5 High-Performing Tippmann TMC Upgrades To Supercharge Your Marker

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Blue Background with White Letters That Says Tippmann TMC Upgrades

What are the best Tippmann TMC Upgrades?

Tippmann has made its name by making some of the most indestructible and affordable paintball guns and accessories known.

They offer many markers, and each has its own merits.

The TMC paintball gun with its authentic AR styled body remains one of the most popular for mag fed play.

But now that you have that perfect marker, the TMC:

Why not think about those upgrades?

Let’s face it; a stock marker is excellent.

And we cover the stock marker in our Tippmann TMC Review.

But if you really want to look like you know what you are doing on that field, then it is all about the upgrades.

So, what kind of upgrades will make you stand out and shine while you wipe the floor with your competitors?

There are several options.

Tippmann TMC Upgrades To Consider

Individualizing your TMC is a breeze.

Part of that individualization comes with the upgrades that you choose to select.

There are:

  • Mags to consider
  • Tweaks to the stock
  • Changes to the barrel
  • Tactical Vest

Each upgrade you make to your marker changes the efficiency and ease of use.

But how do you get the most out of the upgrades you choose to add to your paintball gun?

Well, you need to select the best ones for your goals.

Maybe you want to camp out & snipe away.

Or you might want to storm the base with markers blazing.

In either case, it may depend on the amount of firepower you have or the speed at which you can get those balls flying through the air.

So, one of the first upgrades you should consider is adding a few of those mags to your kit.

Tippmann TMC Mags

The TMC is a dual loading marker, which means that it not only is mag fed but also utilizes the traditional hopper loading as well.

The benefits of using the mag fed option and upgrading your kit with a few extra magazines are especially useful if you:

  • Need a sniper style shot
  • Prefer accuracy over quantity
  • Want quicker loading capability
  • Need the additional firepower
The TMC mag upgrade comes in a two pack. These mags:
  • Have a 20-round capacity
  • Are spring driven
  • Contain a mechanical winding knob to load the magazine

Connect 2 Tippmann TMC Mags Together

Upgrading magazines is just the first step.

Now that you can have multiple magazines at your disposal the most significant question remains.

How do you keep them ready for the battles to come?

The Tippmann TMC Magazine 2 Pack With Coupler is the finishing part of the magazine upgrade that you need.

With this accessory, you get the ability to attach two magazines together.

This upgrade allows faster reload that can make the difference between victory and utter defeat.

The Tippmann TMC Mag Coupler:
  • Has a sturdy polymer build that will keep the wear and tear down to a minimum
  • Weights light as a feather adding less heft to your gear
  • Is easy to adjust
  • Allows for quicker reloads
  • And ease of accessibility to your extra ammo

Tippmann TMC Vest for Mags

Now you have your extra magazines and the ability to couple them for ease of access and quicker reloading the next upgrade you need to support those is a tactical vest.

There are many choices, and much like your marker, it depends on what you are looking for which one you should choose to upgrade your gear.

The Condor MCR6-498 Tactical & Duty Vest though is the best option when you are looking for:

  • A durable vest that is comfortable to wear
  • Accessibility and rapid reload capability
  • Extra pocket space for other pieces of gear

This vest is the must-have addition that will round out the necessary upgrades any paintballer needs to be ready for battle.

Tippmann TMC Stock

The Tippmann TMC stock that comes with this AR styled paintball gun is already a great way to start yourself out.

The factory stock already comes with the ability to collapse.

You can put it into five separate positions.

But specific models of the TMC comes with an even better stock, the Tippmann TMC Air-Through Stock.

Tippmann TMC Air-Through Stock

The Tippmann TMC Air-Through Stock both comes on certain models of TMC as well as an upgrade.

If your original marker does not come with one, this upgrade is something you may want to consider.

With the Air-Through stock, you still get the collapsible five position ability, but you also get:

  • The ability for the TMC to go back to a bottom mounted ASA
  • A stock designed for most tanks and regulators of the 13ci 3000psi capacity
  • Inserts that change the size of the tanks that the stock can fit
  • Easy tank installation because of the removable drop-down stock tail
See the Air-Through Stock in Action

Tippmann TMC Barrel

The stock barrel that comes with the Tippmann TMC is a high performance 12” one.

It has a muzzle break, and yet you still might be considering an upgrade.

Upgrading your barrel can lead to:

  • Improved accuracy by allowing you to tailor the barrel to your specific brand of paintballs
  • The air efficiency delivers a more precise shot immediately.
  • More precise shots overall
  • And a quieter marker

All these benefits can quickly move you out of that newbie phase of your game.

So this Tippmann Sniper Barrel upgrade is one that is highly recommended by paintballers that have been in the game for a while.

But wait a minute.

Can you put an after-market barrel on it?

Though there are not any specific barrel upgrades for the Tippmann TMC upgrading this marker is so easy.

The fact that all the components are the same as the Tippmann 98 is good news.

If the barrel works for that model, then you can use it to upgrade your Tippmann TMC.

So, when you are looking for your next barrel upgrade, then look for any barrel that has the thread for the 98.

Then choose the one that works for your situation.


Your must-have upgrades to your Tippmann TMC are complete.

Now all you have to do is get out there and take the battlefield.

This time go out there with a little swag.

You know that this go-round no one will be able to call you a newbie.

And that you can hit that battlefield with all the confidence you need to dominate!

Empire Axe Review: Is This Marker The Wave Of The Future?

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Empire AXE Review
Empire AXE Review

Empire Axe Review

4.5 out of 5 stars


    • Excellent Detents
    • Consistent PSI
    • Advanced Trigger Design
    • Lightweight
    • Lifetime Manufacturer’s warranty


    • Poor Feed Neck Construction
    • Shorter Barrel
    • Self-servicing might result in voided warranty
    • Inefficient with air


Above-average marker at a reasonable price


  • Bore: .689
  • Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz
  • Barrel Length: 12 inches
  • Firing Modes: Semi-Auto, Millennium-Ramping, NXL, and PSP-Ramping

Empire Axe Review

The Empire Axe has a well-known and well-respected place in the paintball community. And that place is well-earned. With you buy this marker, you get quite a bit. You get a quick start guide, an owners manual, a parts kits, the barrel and a barrel sleeve. The parts kits contain o-rings, screws, detents, and lube.

The Axe is a testament to how much paintball marker technology has evolved over the years. Ten years ago you would have to pay 3-4 times the price of the Axe to get this same quality. You now have an excellent marker that has proven itself in professional play. The best part is that you get all this at a reasonable price.


Company and History

The Axe is Empire’s answer to the issues reported with their earlier model; the Mini. There were feeding problems, feed neck problems, and chopping issues, just to name a few issues. Also, the design of the mini was just as the name implies. It was compact which was reportedly uncomfortable to use for long periods of time.

The fact that Empire, as a company, listens to their customers sets them apart from other manufacturers. Customers of Empire know their voice has power and this has resulted in a very loyal following. Empire heard all the complaints of the Mini. They then took these considerations to the design floor, and made the Axe.


The threads of the barrel are Autococker threads instead of the Tippmann A5 threads. There is a lot of “discussion” on the paintball forums about which is better. We want you to be aware that you will not be able to use A5-threaded barrels with this marker.  This way you will be able to find the best barrel that is compatible with the Axe.

Similar to the Tippmann Crossover the Empire Axe has the regulator built into the ASA. This assembly feeds into the marker via an internal gas line (air transfer tube). The benefits here are the same as all interior gas line systems. Namely, you don’t have to worry about a leaking or damaged macro line while playing. The downside is that to service the tube it requires taking the grip panel apart.

The bolt is possible to remove without tools which are not exceptional by today’s standards. But there are two noteworthy design features. First, a spring-loaded button located on the back and underside of the bolt chamber holds the bolt held in place. This button makes the bolt even easier to access on the Axe than most tool-less bolt systems. There is far less twisting required. Also, the spring then has to go through a bit of a maze. You have to physically twist the bolt back and forth before you can remove it. Both of these design features ensure secure placement of the bolt without making it a fight to access when needed.

The foregrip is comfortable and spacious. However, the materials used to make the foregrip could have been better. This material feels like a hard plastic and when covered in either paint or sweat can get a little slippery. We recommend modifying this with some grip material.

The feed neck on the Axe, while a clamping feed neck which is the best kind, only has the clamp to make a secure fit. In other markers, there are additional options such as a bolt to tighten as well as the clamp. This configuration results in a somewhat insecure fit even when an attached hopper. And the clamp just flops around when you don’t have the hopper attached.

The eyes of the Emprie Axe connect to the board via connector plates instead of wires that complete the circuit to the rest of the marker. A design feature like this makes one big difference. If you need or want to take the bolt chamber off of the marker then you do not need to unplug any eye wires to do so. This reduces the risk of damaging them.

The stock barrel that comes with the marker is 12 inches. This length is about 2 inches shorter than what most professionals recommend using. It is not imperative to the function of the marker that you get a 14-inch barrel. However, it would maximize your marker’s performance.


An Illustration of a Paintball Gun - With Text ASA / Regulator


There is an updated ASA with on/off capability, but the system still can use some improvements. The lever is not very sturdy, and if you flip it too fast or too hard, you could bend or break it.

The gauge on the side of the ASA can also be a source of contention for some. It sticks out of the side of the ASA which just adds bulk to the side of the grip panel. You would want something that follows the line of the marker. Adding this to the side means you might hit it with your hand when trying to access the on/off switch. This could also happen even in general use. Some players like it and some don’t.

Lastly, you should note that the regulator of the Axe is not a self-serviceable part. This means that if you take apart your regulator you void your warranty. For some players, this is severely irritating. Why? Most of us enjoy making such tweaks to suit our liking. We don’t appreciate either not being able to enjoy their marker or voiding our warranty entirely. If you are not the type of player, who makes internal adjustments to your regulator then don’t worry. It is unlikely that this regulator will ever malfunction.

Bolt Chamber

One of the updates to the Axe from the lessons learned with the Mini is that Empire enlarged the back of the bolt chamber. The reason for this is that the change made it easier for a larger volume of air to pass through the market. The increased airflow made its operation much more comfortable and smooth.

However, there were two problems that resulted from this.

  1. Users have reported that the poppet o-ring on the bolt tends to dry out very quickly with the extra airflow. Make sure that you take great care in keeping all your o-rings well-lubricated. You want to focus especially on this one.
  2. The larger volume of air also has resulted in lower air efficiency. Some users claim to be able to shoot one or two additional pods more with other markers with the same air tank.


The stock trigger that comes with this marker is where the Empire Axe truly shines. It is a 3-point adjustable, four position magnetic-return trigger.

What does all that mean?

It means you can adjust the trigger to whichever firing signature you prefer. If you do not already have a preferred firing signature, then you’re in for a treat. This marker has a wide variety of options to play around with. By tinkering around a little, you can determine your preferred firing signature.

The magnetic-return functionality of this trigger gives you consistent pressure against your finger. You will feel this pressure whether you are depressing the trigger to fire or release the trigger to reset. With spring-return triggers, you can sometimes get slop followed by stiffness in a trigger. That makes it difficult to know when it will break. Magnetic-return triggers make it easier to predict when your trigger will break. These are therefore better for distance.


A Graphic of a Paintball Splattered Inside the Bullseye of Crosshair


As mentioned before, the Axe has a firm reputation in the field. In fact, it is not uncommon to see these markers in professional tournaments. Professionals use it against considerably more expensive paintball guns.

The Axe operates at a low 200 PSI with a regulator. The PSI is so consistent that it would be unusual to experience more than a 10 PSI variance between shots.

While one of the weaknesses of the marker is that it is not very air efficient it is very reliable. Many reports being able to fire thousands of paintballs without a single malfunction. They do this even when switching between firing modes.

Essentially, once you set this marker at the recommended 200 PSI, leave it there, and fire to your heart’s content.


There are few negative things to say about the Axe. If there are negatives they don’t impact anything significant about its operation. Empire listened to its customers, put effort into redesigning the Axe and made a reliable marker that the professionals trust.

Pick up the Axe and feel the difference between what a company thinks you want in your hands and what a company knows you want in your hands.

GOG eNMEy Review: A Budget Paintball Gem Or Just A Backup?

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Featured image of the review showing a drawing of a GOG eNMEy
Featured image of the review showing a drawing of a GOG eNMEy


4.0 out of 5 stars


    • Low operating PSI
    • Lifetime warranty
    • Reliable
    • Easy to use and maintain
    • Low price point


    • Low-quality ASA
    • Shorter barrel
    • Poor stock feed neck


Excellent entry level marker or for casual players

Good marker for those who like to tinker


  • Weight: 1 lbs 14oz
  • Propellant: CO2 or compressed air
  • Bore: .693
  • Barrel Length: 10/12 inches

GOG eNMEy Review

The GOG eNMEy is often considered a mechanical version of another GOG model; the Ion. As this is a purely mechanical, or pneumatic paintball marker, there is no battery or solenoid to worry about and operates far more simply.

The attractions of a mechanical marker over an electronic paintball gun are numerous. The top reasons are that mechanical paintball markers are less expensive. Also, because they have a more straightforward design they are easier to maintain and operate more reliably.

This marker is no exception in either regard. You will likely pay half what you would pay for an electronic paintball gun of equal quality. Even with such a low price tag you will have very few problems.

There is one last point worthy of note before the full review. The GOG offers a Lifetime manufacturer’s warranty. Can you beat that?


The GOG eNMEy is an entry-level paintball gun in price, capability, and construction.

The eNMEy consists primarily of a hard, composite plastic. This plastic makes it light and inexpensive but also has some drawbacks. There are certain parts of the marker that if it were aluminum or something else more sturdy, it would have improved its design immensely.

For instance, one of the common problems you will hear about this marker is the feed neck.

The design does not have a clamping feed neck. In our opinion, the industry should standardize this feature. Instead, you have two screws adjusted by Allen keys. One of the screws attaches it to the lip of the paintball gun above the breach, and the other screw tightens down on the hopper.

The lip of the marker that it attaches to and the stock feed neck itself are both plastic. We recommend that you replace it with a superior, aluminum aftermarket product. However, you cannot do much about the lip. You have to be delicate with this piece. This is especially true if you play in colder weather as plastic becomes more brittle the colder it gets.


An Illustration with a guy holding a GOG eNMEy


The GOG eNMEy differentiates itself from typical mechanical markers. It accomplishes this through several of its design points.

First, it is a mechanical paintball marker that uses a spool valve. This is unlike other mechanical paintball guns. They just use a spring and blow-forward mechanism. This feature gives the eNMEy a softer firing signature.

However, unlike other spool valve markers, this only has four o-rings instead the multitude you usually get. And they all are easily accessible. So not only do you get the benefits of a spool valve you have little of the maintenance hassle.

The eNMEy operates at a very low 160 PSI which is incredible for a mechanical marker. This is a step up from one of the most significant disadvantages of using a typical mechanic marker. They usually required more than 500 PSI to operate and your tanks, therefore, do not last as long. Also, because these paintball guns need such a high PSI you also get a louder sound signature as well as more vibration.

You have the advantage of operating with low PSI. So, the eNMEy has conquered one of the most significant drawbacks of mechanical markers. And the spool valve conquers another.

The stock ASA on this paintball gun is a weak point and as such is another piece we recommend upgrading.

Our previous statement is not to say that the ASA is poor quality. It is just that the level of technology of paintball has gotten to the point where better ASA’s are easy enough to find. This ASA does not have on/off capability nor does it have a purge system. When you want to take off your tank, you will need to pull the trigger repeatedly. This will depressurize the seal between the ASA and tank as you turn it, or else you risk damaging the threads.

Lastly, the detents on the eNMEy are rubber and go bad fairly often so be sure you know where you can order more. It might even be a good idea to stock up in case you need to change these during a match.



Because the marker is mechanical, there are no eyes to prevent chopping.

For those who don’t know, the eyes are internal sensors on electronic markers. They are at the connection of the breach and feed neck. They will not allow the marker to fire unless the paintball sits fully inside the breach. This design feature prevents the bolt from striking the paintball at a time when the paintball will just hit the top of the feed neck or breach walls.

Despite not having this feature the GOG eNMEy is, by all accounts, extremely reliable.

Since the paintball marker runs on low PSI, your bolt is not going to strike paintballs with much force. This bolt is a low-force bolt. It is useful in preventing both paintball chopping and barrel breaks.


Aside from the essential benefits of mechanical markers, there is another benefit for the adventurous.

There is no motherboard directing the firing mechanism and there are far less moving parts. Therefore, you can modify mechanical markers quite a bit. Spring, valve seals, and tension force drive all of the functions of mechanical markers. Changing these springs or any other piece will alter the performance of the marker.

For instance, one of the most common alterations that owners of the eNMEy have made is to shorten the trigger pull. You do this modification by removing the grip panel. Doing this expose the spring behind the trigger. In the gap between the spring and trigger, you can place a piece of wood or something similar to keep additional resting tension in the spring. This mod shortens the pull and reset of the trigger.

You should note that some customization and alterations will void your warranty. Others mods will not void the warranty. A good rule of thumb is to avoid any modifications that require permanent or semi-permanent bonding to the paintball gun itself.


An Illustration of a paintball mask


While the GOG eNMEy works pretty well straight out of the box, there are a few upgrades we would like to recommend.

The stock barrel you get with this paintball gun is either 10 or 12 inches. The actual length depends on which package you purchase. Many consider a 14-inch barrel to be the optimal length for a paintball gun that fires at 300 FPS. This is the rate that the GOG eNMEy fires. There are many aftermarket barrels, so this should not be difficult to find.

As we mentioned above, one of the most significant design weaknesses of the eNMEy is the feed neck. We would strongly recommend upgrading this. You can replace it with a metal one to help reinforce this connection. The best thing you can do about the plastic lip is to avoid heavy or elongated hoppers that place undo rocking force on this section of the marker.

The ASA on the eNMEy works as designed but the process you have to go through to depressurize the system is a bit of pain. In the long run, most paintballers will get annoyed with this process and want to upgrade to an on/off purge system. We recommend doing this right away to get long-term gain for short-term pain.

All of the upgrades we have recommended here are relatively inexpensive, easy to find and are external. There are no internal parts we recommend upgrading. The interior of this marker is pretty reliable with what comes stock.

Lastly, we do not recommend buying these paintball markers used.

Because of its low price point and ease of some paintball fields use these markers as rentals. There are a lot of low-reputation companies out there looking to sell you these rentals. You will hear stories of people who have purchased used eNMEy’s. Then they have them arrived still covered in paint and missing parts. Keep in mind, the lifetime warranty only applies to the original purchaser.


If you are the type of paintballer, who likes simplicity. Or you may be someone just looking to get into the game. If that is you, then it would be hard to find a better marker than the GOG eNMEy.

The low price point and ease of use make this an ideal paintball gun for a lot of people. There are some parts that we recommend upgrading. Even after having done so you will still come far under the price point of other markers of equal quality. If your paintball gun falls prey to a broken feed neck, then you always have the lifetime warranty.

We recommend having this marker be in your arsenal. You can have it even after you have purchased more expensive options. As long as you buy it new and upgrade the few parts, you will enjoy the GOG eNMEy.


Tippmann TPX Pistol Review: Is This A Mag-Fed Paintballer’s Dream?

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Tippmann TPX Pistol graphic with a paintball player in green.
Tippmann TPX Pistol graphic with a paintball player in green.

Tippmann TPX Pistol

4.3 out of 5 stars


    • Easy to Load CO2
    • Extremely Accurate
    • Mostly made of Metal


    • Not Efficient on CO2
    • Magazines only hold seven rounds


Great secondary/backup weapon

Shoots amazingly far for a pistol

Perfect for any style of play

Technical Specs

  • 11-inches
  • 1.8 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 6-inch Barrel
  • Mag Fed
  • A5/X7 Barrel Thread

Tippmann TPX Review

The Tippmann TPX paintball pistol is the ultimate secondary weapon for any paintball event. With this Semi-auto, mag-fed paintball gun on your side, you’ll never have to worry about not having enough firepower. It has the overall basic look and feel of a real-steel firearm.

So, it’s no wonder why the TPX is quickly becoming one of the most popular paintball guns on the market.


The overall design of the TPX mimics a real pistol. With that in mind, it does have some apparent distinctions from the real deal. The TPX is a lightweight pistol, weighing in at only 1.8 pounds. Additionally, the paintball gun’s streamlined design is thin. This is especially nice since the CO2 cartridge isn’t in the magazine.

Instead, the 12-gram CO2 cartridge fits securely into a slot just below the barrel’s muzzle. This feature allows for a more comfortable grip. With the CO2 not in the grip, it allows for a more balanced marker and, should the shooter need to, makes it easier to shoot one-handed.

Loading and unloading the cartridge is easy, even while wearing your gloves. The cap for the CO2 compartment screws out effortlessly. Ease of use like this allows you to slide the new cartridge in with no effort. After loading a new cartridge, the first pull of the trigger will puncture the cartridge and make it ready to fire. It’s important to note, here, that the first trigger pull after installing a new cartridge will not fire a round. Instead, the first trigger pull punctures the cartridge. Then the consecutive pulls will fire shots. Also, by designing the paintball marker this way, Tippmann can offer the spare magazines at a fraction of the cost.

Since it is just a 12-ounce cartridge, and the TPX uses the gas also to mimic a firearm’s recoil, one cartridge will only last 2-3 magazines. A duration of this length is, however, typical amongst paintball pistols with the blowback feature. Just keep that in mind when reloading magazines.


Speaking of the magazines, they hold seven rounds each. Holding this amount of paintballs is on the lower end of magazine capacity amongst paintball pistols. However, by designing the mags to keep so few rounds eliminate any feeding concerns. The magazines are Tru-Feed Magazines and have clear ammo windows that allow you to see how many rounds remain with a glance.

Inserting the mags is easy. Just insert into the bottom of the pistol and make sure the magazine is secure. Once it is secure, there’s no worry of them falling out until you press the mag release button on the side.

These magazines are easy to load. Just compress the spring and load the rounds. There is a small ball stopper on the tip of the magazine. This stopper prevents the ammo from falling out until the magazine it clipped into place. Then, once inserted, the spring pushes the first round into the chamber. Be careful. If you remove the magazine with rounds still in it, the spring will shoot them out.

Longer magazines, capable of holding more rounds, are available for purchase. Though this will keep you firing longer, keep in mind, it will also cut down your CO2 usage to 1, maybe 2, magazines. Most shooters have found that there isn’t a need for bigger magazines, seeing at the TPX is so accurate.


The barrel on the TPX is a 6-inch barrel threaded with the A5/X7 Tippmann threads. There is one thing many people like about having the barrel with these threads on a pistol. And that is that, by adding a longer barrel, you transform the TPX pistol into a fully operational mag-fed paintball gun! A small change like this increases its already stellar accuracy ten-fold!


The overall performance of the Tippmann TPX is excellent, especially when you factor in the balance of the features and price. It is a perfect marker for getting you out of those tight spots. Tippmann, when designing the TPX, had one things in mind. They wanted to focus on delivering a high-performing paintball gun that anybody could afford. They needed to find a balance between the two factors without sacrificing one for the other.

An illustration of a red paintball fired from TPX that has splattered in a crosshair


With the stock 6-inch barrel, it’s surprising how accurate, and far, the marker can shoot. During testing, the TPX was hitting targets upwards of 80 feet away! When you consider upgrading the barrel, that distance will only get further. On top of that, the consistency at which it can hit the target is incredible. In the right conditions, this paintball marker was hitting in groupings the size of a softball at 50 ft.

Ability to adjust Velocity

The adjuster for the velocity on the TPX is on the back of the receiver. To adjust it does require a wrench. However, since you cannot adjust the velocity using your thumb, this helps make the gun legal on any playing field.

Easy Maintenance

For a pistol, performing maintenance and routine cleaning on the TPX is a breeze. The clamshell and split receiver design provide easy access to the inside of the weapon. Gaining quick access to the internal components makes performing repairs a breeze, even in the field.

Includes a Holster

The TPX also comes with a holster specially designed to hold the pistol. It has an adjustable strap that fits around the shooters waist or thigh. You can also use it as an across-the-shoulders strap. Much like the marker, itself, the holster is well made and can withstand any abuse the shooter gives it. The last thing you want is for your paintball gun to fall out of its holster while you are running and diving.

Easy To upgrade

Besides being one of the best pistols on the market right out of the box, the Tippman TPX’s design allows you to completely upgrade it. Tippmann has created a vast array of upgrades. These upgrades will turn this already excellent weapon into the best sidearm the shooter can have.

Besides fitting any barrel with A5/X7 threads, the entire marker is easy to upgrade to suit a shooter’s needs and style. Installing a remote line is the most common upgrade on the TPX. This mod will allow the pistol to use a larger supply of gas. In turn, this same addition eliminates the need for overwhelming yourself with lots of many cartridge changes.


The best points of the Tippmann TPX, and what makes it such a great paintball weapon, is its lightweight build and accuracy. Put those two together, and you have an extremely durable, and dependable, sidearm.

With the TPX, you’ll have increase mobility, able to maneuver in and around structures and obstacles with ease. This ability will only enhance your game, making you more efficient. The best part is that this gun is perfect for any level of player.

If you’re a beginner looking for that perfect sidearm, look no further. If you’re sick of getting caught in a tight spot without a reliable secondary weapon, the TPX is ideal for you. You’ll only regret not having purchased it sooner.


Tippmann X7 Phenom Review: Is This an Elite Paintball Gun?

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Tippmann X7 Phenom Review
Tippmann X7 Phenom Review

Tippmann X7 Phenom

4.2 out of 5 stars


    • Cyclone Feeder System
    • Incredibly Quiet
    • Little to no Recoil


    • Short Stock Barrel
    • Heavier than Most


Excellent Electronic Marker

Incredible deal for all levels of shooters

Extremely accurate and durable

Technical Specs

  • 21-inches
  • 3.92 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 10-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • A5/X7 Barrel Thread

Tippmann X7 Phenom Review

For an electronic paintball marker, you can trust to fire efficiently, go with the Tippmann X7 Phenom. It does cost a little more than the average paintball gun. However, the added features and durability more than compensate for the price. You will have the ability to shoot more than 1400 rounds on one 4500 PSI tank with this marker. This longevity is due to Tippmann pioneering the advanced FlexValve technology


The X7 Phenom has a sear-less design. This design has fewer moving parts than traditional markers. With this in mind, the X7 Phenom needs less maintenance and repair over the course of several years. Additionally, the X7 Phenom can operate in multiple modes. It can operate on either a combination of electronic and pneumatic power or pneumatic power alone. The mode depends on your shooting needs. If you want to go full-auto, merely flip the switch. By doing so the marker will automatically begin using the battery power.

The Phenom is pretty durable, with most of its main pieces consisting of metal materials. It is on the heavier side, weighing in at a little under four pounds. Additionally, the paintball gun is on the shorter end of the spectrum. Its total length, without the tank, is 21 inches.


The design of the Tippmann X7 Phenom mimics the military look of firearms. It accomplishes this several ways. First, the feed system sits off to the side of the paintball marker. This design feature frees up space for the Picatinny rail system. Of course, this system that can accommodate a vast array of accessories. Additionally, the marker does have a mock magazine that attaches to the front. This spare mag serves two purposes. One, the spare parts and tools are easily stored inside the magazine. Secondly, it serves as the foregrip.

Also, keeping with the military look of the gun, the Phenom comes with an optional barrel shroud. It’s optional because the marker can operate just fine without it. However, if you use the shroud, it provides more railing for accessories. Plus it looks menacing when you use it.

There is also no charging handle on the paintball gun. With the internal gas system, the marker is instantly pressurized when you attach the tank. You can feel the paintball gun become pressurized as you connect the tank.

Cyclone Feed System

The X7 Phenom comes stock with the Cyclone feed system already installed. When you pull the trigger, the system captures a portion of the gas to operate a piston inside the paintball marker. As that piston comes forward, it pushes the feed system and sends another ball into the chamber. This proven feed system prevents misfires and double feeds while minimizing broken and chopped paint.

This causes the hopper to sit to the side of the paintball gun. Even so, it still retains an extremely low profile. This allows the shooter to maintain the ability to aim and fire effectively. Simply put, you will always have a clear line of sight, even with the cyclone feed system.

 Tippmann X7 Adjustable Velocity

Adjustable velocity

The design of the internal regulator allows the shooter to adjust the velocity of the marker easily. The marker comes with a diagram that shows you how to tune it to get your desired velocity. Also, you can store the tools to do so in the marker’s magazine.

Easy Maintenance

The design of every piece of the Phenom makes it simple and easy to perform any maintenance that arises. There are no tools needed, making performing quick repairs in the field a breeze. Tippmann has developed a push-pin system throughout the design. Pop each pin out, and the marker will quickly come apart. Even the barrel shroud, itself, attaches using this push-pin design.

The X7 Phenom comes with the marker lube needed, as well as a spare parts kit and tools. The Phenom requires much less maintenance and is easier to clean than other markers. This is due to the internal gas system. You do, however, want to ensure that the cyclone system is free from any paint or debris that would hinder its movements.

The pieces you will want to be sure to oil are the piston for the cyclone feeder and the ASA, along with the greasing the ratchet. Don’t worry, though. This marker is the last you will ever need.


The Barrel that comes with the X7 Phenom is a 10-inch aluminum barrel. It has the A5/X7 thread system by Tippmann. Also, the barrel has ports to reduce the amount of noise from firing. Overall, the stock barrel is accurate and efficient. However, it is also straightforward to upgrade. One of the more popular upgrades for this paintball gun is the Flatline Barrel.

X7 Phenom Multiple Firing Modes

Multiple Firing Modes

When you have the electronic kit installed on the Phenom, you open the door to a vast array of firing modes. These include semi-auto and full-auto, as well as NPPL, PSP, and Response. PSP means that the first three rounds release in semi-auto mode, and then it switches to three round bursts. NPPL implies that there is no cap on semi-auto mode.

Having these separate firing modes ensures that the Phenom is a tournament-ready paintball gun. Additionally, with the cyclone feeder system, you can shoot upwards of 15 balls per second with no issues.

Easy To upgrade

In fact, the entire marker is extremely easy to upgrade, though you will find the only portion you wish to upgrade might be the barrel. And the barrel upgrade is if you want to increase its accuracy. The Phenom can accept over 20 X7 style modifications.

Additionally, with the Picatinny rail system on both the gun and barrel shroud, the accessories you can add are limitless. The front and rear sights that come with the phenom are removable, allowing you to add advanced optics in their place.


Once you accept the higher price tag, the Tippmann X7 Phenom is an excellent gun. It is not a beginner’s gun. However, it will work and enhance any player’s game, regardless of their current skill level. It is effortless to operate and fun to shoot.

The Phenom is ideal for woodsball competition though. It has the ability to go full-auto while in electric mode, although it will work for speedball, too. One of the few complaints about the gun is that it is a tad bit heavier than most. Perhaps that’s why this model is becoming a favorite among avid paintballers.

Not to mention, it comes along with the fantastic customer service and quality. This is the gold standard many have come to expect from Tippmann. There’s no reason pass at the chance to get this gun. It’s a great choice whether you’re looking to compete on a private field or get started with some tournaments.

Tippmann TMC Review: What To Consider Before Buying

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Tippmann TMC Review
Tippmann TMC Review


    • Tactical Setup
    • Easily switch Feeder Options
    • Mostly Metal Construction


    • CO2 Tank doesn’t go in Stock
    • Complicated to disassemble


Excellent Mag-Fed Paintball Gun

AR15-Style allows innumerable options

Extremely well constructed

Tippmann TMC Review

When it comes to having a mag-fed paintball gun, there are a few things it must have to be an efficient marker. The Tippmann TMC has them all plus more. This marker has all the features you would expect on a high-end paintball gun. To add to this, it also can outlast, and outshoot, any of its competition. If you want to get into the mag-fed side of paintball, this gun is the best option for you.

There is also a lot of support & resources for this marker.

Also, Tippmann provides an extensive manual for Tippmann TMC owners.

Tippmann TMC Specs

  • Adjustable
  • 8 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 12-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • A-5 Barrel Thread

Tippmann TMC’s Construction

The construction of the Tippmann TMC makes it virtually indestructible.

Its main parts of the marker are metal.

The metal parts include the:

  • frame
  • trigger assembly
  • inner gears
  • bolt

This design means that the portions that consist of a polymer will not affect its performance.

The high-grade polymer is strong and durable, as well.

This marker will shoot under any conditions and remain consistent and reliable.

This consistency is the same reliability of the AR15.

Is the Tippmann TMC an electrical marker?

The TMC is a pneumatic paintball gun.

Pneumatic means that there are no electrical components to the marker.

Though this means it has only a semi-auto firing mode, this allows it to last exceptionally longer than other electrical guns.

Take a look at the video below.

It shows the unboxing of the Tippmann TMC.

Also, you will see the internals as the assembly & disassembly are handled.

Design of the TMC

The design of the Tippmann TMC takes after that of the AR-15 real-steel firearm.

Thus the designers built the TMC to be a tactical paintball marker.

This design entails having a Picatinny rail system designed to fit a vast array of accessories.

Can you adjust the TMC’s stock?

Yes, the stock on the TMC is adjustable.

You can collapse or click it into five different positions.

The gas system on the TMC is internal.

This setup prohibits the gas lines from affecting the appearance.

At the same time, it allows the marker to be fully operational.

The CO2 tank does attach to the bottom of the grip, versus being in the stock.

This configuration makes for a little change in firing but, once you’ve shot it several times, you will get used to it.

The grip on the TMC is an over molded rubber grip that will contour to the shape and lines of your hand.

Additionally, the selector switch, to switch from safety to fire, and the mag release buttons are available with just the flip of your finger.

Dual-Feed option

The greatest thing about the TMC is its ability to switch between the hopper or a magazine quickly.

The appeal of mag-fed guns is that the magazines allow you to use shaped projectiles.

These rounds are extremely more accurate than the cheaper round paintballs typically used.

See the TMC Fire With Mags Or A Hopper

What are the best paintballs to use in the Tippmann TMC?

However, the shaped projectiles are rather expensive compared to the regular paintballs.

So, the best way to use a mag-fed marker is to load the shaped rounds into the magazines.

Then you can use regular paintballs into the hopper.

This flexibility is great if you need to lay down cover fire or send a ton of paint down range.

You can simply use the balls in the hopper.

On the other hand, you may need an accurate, sniper-style shot.

In this case, just switch to the magazine and use the shaped projectile.

See more details about the Tippmann TMC here.

How many rounds does each mag hold?

The mags on the TMC are capable of holding 20 rounds each.

With that in mind, extra magazines are available and are affordable and well built.

In testing, however, it was found that the mags seemed to have fewer issues when there were only 19 balls loaded.

It appears that loading fewer balls allowed for more consistent feeding and less dimpling on the balls.

The dual-feed option sets the TMC apart from other mag-fed paintball guns currently available.

Authentic Work and feel

Not only does the Tippmann TMC look and feel like a real AR15 rifle, but it also works like one as well.

The charging handle on the TMC is fully operational.

This look is where most paintball guns of this style only have it for looks.

Nowadays most every paintball marker has a blowback option.

Blowback on the TMC gives the shooter a most realistic experience.

The blowback models after the recoil and kick of the real firearm.

TMC Authentic Work and Feel

The TMC doesn’t chop/break paint

The TMC has the signature inline-bolt system.

Tippmann has been adding this system to their markers recently.

This system allows the marker to shoot more consistently.

Also, it diminishes the chances of the gun breaking the paint before it leaves the barrel.

A feature like this prevents you from having chopped paint.

During testing, thousands of rounds went through this paintball gun.

The test includes both mag and hopper-fed systems, and not a single shot was a misfire or broken.

The test used cheap paint, as well.

The TMC performed very well, with no broken paint and only a small difference in accuracy of the shot.

Accuracy of the Tippmann TMC

The accuracy of the TMC makes it among the best mag-fed paintball guns for the money currently on the market.

Even when firing from the hopper with standard projectiles, the Tippmann TMC is extremely accurate.

With the 12-inch stock barrel, you can expect a range upwards of 150 feet with the round balls.

How can I increase the accuracy of the TMC?

When you switch to mag fed and use the shaped projectiles, the accuracy nearly doubles.

You can fine-tune aiming the marker to compensate for the drop of the paint.

It’s easy to fine tune by adding optics, which you can quickly add to the rail system.

With that accommodation, there’s no reason why you can’t see consistent shots at 450-500 feet.

With that in mind, the iron sights on the TMC include a front and rear adjustable sight.

These sights will work fine for any close-quarter battle or the occasional long distance shot.

Tippmann TMC Accuracy

Easy to load mags

Unlike other mag-fed paintball guns, the TMC mags are much easier.

In a typical mag, you have to load the paintballs while compressing the spring at the same time.

Not with the TMC. Simply screw a knob on the side of the magazine, and the spring compresses.

There’s no having to hold the spring down at the same time, making reloading on the field a breeze.

The TMC is easily customizable

Beyond the fact that you can add accessories to the gun, you can customize the TMC with ease.

The inner components of the paintball marker are the same as the Tippmann 98.

That means that any barrel with the 98-style threads will work.

Any customization, with regards to the trigger or other inner components, is a breeze.

Upgrading your TMC will be easy as long as you get parts meant for the 98 custom Tippmann set up.

If you’re thinking about, upgrading then you’ll love our post all about Tippman TMC Upgrades.


Over all, the Tippmann TMC is an excellent choice for any shooter wanting to step over into the mag-fed world.

It’s on the more complex end when it comes to disassembling the gun.

Check Price At Amazon

Besides that, the TMC would also be an excellent marker for anybody wanting to get into paintball.

As long as you read the manual, you shouldn’t have any issues on the gun’s performance.

It will take some time to become familiar with the gun.

It comes with two magazines in the box and has the option to buy more.

Additionally, you can get a “dummy” mag if you want to go solely through the hopper.

This feature prevents the gun from loading more than one ball from the hopper.

In summary, the TMC has the quality & support you would expect from a Tippmann marker.

Azodin Kaos: Review, Possible Upgrades & More

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Azodin Kaos
Azodin Kaos

Azodin Kaos

4.0 out of 5 stars


    • Easy to Disassemble and tune
    • Hopper stays secured
    • Aluminum Frame


    • Louder than Most Guns
    • Not Efficient on Air


Excellent for beginners

Gas through the foregrip makes it comfortable

Louder but effective

Technical Specs

  • 19-inches
  • 2.2 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 12-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • Autococker Barrel Thread

Azodin Kaos Review

The Azodin Kaos is an excellent paintball gun. It is for anyone looking to try their hand at paintball without a high price tag. It has an aluminum frame which makes it durable for any level of player. It also can hold its own through the harshest conditions. The Azodin Kaos is a mechanical marker with a 12-in barrel and operates using either CO2 or HPA.

It does have double ball detents. This feature helps to ensure the paintballs get loaded correctly. Also, the Kaos features a top cocking pull pin, an Autococker threaded barrel, a self-lubricating Delrin bolt, a low rise twist-lock feedneck and non-slip rubber grip panels.

The Kaos Design

The design of the Kaos is a stacked tube design, which means the bolt rests above the hammer. The gas system goes through the fore grip. This feature increases the comfort level when shooting, especially during long matches. Putting the gas system through the foregrip also helps to regulate the flow of the gases.

The Delrin bolt may be the greatest feature on the Azodin Kaos. This material can withstand severe punishment. To add to its durability, it is also self-lubricating. A feature like this means that there is no need to oil the bolt. There is also no need to worry about the bolt malfunctioning during a round.

The construction of the Kaos makes it as lightweight as possible, with it coming in at only 2.2 pounds. This lightweight is partly due to the Delrin material. The weight comes from the lightweight aluminum construction.

The die-cast aluminum also adds to its ability to withstand abuse. This durability comes in handy when a shooter is jumping over and dive under obstacles. Having a strong marker is necessary due to the torture shooters tend to put on their paintball guns.

A Little More About The Design

Quite a few markers have the dual ball detents that you find on the Kaos. They work to ensure that no balls can slide down the barrel until the shooter pulls the trigger. The best thing is that these ball detents work, regardless of the size of paintball used.

The Azodin Kaos also has a twist lock feed neck that is easy to tighten. Even during reloads in the field feed neck holds the loader on without any trouble. Many players boast about this design because it holds the hopper securely to the marker. The hopper is secure even when running, jumping, and diving.

The Kaos’s barrel contains auto-cocker threads. A feature like this gives you an unlimited ability to upgrade the barrel system. All you have to do is find a barrel you like with Autococker threads, and you are ready to go.

The Kaos Feel

Most people like the Kaos because it doesn’t operate like the typical bargain basement marker. It’s inexpensive, but you could never tell. This excellent functionality is due to many innovations Azodin has put into the Kaos. One such innovation is the use of the lightweight striker. The striker weighs roughly a third of the weight of other markers. With such a light weight it creates less strain when firing the marker. Therefore, there isn’t as much of a recoil that you normally have.

This feature, alone, makes this marker incredibly easy, and comfortable, to shoot. Additionally, the placement of the gas lines in the foregrip. This arrangement differs from the usual back half of the paintball marker. A design like this makes for a more balanced feel when holding, running, and shooting the gun.

The Kaos Performance

Many players compare the performance of the Kaos to Spyder and Tippmann markers. A comparison like this is a compliment when you consider the quality of those markers. The Kaos features a double finger trigger that has a smooth, consistent pull. Also, the Kaos is capable of shooting 9-15 balls per second. To get this level of performance, you have to become familiar with using both fingers.


When you take into consideration the price of the Azodin Kaos, its accuracy far exceeds any expectations. With its stock 12-inch barrel, the Kaos is one of the best regarding long distance accuracy. You can operate the marker from more than 50 feet, and you’ll be able to hit your target with relative ease. If you want to aim further, you can increase its distance with a longer barrel.

Easy on Paint

What was most appealing about the Kaos in testing was how remarkably easy it was on the paintballs. Even through thousands of shots, there were only minimal breaks in the paint. In fact, it was only the cheaper paint that posed a risk of breaking.

Adjustments & Maintenance

The Azodin Kaos is extremely easy to break down and maintain. In fact, there are no tools required to break down the Kaos. Simply pull the pin that on the top of the bolt and the bolt will slide completely out of the back of the marker. This feature even makes cleaning in the field easy because, then, all you have to do it run your squeegee through the barrel.

The velocity is easy to adjust, also, simply by using the Allen wrench that comes with the paintball gun. To do so, just insert the bolt into the adjustment screw and turn it whichever way you want to adjust it. Overall, the Kaos is surprisingly durable and reliable for a low-end marker.

Other Pros

The Kaos is one of the more affordable markers on the market. Also, shooters who often use the Kaos boast of its comfort level. This boast exists even when shooting for day-long scenarios. Shooters say it is incredibly easy to hold and ergonomically friendly. That is what makes this gun perfect for players of all sizes. Any a younger player wanting to play the sport can shoot the Azodin Kaos with ease. They don’t have to worry about their hands or arms cramping.

Players also note that the Kaos’s trigger has just the right settings. These setting allow for rapid fire and walking the trigger. In fact, very few shooters decide to alter anything on the Kaos, besides its barrel. This paintball gun is surely one that will last and is the gun of choice for many years.

Other Cons

There are a couple of complaints with the Azodin Kaos. The most common complaint comes from the feed neck design. This design feature is dependent on the shooter’s taste. Some feel the locking functionality is perfect. Others feel that it doesn’t secure the hopper tightly to the marker.

Others have also commented on how loud the Kaos is. You can remedy this by upgrading to a ported barrel. However, being loud isn’t the worst quality a paintball marker could have.


If you’re on a budget, then this is the marker for you. If you want a gun that will make you efficient and last for a long time, the Azodin Kaos is the perfect paintball gun. Overall, it is an excellent marker that can hold its own against the high-end competitors. Also, the marker works perfectly for the young players looking to get into paintball. Parents love the price of this marker. Newcomers love the thrill of shooting a tournament-quality marker. You can trust this gun to exceed any expectations you might have when purchasing it.

Tippmann Gryphon Review – Inexpensive But Powerful Paintball Gun

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Tippman Gryphon
Tippman Gryphon

In this Tippmann Gryphon Review, we will cover the marker from top to bottom.


    • Reliable
    • Extremely Lightweight
    • Accurate at short ranges


    • Slow Trigger
    • Hard to break down
    • Very few upgrade options


Ideal for starters

Great if you no longer want to rent

Is built to last

Tippmann Gryphon Review in 2023

Technical Specs

  • 20 inches long
  • 2.1 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 7-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • A5/X7 Barrel Thread

Tippmann Gryphon Shooting

With the name Tippmann on the marker, you expect outstanding quality at unbeatable prices.

Just like most products under this brand, the Tippmann Gryphon doesn’t disappoint.

It has a lightweight construction and simple, yet sleek, design.

This design makes for an impressive paintball marker that is sure to up your game.

You may have been on the fence about buying your own marker.

Maybe you no longer want to use hand-me-downs and worn out rentals.

If this sounds like you, then take the plunge and get the Gryphon.

Tippmann Gryphon Shooting Reliably in the Harshest Conditions

When you’re in the heat of battle, the last thing you want, or need, is for your paintball gun to jam up or it does not fire correctly.

With the Tippmann Gryphon, this won’t be a worry.

You can shoot thousands of rounds through it.

Even after all that shooting, the Gryphon still fires like it did the first day you opened it.

Also, because it is so reliable, you can play in any weather conditions.

Are you worried about the rain affecting your ability to fire?

With the Gryphon, you can have the same dependability as the mailman; Rain, snow, sleet or hail, it will fire.

It will even shoot when it’s caked in mud or fresh out of a puddle of water.

Sometimes a common question about the shooting comes up.

What is the Tippmann Gryphon’s FPS?

The Tippmann Gryphon fires at about 280 FPS.

See an Unboxing of the Tippmann Gryphon

Also, if you haven’t read it yet, you’ll find the users manual here.

Perfect for young players

Many parents have fallen in love with the Gryphon, and we understand why.

As a parent, you may be on the search for a paintball gun.

Once you buy it, you don’t want a gun filled with pieces that can be easily messed up.

The Gryphon has a simple, yet effective, construction.

This design means that even the most novice of players can’t mess the paintball gun beyond repair.

Additionally, the Gryphon is lightweight, weighing in at only 2.1 pounds.

This weight makes it extremely easy for young players to carry it for extended periods of play.

Also, it is only 20 inches long.

At this length, those with short arms can still maneuver around and through obstacles.

Most people feel that the inability to customize the Gryphon makes it a poor choice.

We disagree with this if you look at it from the perspective that it’s meant to be an entry-level paintball gun.

It is dependable and reliable, so the inability to change pieces becomes unimportant.

But, you can upgrade the barrel to increase the Gryphon’s range and quietness.

Maddog Tippmann Gryphon Value Pack Paintball Gun Kit

This Tippmann Gryphon review would be incomplete without talking about this kit.

Maddog is a 3rd party that packages the Tippmann Gryphon into a great value pack with everything that you need.

This paintball gun kit includes:

  • Anti-fog Mask
  • Hopper / Loader
  • CO2 Tank
  • Pods
  • Pod Harness
  • Barrel squeegee

So if you pick up the Maddog Value Pack Paintball Gun Kit here, then you’ll be ready to hit the field as soon as your package arrives.

Streamlined Design

There’s no doubt about it; the Tippmann Gryphon looks mean.

It is available in various color options, as well as skull prints.

The Gryphon looks just as good as any of the high-end markers.

Additionally, the streamlining of its design only adds to its range-appeal.

The gas system on the Gryphon is all in-line, allowing for increased ability to maneuver.

This feature also makes it more comfortable to shoot, meaning that there are no annoying gas lines to deal with while playing.

The Gryphon is one of the first entry-level markers to have this in-line gas system.

The Gryphon’s hopper placement is a center-fed design.

This design maximizes mobility, regardless of the direction the shooter is moving.

A feature like this makes the marker ambidextrous, as well.

Thus, both right-handed or left-handed shooters can use it with no changes needed.

Also, the new body frame and loader position design provide a more balanced feel.

You can feel this, especially during extended rounds of play.

Overall Performance

The manufacturers designed this marker for beginner and intermediate level players.

When you factor in this notion, the performance of the Gryphon is impeccable.

There are a few items that will take getting adjusted to when using it.

For instance, the trigger pull is short but heavy.

It is possible to shoot with two fingers but will take some adjusting.

That in mind, it can still fire up to 8 rounds a second with the gravity-fed hopper.

Also, if you can walk a trigger, doing so on the Gryphon is a breeze.

The blowback on the Gryphon is somewhat noticeable, especially when you dry fire it.

However, when shooting paintballs, it seems to drop in severity.

One of the best features for the Gryphon is its performance with low-quality paint.

During testing, when firing low-quality paintballs, there were no breaks or any issues.

You need to reduce the firing rate to prevent chopping paintballs.

But if you are sensible and don’t try to get carried away with it, there still isn’t an issue.


What amazes first-time users so much is how accurate this little paintball gun is.

This accuracy is especially the case at short ranges.

You don’t expect a gun in this price range to be accurate, but the Gryphon is.

It only has a 7-inch barrel.

Even still, it can reach distances of 50 feet before the ball starts to drop.

That’s while shooting with around 280 feet per second velocity.

You can upgrade the barrel to a 14-inch Tippmann barrel.

This simple modification can increase the Gryphon’s accuracy to over 150 feet.

This type of accuracy is all from a beginner paintball marker!

With this gun on the field, in any paintball game style, you will be a productive member of the team.

Very Little Maintenance

It does have one drawback that many people have commented on frequently.

And that drawback is how hard it can be to disassemble.

The truth is, yes, it can be hard to take apart, especially when you try to wing it and not use the user manual.

With that in mind, there’s a purpose for that.

You don’t have to take it apart completely, though it does come with all of the tools needed to do so.

The Gryphon requires no maintenance beyond your routine cleaning.

And to clean it, you don’t have to take it apart.

It contains a few moving parts.

It also has fewer o-rings than the average marker and has fewer parts that will suffer wear and tear.

Testing showed not a single issue with air leakage or paint getting anywhere it wasn’t supposed to.

This was after countless hours of shooting several thousand rounds.

Not to mention, it’s a Tippmann.

Everyone knows Tippmann guns don’t need much maintenance.

Tippmann Gryphon Review Final Words

For a beginner paintballer, there isn’t a need for an advanced paintball gun that has more options than your car.

Instead, the greatest need for a beginner is to be able to get out on the field and learn the skills of the game.

Once they get these skills, they can upgrade their gear.

That’s why the Gryphon is such an excellent marker for beginners.

Check Price at Walmart
Check Price At Amazon

It allows beginners to hone their skills in aiming and maneuvering in the field of play.

It’s effective and efficient, making it cheap to shoot, but carries a ton of bang for its buck.

The Tippmann Gryphon is an all-around great deal for beginner and casual players.

With its look and performance, the other players won’t know it’s only a beginner’s paintball gun until it’s too late.

Azodin Blitz 3 Review – So You Don’t Look Like A Newbie In 2020

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Illustration of a paintball player running with an Azodin Blitz 3
Illustration of a paintball player running with an Azodin Blitz 3

This Azodin Blitz 3 Review covers all of your questions regarding this marker.


    • Exceptionally Accurate
    • Easy Maintenance
    • Three firing modes


    • Louder than most
    • No on/off ASA
    • No Quick-clamp feed neck


Easy to Operate

Ideal for Beginners

Inexpensive but can hang with high-end markers

Will enhance any player’s game

Azodin Blitz 3 Review

When you first open up the Azodin Blitz 3, you notice that this is a unique weapon.You immediately realize that you’ve stepped from the beginners into the big leagues. Noticing this is especially the case if you’ve been renting paintball guns from the paintball shack. Or you've been muddling through with low-quality markers to see if you liked the sport. Either way, the Azodin Blitz 3 is a beautiful, yet amazing, paintball gun.

Technical Specs for the Blitz 3

  • 18.9 inches long
  • 2.03 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 11-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • Autococker Thread

Azodin Blitz 3 Owners Manual

The manual makes the setup a breeze.

With the Azodin Blitz 3, setting the marker up for your first outing is a breeze.

You want to make sure you’ve cleaned and oiled per manufacturer’s specifications.

All these specs will be in your user’s manual.

Read the Manual for your Blitz 3!

Easy Setup of the Blitz 3

With the Blitz 3, the regulator is also preset.

Having this preset means that you will spend less time tweaking the settings.

With the easy setup, you will have more time to send rounds downrange.

The feed neck is a screw-type, so it’s not as smooth as a quick-clamp feed neck.

However, the hopper still goes on effortlessly and doesn’t affect the performance of the paintball gun.

For best results, and less chopped paint, consider using an electronically-controlled hopper.

An upgrade like this will make sure the paint gets properly fed with each shot.

Remember, this style of guns is entirely different than your average marker.

The main difference is that the Azodin Blitz 3 allows you to adjust and tweak it.

With that in mind, familiarize yourself with the user’s manual before you change any of the settings.

Just because you can change a setting doesn’t mean you should adjust it.

Taking this advice will save you a ton of heartache by not changing the wrong components.

See an Unboxing of the Azodin Blitz 3

Is the Azodin Blitz 3 an Electronic Marker?


The Blitz 3 is an electronic marker.

The industry considers the Blitz 3 a beginner’s electronic marker but stacks up well against other low-budget paintball guns.

Its battery-operated functionality increases the control of the trigger and firing mechanisms.

Works in any style of play

What became apparent when reviewing the Blitz 3 is that this paintball gun will work in any form of the game.

Whether it be speedball or woodsball, this marker will hold its own and enhance your game.

It is durable enough to withstand the rigors of woodsball.

At the same time, it’s sleek and clean-looking enough to appear like a high-end marker in a speedball round.

Azodin Blitz 3 Features

Exceptionally Accurate, even at long ranges.

For such an inexpensive paintball gun, the stock parts on the Blitz 3 are perfect for shooting at longer ranges.

It has a stock 11-inch barrel.

Thus you can expect to hit targets upwards of 100 ft consistently.

Getting that range to 150 feet or more is possible.

All you have to do is tweak the settings to play around with the pressure and velocity.

Light Weight but Extremely Durable

The Blitz 3 is perhaps the lightest gun available on the market.

It weighs in at only 2.03 pounds.

This lightweight prevents shooters at all playing levels from having trouble carrying the marker.

Weight is a factor, especially when lugging it around for extended periods.

Most people, however, feel that a gun this light in weight isn’t durable.

This thought couldn’t be any further from the truth for the Azodin Blitz 3.

The frame on the Blitz 3 consists of a durable, nylon-reinforced composite.

This material is what allows the gun to be so light.

It also ensures that falls and dives won’t damage the marker, no matter how rough you are with it.

Furthermore, the grip is not only robust but comfortable to hold.

No pieces are digging into your hand or wrists and ruining your game.

How Much Does the Azodin Blitz 3 Cost?

The price range for the Blitz 3 fluctuates a bit.

However, you can find the marker for usually between, $150 – $170.

Where Can I Find the Azodin Blitz 3 For Sale?

You can check the price here.

Easy To Modify / Upgrade

Perhaps the most significant feature of the Blitz 3 is that you can modify it to fit different shooting styles.

For example, imagine that you’re the person who likes to be stealthy and sneak up on your enemies.

You can upgrade the barrel to make it shoot quieter which is simple.

Or, maybe you are the type of player that likes to shoot on full-auto the majority of the time.

Of course, you will go through paintballs like there’s no tomorrow.

But you can upgrade to a quick-clamp feed neck and electric hopper easily.

Either way, the Blitz 3 makes the perfect foundation for any customization and upgrades.

Firing Modes

Also, since it does have the electronic controls, the Blitz 3 has three firing modes.

These are semi-auto, full-auto, and 3-round burst.

How Fast Does the Blitz 3 Shoot?

With the semi-auto mode selected, you can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.

On full-auto, the firing rate is roughly 10-15 rounds per second.

If firing on modes other than semi-auto, an electric hopper is always essential.

The electronic hopper can feed the paint in fast enough.

How to Change the Azodin Blitz 3 Firing Modes

With that in mind, this paintball gun is easy on the battery.

In testing, the marker fired four cases of paint alternating between firing modes.

After all those rounds the original battery was still operating at standard capacity.

Keep in mind; this won’t be the case with a cheap, off-brand battery.

If you spend the extra few bucks to get a quality battery, you won’t have to worry about it dying in the field.

Also, always remember to take the battery out when you aren’t using it.

This precaution prevents the battery from draining or damaging the marker.

Outer Shell Looks Incredible

While looks aren’t the most critical aspect of a paintball gun, it is still a significant need.

This fact is especially true when you are competing with guys who have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on their markers.

The last thing you want is to have your paintball marker look like it’s any lesser of quality.

That’s why, while the Azodin Blitz 3 performs incredible, it has the looks to back it up.

The enhanced, streamline design removes any of the distracting hoses and fittings.

The designers place them all on the inside of the paintball gun.

Also, it’s smooth lines, and quality artwork only serves to enhance its appearance.

The gun is available in many different color combinations.

One thing is true across the board; the paint job on the Blitz 3 will withstand the test of time.

You won’t have to worry about the paint chopping off after your first round.

This weapon has taken direct hits up close without a single blemish left on the paint job.

Talk about quality! You won’t have to worry about your enemies thinking any less of you based on how your marker looks.

Is the Azodin Blitz 3 A Good Paintball Gun?

Overall, the Azodin Blitz 3 is a budget paintballers dream! It is inexpensive on the initial purchase.

It is also extremely economical to customize and upgrade.

Thus, the Blitz 3 will fit any budget and any player level.

If you’re looking for a paintball gun that will last then this gun is for you.

If you’re in the market for a marker that will remain as efficient and accurate as it was on day one, this is the gun for you.

Where Can I Find A Azodin Blitz 3 Package?

If you’re looking for a package with:

  • Marker
  • Mask
  • Hopper
  • Tank
  • All Other Accessories



On top of that, even players who are learning how to play paintball can effectively operate this marker.

This paintball gun is excellent for a younger player looking to get in the sport.

It’s inexpensive for the parent and safe, as well, giving the parent one less thing to worry about regarding safety.

Tippmann A5 Review

  • Updated February 15th, 2023
Tippmann A5

Tippmann A5

4.6 out of 5 stars


    • Extremely Durable
    • Easy to shoot and maintain
    • High rate of fire


    • Short Stock Barrel
    • Loud with the stock barrel
    • Uses a lot of air


Incredibly easy to shoot, making it ideal for beginners

Can withstand any amount of abuse you give it and keep firing

Designed to be effective, not quite.

Technical Specs

  • 19 inches long
  • 3.2 pounds
  • .68 Caliber
  • 8-inch Barrel
  • CO2 or HPA compatible
  • A-5 Barrel Thread

Our Review

Sometimes called the Glock of paintballs guns, many recognize the Tippmann A5 for its reliability and durability, even under the most extreme circumstances. Between its construction and internal components, the A5 is the favorite among those paintballers who take their game to the extreme, jumping, diving and sliding around obstacles.

Excellent for any level of player

While the industry markets the A5 as the perfect gun for beginners, the actuality of it is that it is ideal for any level of shooter, regardless of age or size. The A5 is designed to be customized and comfortable to shoot while having as few moving parts as possible. To top it all off, it has some amazing features that will make enhance the game of even the most experienced player.


Unlike most other guns in this price range, the Tippmann A5 almost entirely consists of die-cast aluminum. Though it’s not the same metal body that other high-end guns boast of, the aluminum allows for increased durability while not adding much weight to the overall gun. The receiver barrel and inner components of the marker are made of aluminum while the grip and other none moving parts are still high-grade polymers.

In addition to the construction, the paint job on the A5 is impeccable. The finish seems to be near impossible to blemish and makes it incredibly easy to clean the exterior after a long day on the field. Additionally, the shock absorbing end cap helps to cut down on recoil, as well as reduce wear and tear on the gun.

With the mixture of high-grade aluminum and excellent paint job, the A5 is one of the toughest looking guns on the field. Add that to the cyclone feeder system, and you’ve got a gun that can hold its own in a field full of higher-priced guns.

Rapid Fire Abilities

Unlike other guns, such as the Cronus, the Tippmann A5 comes ready to shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger. To accomplish this takes more than just a smooth trigger pull. The A5 comes stock with the Cyclone Feeder System. This set up allows for the paintballs to be loaded consistently and shot quickly without the need for an electronic loader.

The cyclone feeder system uses the pressure from the air used to fire the paintball to load the next round. This system ensures the paintball remains intact while in the hopper and loads without fail. Between the cyclone feeder and efficient gas system, the A5 is capable of shooting between 15-17 rounds per second. Add that to the 200-round hopper that’s included, and you’ve got the ability to lay down some serious suppressing fire.

Testing discovered that the A5 worked well with even low-quality paint, making it more affordable to shoot several balls downfield. In fact, after shooting over 1500 rounds in one day, there was not a single chopped ball or broken ball from the gun.

Easy to Maneuver

With weight not being a factor, considering it only weighs 3.2 pounds, the ability to maneuver easily falls to the length of the gun. Some would say it’s too long to use short close-quarter combat since it is 19 inches. However, testing also discovered that, with the gas system being internal, the A5 is incredibly easy to maneuver in and around obstacles.

Additionally, the shooter doesn’t feel fatigued after an extended round of play due to its light weight. The molded grips and foregrip attached to the front only work to improve on how comfortable it is to shoot.

The gun is one of the safest to have on the field, as well. While most paintball guns forgo having a working safety, the A5 has a full operation selector switch that allows the shooter to effortlessly switch between semi-auto fire to safety with a flip of the finger. This function safety completely prevents the gun from firing by not allowing the trigger to move and engage the hammer inside the weapon.

Extremely Easy Maintenance

The last thing you want out of a marker is for it to be difficult to perform maintenance, especially when you are in the field. Tippmann has developed the A5 with that in mind. In fact, performing field maintenance on the A5 is so easy that you don’t even need tools to do it. Though it’s recommended to implement the “no tool field strip” a few times before hitting the field, once you have it down you can fix any problems in the field in a matter of seconds versus minutes.

Highly Customizable

What makes the A5 perfect for beginners and advanced players alike is that it can be customized to fit any playing style or level. From being able to swap out the barrels to adding a response trigger system, Tippmann has designed the A5 to be easily upgradable to fit the needs of any shooter.

Want a tactical setup? That’s easy to do with the A5. Want to become the sniper on your team but can’t afford an entirely new gun? Just purchase a sniper barrel and upgrade the A5. The variations are limitless.

Other Thoughts

While the A5, with its stock 8-inch barrel, is accurate, its effective range is only about 50 yards. Though you can easily change this with a barrel upgrade, some may want a more accurate gun out of the box. However, for most speedballers, 50 yards is the furthest they may shoot.

Therefore, the fact that the A5 is capable of shooting around 15 balls per second makes up for its short range. On top of that, being able to control the velocity accurately is a bonus for most shooters.

Others have complained about how difficult the “No tool” field stripping is to master. The perfect remedy for this is to follow the guide and practice before hitting the field. You’ll find that it’s no more complicated than other high-end guns on the market.


Overall, the Tippmann A5 is a workhorse of a paintball marker that will take a hit and keep shooting. That’s the kind of reliability you need when an enemy is bombarding you with round upon round. Trusting your gun to shoot is much more valuable than what your marker looks like, though the A5 looks amazing too.

With all of the available features, and the ability to customize so much, the A5 is an excellent deal. The fact that it comes from one of the top paintball marker manufacturers in the country is only icing on the cake. Take a chance and rent the A5 on your next outing. You’ll fall in love with it the first round.
