keeping you cooler as you race around the field.

Another fantastic feature on the i4 is how it amplifies your voice. Most masks will drown out your voice, making it hard to communicate. Instead, the i4 has scream venting technology that projects your voice. The vents angle in such a way that sends the sound waves shooting out from the mask.

A problem with most face protection, even expensive ones, tends to be the strap system holding the mask to your head. To battle that, Dye created the Tiger Teeth strap retention system. With this enhanced ability to keep the strap tight, the teeth on the buckle hold the rubber strap in place all day, even through the roughest of playing.

If you’re going to spend the money to get a decent mask, the i4 contour should be on your list to check out. You won’t have to worry about it slipping during battle and won’t have to fear, should you take a hit directly to the mask.

Empire E-Flex

  • Field of View: 260°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: No

For a mask that is just as intimidating as it is useful the Empire E-Flex is it. The new skull design gives your enemy the awe factor when they first set eyes on you. Don’t worry, though; the mask is even tougher than it looks.

The Spectra foam inserts make the E-Flex an extremely comfortable mask, as well as makes it hypo-allergenic. With its slim-line design, the paintball mask doesn’t stick out away from the wearer’s face, making it easier to maneuver in tight places. Additionally, the face skirt is incredibly soft, adding an extra comfortability factor to the mask.

What we especially liked about the E-Flex was its ability to fit around prescription eye glasses. When a player must take off their eyeglasses to put on their mask, they lose their vision. And when prescription goggles are so very expensive, they are out of the question. That makes the E-Flex that much more valuable as players with glasses can purchase it knowing they will be able to wear them.

Another shortfall players almost expect in a mask is to hear an echo of themselves when talking to other players. With the E-Flex, you won’t get that. In fact, had no sound issues whatsoever during testing. You can yell and scream all day long and never have to worry about hearing echoes of yourself. Furthermore, other players will be able to hear you better as the E-Flex has sound amplifying features.

As far as visibility is concerned, it doesn’t matter what climate or weather condition you are in; you won’t have any problems with fogging whatsoever. In fact, the E-Flex has one of the clearest fields of views on the list. This feature makes it an awesome mask for anybody wanting to be safe while looking like your enemy’s worse nightmare.

Virtue VIO Ascend

  • Field of View: Large
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: Yes

If you want face protection you can trust day in and day out but don’t want to spend a small fortune; the Virtue VIO Ascend is the perfect fit. This mask held up to the same standards as the higher-priced competitors and was able to hold its ground. With all the same features yet a smaller price tag, this is a mask to consider.

What we like about the Ascend, and why we decided to put it on our list of best masks alongside some of the more expensive paintball masks, is the fact that it has a double pane lens. Though it doesn’t hinder the field of view or clarity of the cover, the dual pane feature allows for extra protection and fog resistance. The double pane feature also enhances the anti-fog feature.

Another great feature of the lens is the anti-reflective coating. Even though the outer portion is a mirrored finish, the inside of the lens has the coating applied to prevent reflection from sunlight coming in from the top of the mask. This feature, along with the scratch-resistance, makes the lenses of the Ascend top of the line.

The mask, itself, is entirely flexible, allowing it for molding to any wearer’s head. We like this because no two players are the same. Therefore, those with bigger heads can buy the ascend and know that they won’t have a problem fitting it on them. Also, the foam ear pieces have layers that can be removed, allowing for more customizability.

All in all, the Ascend is the perfect mask for anybody wanting protection at a decent price. The breathability and ventilation as the VIO features, specifically designed by Virtue for enhanced performance and comfort. It’s lightweight, making it perfect for players of any age and is sure to protect you for years to come.

Empire Event

  • Field of View: 270°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: No

The Empire Event Paintball mask is a great option for any player. With its form-fitting customizability and fantastic lenses offering a 270-degree field of view, you won’t be disappointed by adding this to your gear.

The lenses on the Event are some of the best on our list. They are dual-pane, anti-fog lenses that unsnap for easy cleaning and replacement. However, that’s not what makes them the best.

The feature that caused us to want this mask on our list is the optically correct lens. Most masks, though they don’t limit the field of view, will obscure the vision, affecting your aim and overall experience. Much like the “objects appear closer than they are” message you see on car mirrors. The Event’s optically correct lenses, however, do not effect what you are seeing. The design of the lenses is such that they get thicker as the go to the focal point of the eyes. This design means what you are seeing is really where you percept it to be.

The Event can also fit the specific wearer’s head by more than just adjusting the straps. The foam ear pieces are removable, allowing you to expand the size of the inside of the mask to fit your head while still allowing for protection from a direct hit.

The profile of the Event is low, allowing it not to interfere with your head’s movement. For example, the Event won’t affect your ability to get close to your gun for aiming. Also, you can maneuver much easier without your head feeling like its considerably heavier.

Designed with safety and protection as the most important priorities, Empire also added a visor to the Event. Not only will this help protect the lenses from taking a direct hit but will help block the sun’s rays on a sunny day as well as keep rain from falling directly on the glass. A feature like this will assist in ensuring you can clearly see in any conditions.

Overall, the Event exceeded all of our expectations. It would be a great mask for any level of player, young or old, big or small.

Sly Profit LE

  • Field of View: 270°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: No

When you first put on the Sly Profit LE, your face will feel like it is laying on a cloud. There’s no mask on our list that rivals the amount of comfort you have when wearing this mask. If you want to have comfort and safety in the same mask, this may be the one for you.

What makes this mask so comfortable, and the reason we wanted on our list of the best paintball masks is the velvet-lined foam inserts. Yes, you did read that right velvet. The dual layered foam combines an SBR foam for absorbing the force of a hit with a velvet lined soft foam for comfort. Unlike other masks that us a dual-layer technique, the Profit makes it feel like you aren’t wearing anything.

The front of the mask is unlike any we tested as well. The co-molded nylon frame allows the cover to be flexible while the soft texture of the TPR lower portion helps decrease ball breakage. With the two combined, it makes wearing the Profit easier and more functional as it means fewer paintballs will splatter on your face.

What we also liked about the Profit was the double strap feature. Most masks tend to use a wider single strap to hold the helmet to your head; these work well but often are uncomfortable and slip when the wearer becomes excessively mobile. The Profit, however, utilizes a double strap system. With a strap on the upper portion of your head and the lower, it increases the stability of the mask on your head. We found that, even with a player who is always running, jumping, and diving across the field, the Profit never moved.

The Profit still has many of the features you would expect in a quality mask, such as the anti-fog lenses and quick-release lenses. The Profit is an excellent face protector for any degree of playing.

Empire JT Spectra Proflex

  • Field of View: 260°
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: No

The Empire JT Spectra Proflex is not only the best value for your money but could potentially be one of the best masks on our list. Designed with the utmost concern for safety and comfort, the Proflex may not be the best looking helmet, but you can trust it to do what it was designed to do.

The Proflex offers a 260-degree field of view. This view allows for horizontal and vertical peripheral vision. The lenses are also interchangeable. This feature is even more impressive with the Proflex because it comes with a clear and a smoke-colored antifog lens.

Also, what the Proflex lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for in usability. The upper portion of the mask is rigid and durable, ensuring no paint will ever see your face. While the bottom is just as protective, it also can bend and conform to fit your gun, allowing you increased aiming ability. The ability to breath in the mask is also second to none.

The foam used in the Spectra masks is top of the line, allowing your face to breathe while still retaining its comfort level. Additionally, the ear pieces are made from Revo 2.0 rubber, giving it extra protection and comfort. Don’t worry, though about your ability to hear. You won’t miss a word with the Proflex.

An added benefit to the Proflex mask is the matching visor that comes with it. The visor not only enhances the looks of the mask but allows for extra protection from the elements, as well as from incoming paint. However, the visor is removable should you not want to wear it.

Overall, we wanted the Proflex on our list because it is a well-rounded mask. It provides the player with the highest degree of comfort and protection at a price that fits most budgets. No, it doesn’t look as intimidating as a skull mask, but for sheer protection, this mask is top of the line.

V-Force Grill

  • Field of View: Full
  • Removable Lens: Yes
  • UV Protection: No

For a sleek, ultra-light mask that won’t break the bank, the V-Force Grill may be the right one for you. The spherical lenses wrap around your face, giving you an unobstructed view while the thermal anti-fog technology ensures you’ll have a clear, bright vision. Additionally, the lenses have an anti-scratch coating, so they will last longer before you need to replace them.

Cleaning the Grill is a breeze. The mask comes apart into four pieces; the lens, the foam, mask, and the strap. Because of the ease at which it comes apart, you can simply wipe down each part and click it back together. All in all, the cleaning maybe takes five minutes, depending on how dirty they are.

The Quick-change Click-Dry Foam system revolutionized by V-Force sets the grill ahead of the pack. Not only does the foam contour to the wearer’s face but is easily unsnapped for cleaning and replacing. This feature allows the wearer to carry an extra foam insert and be able to swap them out quickly to allow for a dryer fit, especially since sweat is the leading cause of foam needing replaced.

What makes this mask even more suitable for any playing condition is the include ProVisor, which not only helps protect the lenses from a direct hit but allows for increased visibility in direct sunlight and rainy conditions. A feature like this makes the mask even more valuable because you no longer would have to buy an additional visor.

Many worry about the strap system on their mask and rightfully so. The Grill incorporates a quick-change strap for the back of the head as well as a comfortable chin strap. With these two securely in place, your Grill mask can stay in place for as long as you want without moving around even the slightest bit.

The grill truly is a mask the is perfect for any player. Any the younger players can tighten the strap down securely, giving parents the peace of mind that their child is safely enjoying the sport.



Finding the best paintball mask for your situation is important. Not only is it intended to protect you from potentially life-threatening hits, but is needs to be comfortable. After all, you will be wearing it the entire time you are playing paintball. Find the mask that not only fits your style but can work in any style of play.

If necessary, go to a pro shop and try one on in person. Most importantly, do your research first and find the perfect mask for you. No two players are the same and the paintball masks your friend likes may not be suited for you. Find your own and enjoy this sport we all love.

Cheap Paintball Guns With Amazing Accuracy & Reliability!

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

When researching which paintball gun you want, there are several factors to take into consideration besides price. Some of these may be the material used, the firing system, and the overall adaptability of the gun. And, for beginners especially, you want your gun to be easy to use.

We’ve taken the time to research and find ten guns that, while they are considered cheap regarding pricing, are of excellent quality and can meet even the most advanced player’s needs when it comes to paintball. We’ve proven that you don’t need to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to find an excellent gun.

Cheap Paintball Guns
Cheap Paintball Guns

Kingsman Spyder Victor

  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Length: 17 in.

If you’re in the market for a low-cost gun but don’t want to lose any effectiveness on the field, the Kingman Spyder Victor is the perfect match. Though it doesn’t have the customizability features that you’ll find on most higher priced guns, the Spyder Victor shoots just as well. Whether you’re into woodsball, speedball, or just backyard skirmishes, the Spyder Victor will be the perfect addition.

Causing the Spyder to make it on our list is an innovation its designer, Kingsman, added to make cleaning and in-field maintenance a breeze. The stigma surrounding inexpensive paintball guns is the fact that they can be difficult to clean, especially when the shooter uses a low-grade of paint. Kingsman, however, uses a tool-free striker plug design that allows the shooter to clean and perform basic maintenance without having to dig in their pack for the tool.

The low-profile of the Spyder makes it simple to shoot for any level of shooter. Also, since this model is light and shorter than other versions, the Spyder Victor is perfect for younger players looking for a great gun.

Another stereotype for guns in this price range is that they use a ton of cO2. With the Spyder, Kingsman has added a patent-pending Eko Valve system that allows the user to fire up to 1500 rounds from a 20oz CO2 tank. A feature like this means more shots fired down range without having to take the time to reload your CO2.

Though you can’t add any extra optics or accessories, the Spyder Victor is truly the ultimate beginners gun. Designed with the shooter in mind, you can get hours upon hours of play with the Spyder and never notice you’re shooting a low-priced paintball gun. Your enemies won’t realize, either, as your marker hits as hard as their more expensive ones.

D3FY Sports Conqu3st

  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Length: 18 in.

Ideal for beginners or those less experienced in the sport, the D3FY Sports Conqu3st is one of the better guns on our list. Designed for ease of use and simple maintenance, this all aluminum gun will defy all of your expectations.

The Conqu3st is compatible with both CO2 and compressed air, allowing for low-cost firing. Depending on the weight, and material, of your paintballs, you can expect to get anywhere between 700 to 1190 shots on a 20-ounce tank. Additional, with the standard 1/8 inch fittings, you can add aftermarket components to increase velocity and CO2 usage.

The reason we wanted to ensure the Conqu3st was on our list is that the accuracy of this gun during testing. With a length of 18 inches, this gun was incredibly accurate at 75 feet. We found that to be on the high end among other cheap paintball guns. Adding a longer barrel will only increase this distance, allowing you to remain further away from your opponents and stay on-target.

Another reason we wanted to make sure the Conqu3st received its spot on our list is that the dependability of the weapon. During field testing, when other cheaper guns were busting the paint or just simply spitting the balls out of the marker with little to no power, the Conqu3st remained consistently astonishing. There was no broken paint or misfires, and the gun remained clean and dependable.

The Conqu3st is another perfect weapon for those looking to get into the sport. With a minimalistic approach to the design and features, D3fy has allowed the Conqu3st to shine amongst other guns in this price range by building a gun the shooter can depend on in various scenarios. Whether you’re just playing in the backyard or looking to get into woodsball or speedball play, the Conqu3st won’t disappoint.

Tippmann Cronus Tactical Edition

  • Player Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Weight: 3.7 lbs.
  • Length: 17in.

If your desire is to have a paintball gun you can customize and make to look like the expensive models; the Tippman Cronus Tactical edition is perfect for you. It allows for a fully customizable setup at only a fraction of the cost of high-end guns. Plus, being developed by Tippman makes it one of the best on our list.

As stated above, the Cronus is fully customizable. With four Picatinny rails, the shooter can add any optics, flashlights, or other accessories they may need or want. Additionally, the Cronus comes with a foregrip, allowing the shooter more control for increased accuracy. The stock on the Cronus is adjustable with six different positions, meaning it can be changed to fit any shooter or shooting style.

The gas line on the Cronus is internal, separating it from other guns in this price range. Also, it is made of a high-impact material, allowing for enhanced durability. You won’t have to fear your weapon breaking should you accidentally drop it during play or it takes a direct hit.

With the in-line bolt system that has become the hallmark of the Tippmann brand, you will find you rarely have any issues with broken paint or lob shots. Instead, the Cronus is extremely durable and consistent with firing accurately. Also, the bolt system allows for easy cleaning, as well as maintenance in the field shoot any problem occur.

Though the Cronus Tactical edition has many of the “bells and whistles” you would never expect to find on a paintball gun at this price, it is still extremely light to carry. Weighing in at 3.7 pounds, you won’t grow fatigued, even after hours of play. This light weight makes the gun excellent for younger players as well, not requiring much strength to hold or fire accurately.

Tippman Cronus Basic

  • Player Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Weight: 3.7 lbs.
  • Length: 17 in.

The basic version of the Tippmann Cronus paintball marker is a must have for any beginner wanting a gun they can depend on without paying a high price. Though it has the same internal workings of the Cronus Tactical edition, this basic version differs slightly, offering a less is more kind of perspective.

The Cronus Basic edition is still customizable with the four Picatinny rails allowing the shooter to add any accessorize they need. However, that’s where the look similarities end. The basic edition features a two-tone color scheme, causing it to stand out amongst a field of competitors. Additionally, without the stock, the Cronus Basic is perfect for close-combat woodsball style of play.

Even without the addition of aftermarket optics, the Cronus is extremely accurate, considering the barrel length is only 9.7 inches. The iron sights attached to the front and back of the gun allow for easy aiming. Also, the attached vertical grip gives the shooter a more controlled grip on the gun, increasing accuracy and maneuverability.

What we found when testing the Cronus Basic is that is rarely chipped or broke the paintballs. Even when we turned the velocity to its highest setting, we only saw about 1 out of every 100 balls broke. That kind of durability is almost unheard of among cheap paintball guns.

Most cheaper paintball guns almost make you feel like you’re holding a toy. The Cronus is the exact opposite. The aluminum body, weighing in at only 3.7 pounds, is lightweight but makes you feel like you are holding a high-priced gun. No to mention the ease of mind you have when taking this gun into play.

With its streamlined design and excellent durability, this gun is perfect for any level of shooter. The Cronus makes a perfect addition to any arsenal and can be trusted to last for years to come.

Tippman Gryphon

  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Length: 20 in.

It’s graphics alone make the Tippmann Gryphon an incredibly intimidating paintball gun. It’s ergonomic design, and powerful shooting capabilities will have you looking like a pro in no time. Perfect for the beginner looking to have a little more power in a cheap paintball gun, the Tippmann Gryphon is bound to be a shooter’s favorite.

The Gryphon can operate with both CO2 and compressed air, firing with up to 800 psi behind the shot. This feature allows the Gryphon to shoot consistently at 200 feet per second. It allows the gun to be extremely accurate at 30 feet, causing a softball sized splatter, depending on the quality of the paint used.

What we liked about the Gryphon, and why we wanted to add it on our list, is because of the dependability at which it performed. After hundreds of rounds fired through, using various levels of paint, the Gryphon rarely had any broken paint. In fact, it was when we turned the velocity up and used cheap paint that we had any problems at all.

The Gryphon is all different than most cheaper paintball guns in the placement of the paintball feed system. While most paintball guns in this price range have the paintball feed into the rear portion of the marker, the Gryphon feeds into the center of the gun. This feature allows for increased mobility, whether you’re moving left or right.

Another thing we found while running it through its paces is that the Gryphon is a silent shooting gun. In fact, except a small thud when the ball comes out, you can hardly hear it. A feature like this makes it a perfect weapon for stealth operations and close-quarter combat.

With its ease of use and simple maintenance, the Gryphon would be an excellent beginner’s gun, as well as an added weapon to a professional’s arsenal. Made by one of the best in the industry, the Gryphon is sure to out-perform your expectations.

Spyder MR100 Pro Series

  • Player Level: Beginner-Advance
  • Weight: 3.3 lbs.
  • Length: 26 in.

If you want to immerse yourself into the military-simulation aspect of paintball, the Spyder MR100 Pro series by Kingsman is the gun for you. Featuring the aesthetics of a tactical rifle, the MR100 allows the user to conduct military-like operations with ease and presence. Not only does it look the part, being fashioned from the M14 gives it the durability and effectiveness any shooter needs

The balance and weight disbursement of the MR100 are impeccable. The center feed system allows for less chance of broken paint as well as increased dependability in the loading of the round. When you first pick up this gun, you would never know it was on the affordable list. Additionally, though it weighs in at 3.3 pounds, the gun is easy and comfortable to shoot.

The adjustable stock on the MR100 allows the gun to fit the shooter instead of the shooter contorting their body to fit the market. You can quickly switch from a rifle style shooting method to a tighter stance for maneuverability by just collapsing the stock.

The ease of maintenance, however, is why we wanted to include this gun on our list. Unlike other cheap guns where you have to remove every screw to be able to clean the frame thoroughly, the MR100 has one screw to loosen, and the rest simply pulls out. This simplicity makes cleaning and field stripping, a breeze.

You’ll also find that you use minimal CO2 when shooting the MR100. With the Eko valve system by Kingsman, you can get upwards of 1600 rounds out of one 20-ounce tank. Furthermore, the feed system can load the paint as quick as you can pull the trigger. Out of thousands of rounds, we may have had three dry fires. This efficiency makes the MR100 the perfect gun for anybody wanting an affordable paintball gun.

Empire BT-4

  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 5.5 lbs.
  • Length: 20 in.

With its lightweight construction and impact-resistant coating, the Empire BT-4 is everything you would expect to get from a high-dollar gun in the form of a cheap paintball gun. Designed with beginner shooters in mind, Empire developed the BT-4 to be durable and dependable yet easy to use.

However, this is so much more than your regular beginner gun. Take, for example, the tournament legal external velocity adjuster. Easy to control, this velocity adjuster enables the shooter to make quick adjustments while in play to correct for wind conditions, play style, and range of the shot.

Additionally, the BT-4 has a dual Picatinny rail system, allowing for easy customization. The options are limitless to the amount of gear you can purchase to enhance this gun to fit your style and needs. Also, it comes with an adjustable foregrip, allowing you to change its position on the gun or remove it entirely, depending on your style.

The Bt-4 is one of the easiest to clean on our list. Should you need to perform any in-field maintenance or cleaning, all you must do on this gun is slide the feed neck forward, and you can run a squeegee from the breech. This ease of use allows cleaning to be effortless and quick.

At only 20 inches in total length, the BT-4 is perfect for woodsball play. Though it weighs 5.5 pounds, the gun is comfortable to shoot, and the incredible balance of the weight make carrying it for hours at a time easy. With the center feed design, the shooter can easily look to the left or right of the gun and not have their field of view obstructed by the hopper.

Though the BT-4 is entry-level, any level of player will be that much better by having this as their primary gun. Did we mention it hurts like a kick from a mule? Your opponents will never imagine that you are shooting them with a low-budget gun.

Azodin Kaos

  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 2.2 lbs.
  • Length: 19 in.

For a reliable, sturdy, and accurate paintball gun without breaking the bank, the Azodin Kaos is it. With its aluminum frame and non-slip rubber panels, you won’t have the “cheap” feel you get with most guns in this price range. No to mention the Feather Striker System by Azodin makes this an epically awesome gun for the money.

This gun can be trusted, especially when you expose it to physical play. If you’re one that likes to run, jump over or crawl under obstacles, and play in rough areas, this is the gun for you. Never once did we have the feed neck come off or have to worry about a portion of the weapon breaking apart during play.

It does operate on either CO2 or Compressed air, making it cheap and easy to shoot. On a 20-ounce tank, you can expect to get around 1000 shots before needing a refill. This longevity, of course, depends on the weight of paint you are shooting.

Surprisingly, for a cheap paintball gun, the Kaos is extremely accurate. This accuracy is in part due to the length of the barrel it comes with out of the box. While most cheap guns include a barrel that is shorter than 10 inches, the Kaos has a 12-inch barrel standard. This barrel allows for increased accuracy at a further distance. You can expect to be able to put a round on target at 20 meters with no problem.

The velocity at which the gun fires round is exceptional for this price range. The Feather Striker System, combing Delrin and hardened still helps to lower the weight but makes the firing system more dependable. You’ll find that you can go through several rounds of play and never have a chopped shot or dry fire.

For a beginner looking for a consistently good time, you won’t regret if you purchase the Kaos. In fact, you may create a little chaos of your own.


  • Player Level: Beginner
  • Weight: 1.8 lbs.
  • Length: 16.5 in.

Perhaps the highest priced gun on our list, the GOG eNMEy is still cheaper than most other high-end guns, yet still, packs the same punch. Additionally, though a higher price than the others on our list, the eNMEy is the lightest, weighing in at just under 2 pounds. Don’t worry, though. The full metal construction gives you the peace of mind in its ability to withstand any elements.

Perhaps what makes the eNMEy so light, and why we wanted it on our list, is due to it being a fully pneumatic paintball gun. What this means is that instead of having a hammer and bolt system to shoot the rounds it simply uses the power of air. There are less moving parts which equal a longer lasting gun and little to no maintenance.

Some think that being fully pneumatic will cause the eNMEy to have less power. That’s just not so. Shooting the eNMEy, you’ll still be able to leave welts on your enemy even at 20 yards. However, with no object, other than gas, impacting the ball, you will not have any breaks or chopped shots.

Surprisingly, for us, the gun was extremely accurate. Like most, we thought it would only leave the paint at the mercy of the wind since it had nothing pushing the balls out. However, with its 12-inch barrel, we found that you could hit a 3-inch target from over 20 yards away. For a cheap paintball gun, that kind of distance is almost unheard of directly out of the box.

Being fully pneumatic makes it a better gun for younger players, as well, because it has zero kickback. Add that in with its lightweight, and it makes the eNMEy perfect for young players, and parents, to safely enjoy the sport.



Sure, you can take hundreds of your hard-earned dollars and spend it on a more expensive gun. If you’ve got that extra money, why not? However, to be practical in paintball doesn’t require you fork over that amount of money. We’ve proven that quality exists in a cheap paintball gun.

As always, do plenty of research before you invest your money into a piece. After all, the partnership between you and your weapon should be the strongest one on the field. You want a gun you can trust and can enjoy shooting, especially knowing you didn’t spend a small fortune on it.

What Is AEG Airsoft And What Does It Stand For Anyway?

  • Updated February 14th, 2023

If you have been in the market for a new airsoft gun, chances are you have seen the term “AEG.” For newcomers, this may seem like an archaic term, especially in a sport such as airsoft. However, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. In fact, most of the guns you will be seeing are considered AEG.  Before you make your purchase, we want you to know what AEG means regarding airsoft.

The acronym AEG stands for “Automatic Electric Gun.” A battery often powers these weapons. Depending on the manufacturer, and price, of the gun, these batteries may or may not be rechargeable. However, the only other options for an airsoft gun is a gas, or cO2, powered and a gun that the shooter cocks back.

What Is AEG Airsoft

The great thing about AEG airsoft guns is that you can get an AEG gun, regardless of what your budget is. Whether you are looking for an entry-level gun or have the resources so spend hundreds of dollars, an AEG is available to you.

How do they work?

Whether your gun is an AEG or gas powered, their functions have several similarities. However, AEGs are often cleaner and easier to operate. Without getting into the technical terms, an AEG uses a similar battery to that found in remote-controlled cars and airplanes. This battery runs a series of tiny motors and gears throughout the gun to compress and fire the pistons. The releasing of this piston creates enough air to launch the 6mm plastic bbs at a rate of 600 to 900 feet per second.

AEGs are simple to operate, but they can be a pain if they break down. It is a pain to disassemble because the pieces inside the gun are small. If you find yourself working on an AEG, then be sure that you have sufficient working knowledge of your particular gun.

Capabilities of an AEG rifle

When looking at a gas powered or AEG rifle, you will notice that each are capable of the same functions, with a few exceptions. While an AEG can offer a higher rate of speed for the bbs, it lacks the ability to deliver the “blow-back” offered by most gas-powered guns. This feature often is attractive those wanting to have a more realistic fell when shooting airsoft. However, you can purchase devices that can mimic the feel of a real gun and attach to an AEG gun.

On the other side of the spectrum, some prefer the AEGs because of their silence in the field. It’s unmistakable when you hear the “thud” of a gas-powered gun. However, if stealth and surprise are what you are going for, an AEG offers quiet functionality and a higher rate of fire.

When talking to airsoft enthusiasts, you will find that most prefer one over the other, but very few will like both styles. Those who like gas powered guns like the ease of use and simple designs while those who prefer AEGs like the realistic feel and the fact that they can put more rounds down range than their gas-power counterparts. Either way, it’s best to use one before you buy it. After all, this is an investment that you will have to deal with for several years; you want to make the right choice.
